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定義 現代化指一國家或地區成功擺脫落後及封建,本質上達致先進﹑文明的狀況。 // 背景 於20世紀下半葉,毛澤東和鄧小平分別為建設中國現代化作為努力。 // 立場 然而,相比之下,鄧小平時期的貢獻較毛澤東時期顯著。 // 架構 以下將從政治、經濟、教育及外交方面比較。

主旨句 政治方面,鄧小平時期較毛澤東時期更能促進中國政治現代化的發展。 // 項目A 於毛澤東時期,由於毛澤東提倡「階級鬥爭」,於1966年號召全國群眾對黨內的「走資派」不依法治理據地進行批判,結果不單使法治受到重大挑戰,而且由於全國230萬(佔19.2%)幹部被立案調查,使國家和地方的政黨機構陷入長期的癱瘓,損害了中國的法治精神及政治穩定。 // 項目B 至於鄧小平時期,由於鄧小平強調階級團結,以共同經濟生產達致了政治上的穩定。加上,改革開放的出現使自由民主思想隨著經濟往來及往外國留學的學生傳入,有助自由、民主思想在中國萌芽,推動中國自由及民主思想的發展。 // 對比(~20%) 相較之下,毛澤東時期大大破壞了中國政治現代化的發展,使中國失去法治,政府更加陷入癱瘓,造成「三信危機」,人民對黨、政府及共產主義失去信心。反之,鄧小平時期的確為中國政治帶來了更多的正面影響,使政治達致穩定,重建人民對政府的信心,而且自由民主思想得以在中國發展,因此貢獻大於毛澤東時期。





Compare the effectiveness to China’s modernization made in the Mao era and the Deng era.

A modernized country or region must have got rid of backwardness and feudalism, being modern and civilized in nature. In the late 20th century, Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping worked hard in modernizing China. However, in comparison, Deng contributed more than Mao. Below, the comparison would be made in the political, economic, education and diplomatic aspects.

Politically, Deng contributed more to the modernization of China than Mao did. In the era of Mao, he advocated ‘class struggle階級鬥爭’ and encouraged the public to criticize the ‘capitalist roaders走資派’ in the party. As a result, huge challenge was imposed to rule of law. Also, 2.3 million cadres (accounted for 19.2%) of the whole country was being checked. This made the country, local parties and agencies to be gotten into long term paralysis. This greatly harmed the rule of law and political stability. In the era of Deng, he stressed on unity among classes階級團結 and achieved political stability by mutual economic production. Also, the occurrence of Reform and Opening Up encouraged the instillation of ideas like democracy through trading and people studying abroad. This facilitated the spread of ideas such as freedom自由 and democracy民主. This greatly advocated the development of such ideas. In compared of the two, the era of Mao greatly damaged the development of political modernization. Not only did China could not practice rule of law, the government paralyzed and led to ‘San Xin Weiji’ 三信危機’ which people lost confidence to them. In opposite, the era of Deng indeed brought a lot of positive impact to the politics of China. Political stability was achieved and people’s trust to the government was rebuilt. Also, the ideas of freedom and democracy could be developed in China and hence he had greater contribution than Mao.

Economically, the contribution of Deng was more than that of Mao in China’s economic modernization. In the era of Mao, the First Five Year Plan一五計劃(1953-57) had significant achievement. However, Great Leap Forward大躍進(1958-60) was a failure with their development neglecting the actual situation. The Great Leap Forward in industry and agriculture were in great failure and China’s economy recessed. Whole country got into a 3-year difficult period (1960-62). In the Cultural Revolution, China got into a craze of political movement, production was neglected. As a result, the economy of China stopped and the estimated lost in people’s income amounted to 500 billion dollars. This severely damaged the construction of economic modernization. In opposite, Deng suggested Reform and Opening Up, and opened up cities on the coast沿海城市. Apart from that, he reformed the nation-owned enterprises國有企業 and actualized ‘Contracting Out System承包制’ in agriculture which greatly encouraged the development of China’s agriculture, industries and businesses. As a result, the agricultural products of China changed from long-term shortage to a balanced supply and demand. Also, the Gross Domestic Products of China increased by 9.6% in 1979-1999 and became the country which had the greatest growth in the world. To compare the two, the governance of Mao helped the development of China’s economy. However, the achievement was ruined by Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution. Poverty remained in China and the economy paralyzed. However, in the era of Deng, economic modernization of China was successfully encouraged. Huge achievement was made in industry, agriculture and business. People’s quality of life rose and thus he had greater contribution than Mao.

In the education aspect, the era of Mao did not value the development of education thus had less contribution than the era of Deng. Mao neglected professional knowledge and education. For instance, he asked people to refine steel during the Great Leap Forward大躍進, as well as encouraging people to engage in production during the agricultural Great Leap Forward. Education was being neglected at that time. Worse still, in the Cultural Revolution文化大革命, education was seen as an item which was not beneficial to production. Thoughts like ‘Study is useless, the more you study the more stupid you become讀書無用﹑愈讀愈蠢’ instilled into people’s mind. As a result, the elites of this generation was in a vacuum state. It was estimated that the number of illiterate and semi-illiterate people amounted to 0.2 billion. It greatly hindered the development of China’s education modernization. However, in the era of Deng, he stressed that education was the prerequisite of the Four Modernizations四個現代化. Not only did he resumed the operation of all education institutions and restarted the 60 key secondary schools, he added 28 high school as National Key Universities. In 1978, China has already established 88 National Key Universities. Apart from that, universal education was promoted. For instance, Compulsory Education Law義務教育法 was implemented in 1986 and provided 9-year free education to students aged 6. It greatly advocated the development of China’s primary and tertiary education. In comparison, the era of Mao had limited contribution to the educational modernization of China as his approach created barrier to its development. On the other hand, in the era of Mao, he restarted the development of education in China. He greatly improved the problem of illiteracy and the knowledge level of China. He contributed more than Mao did.

Diplomatically, Deng contributed more on China’s modernization than Mao did. In the era of Mao, he relied solely on the diplomatic policy of the communist bloc. For instance, China supported communist North Korea and North Vietnam in the Korean War韓戰(1950-53) and Vietnam War越戰(1961-75) respectively. It limited China’s diplomatic development. Also, in the late 1950s, the relationship of China and Soviet Union became hostile. Together with the anti-foreign sentiments rose during the Cultural Revolution文革 in China, it was being isolated and could not develop normal relationship with the international community. In opposite, in the era of Deng, Deng worked hard in improving the relationship of China and other countries. He hoped to increase cooperation by Reform and Opening Up policies and increase contact with others. Moreover, the diplomatic development in this era was not limited to the communist bloc, cooperation was carried out with capitalist countries like Japan and South Korea as well. Also, development in relationship with third world countries like Africa was included. Diplomacy of China was becoming more multilateral. This resumed the participation of China in international affairs. For instance, in the issue of nuclear in North Korea北韓核問題 in 1990s, China was acting as a channel in the communication between her and other countries. In comparison, the era of Mao made the diplomacy of China to be more and more narrow and China was being isolated by others. However, the era of Deng greatly improved the relationship of China and the international community. Not only did China started to develop multilaterally, it could return to the international stage and actualized diplomatic modernization. Such contribution exceeded that of Mao.

To sum up, in terms of the contribution of China’s modernization, the era of Deng had a more significant contribution than that of Mao in political, economic, education and diplomatic aspects. The aggressive reforms and radical mass movements hindered the construction of China’s modernization. However, in the era of Deng, he carried up the reform step-by-step and pragmatically. This could help actualizing China’s modernization more effectively.

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