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架構 軍國主義統治時期(1931-45)及盟總佔領時期(1945-52)為日本的政治、經濟、社會、軍事及外交帶來了天壤之別的影響。 // 立場軍國主義時期雖然強化了日本的軍事實力,但則破壞了日本多方面的發展,正正相反的是,儘管盟總政府壓抑了日本的軍事發展,但卻使其他方面得到良好發展。因此,兩時期的影響是立竿見影、截然不同。

主旨句 政治方面,軍國主義統治時期使日本失去民主,盟總佔領時期則為日本重建民主。 // 項目A 在軍國主義統治時期,由於軍國主義提倡專制、極權統治,因此令日本陷入歷史學家所言的「黑暗的幽谷」。例如,軍人內閣於1936年再次恢復「軍部大臣現役武官制」,使內閣再次需要軍部派大臣出任海、陸軍大臣之職才能成立,再次受制於軍部。更甚,1940年成立的「大政翼贊會」更將日本變成一個一黨專政的法西斯體系國家,日本已經再沒民主可言。 // 項目B 相反,盟總佔領時期則為日本重建民主,因盟總政府為日本實行非軍事化及民主化改革,包括在非軍事化方面審判約6,000名軍人及在民主化方面實行了民主的《昭和憲法》(1947年),使民主得以植根於日本。 // 對比(>20%) 可見,軍國主義統治把日本拉進「黑暗的幽谷」,民主盡失,但盟總時期則為日本民主重建光明,使得民主能植根日本,兩時期對日本政治的影響大為不同。






Compare the impacts of the period of militarist rule (1931-45) and the SCAP occupation period (1945-52) on Japan’s development.

The period of militarist rule (1931-45) and the SCAP occupation period (1945-52) brought significantly different impacts on Japan’s development in political, economic, social, military and diplomatic aspects. The period of militarist rule (1931-45) strengthened the military power of Japan but destroyed her multilateral developments. On the contrary, the SCAP occupation period (1945-52) suppressed her military development but brought good impacts on other areas. Hence, there were distinctive differences in their impacts on Japan’s development.

In political aspect, the period of militarist rule made Japan lose democracy while the SCAP occupation period helped Japan rebuild democracy. In the period of militarist rule, as militarism emphasizes autocracy and totalitarianism, Japan entered ‘the Dark Valley’ 黑暗的幽谷. For example, the militarist cabinet restored the Military Ministers to be Active-Duty Minister Law in 1936, which declared that a cabinet could not be formed without the participation of the military as the Secretary of Army and Navy. Worse still, the Imperial Rule Assistance Association大政翼贊會(1940) was formed in 1940, which turned Japan into a fascist country with totalitarian regime. Japan no longer had democracy. On the contrary, in the SCAP occupation period, the US helped Japan to rebuild democracy. Since the SCAP government launched demilitarization and democratization in Japan, like sentencing about 6000 militarists in terms of demilitarization; introducing the Showa Constitution昭和憲法(1947) in terms of democratization. Democracy was brought to Japan. Therefore, the period of militarist rule made Japan enter ‘the Dark Valley’, which lost democracy. While the period of SCAP occupation brought hope to Japan and democracy thus built again. Hence, it could be seen that the two periods had significantly different impacts on Japan’s politics.

In economic aspect, the period of militarist rule made Japan enter a difficult period of poor economy while the SCAP occupation period helped the economic recovery of Japan. Since the militarists put great emphasis on military development, the military expenses were so high that it accounted for a huge proportion of the country’s expenditure. For instance, the Mass Mobilization Law國家總動員法 passed in 1938 allowed all the human resources to be put in war. The military expenses increased to 70% and 99% later. As a result, the abnormal economic development, together with the heavy taxes imposed upon Japanese, small and medium-sized enterprises failed to develop and lots of which closed. The WW2 lasted for a long time and the economy depressed. On the contrary, as the SCAP government hoped to rebuild the national power of Japan in order to prevent Communism from growing in Asia, the US was enthusiastic about helping Japan to recover her economy. For example, the Anti-Monopoly Act禁止壟斷法 and the Fair Trade Commission of Japan企業再建整備法 was launched, which dissolved the zaibatsu. Meanwhile, the Land Reform Act土地改革法 released the farmland and returned them to peasants. The economy of Japan flourished again. The GNP per capita increased from $US 17 in 1946 to $US 132 in 1950. Therefore, the impacts on Japan’s economy brought about by militarists and by the US were significantly different. The former one destroyed Japan’s economy while the latter one boomed the economy of Japan.

In social aspect, the militarist rule made Japanese lose freedom as well as human rights while the SCAP occupation period brought about freedom and human rights. Different sorts of freedom such as the freedom of press was strictly forbidden in militarism. All the issued materials had to be censored by the militarists. Without the militarists’ permission, they were not allowed to be published. Besides, to collaborate with the foreign war policy, all the activities organized by the union were suppressed. In this way, industrial development could be stabilized but freedom was exploited. The interests of workers were also jeopardized. Basically, militarists controlled all the social development of Japan and people lacked freedom and human rights. On the contrary, during the SCAP occupation period, the US granted Japanese freedom. Since the US did not want militarism from reviving again, she not only introduced democracy in Japan, but she also ensured the ideas of freedom and equality being adopted in Japan, including the freedom of speech, press as well as assembly which were stated in the Showa Constitution昭和憲法. People were granted more human rights like legal equality and sexual equality. Therefore, the period of militarist rule deprived Japanese of freedom and human rights while the SCAP occupation period granted and even brought more freedom and human rights to Japanese, which was favorable to social modernization in Japan.

In military aspect, the period of militarist rule prompted the military development of Japan while the SCAP occupation period limited the progress of military development. In the period of militarist rule, as the Prime Ministers were closely related to the militarists, they hoped to strengthen their military power so as to carry out expansion. This allowed Japan’s military strength to reach its peak. For navy, Japan owned 10 battleships戰艦, 125 destroyers驅逐艦 and 65 submarines潛水艇(1941). For air force, it owned more than 300 A6M Zero Fighters零式戰鬥機(during the Pacific War). Japan was therefore strong enough to conquer more than half of Asia. On the contrary, the SCAP occupation limited the military development. The news constitution stated Japan should abandon the use of war. After launching demilitarization, Japan only retained its self-defense force with small number of soldiers while no army was possessed. The US troops continued to station in Japan for its defense(American-Japanese Security Pact日美安全保障條約) and the military expenses of Japan only accounted for 1% of the national expenditure. This greatly limited the military development of Japan. Therefore, the impacts made on Japan’s military development by the militarists and the SCAP occupation period was different. The former made her military strength reach its peak while the latter one limited the military development of Japan. Japan was not able to wage wars on other countries.

In diplomatic aspect, militarism narrowed the diplomacy of Japan while the SCAP period helped establish relations with other countries and enlarged her diplomacy. Militarism stressed the need for foreign expansion and therefore, not only did Japan’s annexations provoke hatred among China中國 and Southeast Asian countries東南亞國家, but her invasions also harmed the interest of the western powers. Take China and other Southeast Asian countries as an example. The expansions of Japan created war with Asian countries. Meanwhile, the aggression of Japan led to the discontent of Britain, the US and France, which in turn caused the Pearl Harbor珍珠港 Incident in 1941, in which the US fought with Japan. Though Japan allied herself with Germany and Italy, her aggressive actions created more enemies against Japan as well as poor relations with other countries. On the contrary, the SCAP government was passionate in helping Japan re-establish relations with other countries. With the US’s efforts, Japan signed the Treaty of San Francisco三藩市條約 in 1952 with various allied nations. This mended the relations between Japan and other Asian countries, rebuilding Japan’s diplomacy. Therefore, the period of militarist rule made Japan become the enemy of a number of countries and had extremely bad international relations. As for the SCAP period, the US helped Japan rebuild relations with other countries, which was positive.

The period of militarist rule and the SCAP occupation period were both important to the history of Japan. Generally speaking, the period of militarist rule could be regarded as a period for destructing Japan’s modernization while the SCAP government helped rebuild and transform Japan into a modernized country. They brought significantly different impacts.

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