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背景 香港經濟於1950年代及1970年代出現了兩次的轉型,於1950年代時由轉口貿易發展轉型至工業發展,至1970年代時則再轉型至多元化的經濟發展。 // 架構比較兩段時期香港經濟轉型的原因,政府因素為相同因素,但中國因素、國際因素及地理因素則為相異因素。

主旨句 相同因素而言,政府積極營造有利的營商環境是香港經濟於1950年代及1970年代成功轉型的原因。 // 項目A 於1950年代初,由於港府積極推動工業的發展,如成立香港工業總會(1959)及香港貿易發展局(1966)等,以便研究及發展工業,推廣本地產品;又不斷制定經濟法規和發展基礎建設,如開闢荃灣工業用地等,令香港工業在有利的環境下順利成長,成為一工業城市。 // 項目B 至於1970年代時,由於政府推出多項措施以促進金融業的發展,例如在1978年取消停發銀行牌照,重新接受外資銀行在港開業,使持牌銀行由1978年的88間增至1991年的160多間。而且,香港政府於1978年實行9年強制教育,並於1981年再擴充高等教育,大大改善了人力資源的質素,有助開發其他行業,如金融業及服務業等,使香港經濟能轉向多元化發展。 // 對比(~20%) 因此,就政府角度而言,政府致力營造有利的營商環境,成立專責機構,並且推出多項措施,使香港經濟能夠成功於1950年代轉型至工業發展,及後又於1970年代末轉型至多元經濟發展,此為香港經濟兩次轉型的共同因素。





Compare the factors contributing to Hong Kong’s economic transition in the 1950s with that of the 1970s.

Hong Kong experienced two economic transitions in the 1950s and 1970s respectively. Hong Kong transited from entrepot trade into industrial development in the 1950s, and later transited into economic diversification in the 1970s. Compare the factors contributing to Hong Kong’s economic transition in these two periods, government factor was a common factor. However, the China factor, international factor and geographical factor were dissimilar factors.

In terms of common factor, the government actively created a favorable business environment which led to two economic transitions in the 1950s and 1970s respectively. In the early 1950s, the government actively developed industries, including establishment of the Federation of Hong Kong Industries香港工業總會(1959) and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council香港貿易發展局(1966), in order to conduct research, develop industries and promote local products. Besides, the government introduced new economic laws and regulations, and improving infrastructure, like opening up land in Tsuen Wan for industrial use. Hong Kong industries thus successfully grew up in a favorable environment and became an industrial city. In the 1970s, the government implemented a series of policies to facilitate the development of the financial sector. For example, the moratorium on new banking licenses ended取消停發銀行牌照 in 1978 and foreign banks were allowed to set up branches in Hong Kong. The number of licensed banks increased from 88 in 1978 to around 160 in 1991. What’s more, the government introduced the Nine-Year Compulsory Education Scheme九年強制教育 in 1978 and furthered its education initiatives to higher and tertiary education in 1981. These significantly improved the quality of labor and favored the development of other sectors, like the financial and service sectors, encouraging the diversified development of Hong Kong economy. Therefore, regarding the government, it made active effort to create a favorable business environment, establish dedicated agencies and implement various policies. Hong Kong’s economy thus transited from entrepot trade into industrial development in the 1950s, and later transited into economic diversification in the 1970s. the government factor was a common factor which contributed to two economic transitions.

In terms of dissimilar factor, the China factor was a push factor推因素 of economic transition in the 1950s, but it was a pull factor拉因素 of economic transition in the 1970s. In the first half of the 20th century, Hong Kong was an important entrepot for trade between China and foreign countries. The development of entrepot trade flourished. However, the United Nations imposed a trade embargo禁運 on China in the early 1950s. It struck a severe blow to Hong Kong’s entrepot trade. Hong Kong forced to carry out economic transition and developed light industry. China factor thus was a push factor of economic transition in the 1950s. In contrast, China factor was a pull factor of economic transition in the 1970s. Undoubtedly, after the Reform and Opening up改革開放, the low cost of labor and land in the mainland facilitated the northward movement of manufacturing industries. Hong Kong industry therefore went downhill. However, Hong Kong became an important entrepot for trade between China and foreign countries again because of the Reform and Opening Up, thus flourishing entrepot中轉站 trade again. Meanwhile, as the economy of the Mainland continued to develop, many entrepreneurs from the Mainland raised capital集資 through Hong Kong, fostering the development of financial industry in Hong Kong. Hong Kong was transited into economic diversification經濟多元化. In comparison, China factor brought about unfavorable effects which transited Hong Kong economy from entrepot trade into industrial development in the 1950s. In contrast, with respect to the impact of China on Hong Kong’s economic development, the China factor brought about favorable effects which transited Hong Kong economy into economic diversification in the 1970s. The Hong Kong economy no longer focused on one particular sector and underwent economic diversification. It showed that the China factor played different roles during these two economic transitions.

In terms of international factor, favorable international situation enabled Hong Kong to transit into industrial development in the 1950s. However, unfavorable international situation enabled Hong Kong to transit into economic diversification in the 1970s. Hong Kong’s neighboring countries were in chaos after WW2. For example, independent movements獨立運動 of Southeast Asian countries, the Korean War韓戰 (1950-1953) and the Vietnam War越戰(1961-1975) occurred one after another. Thus, Hong Kong provided a relatively stable business environment when compared with nearby areas. It was a great attraction for foreign investors. Hong Kong’s light industry therefore started to develop. In the 1970s, Southeast Asian countries, like Vietnam越南 and Cambodia柬埔寨, industrialized steadily. The low cost of labor and land in Southeast Asian countries facilitated the outward movement of manufacturing industries. Moreover, the two Oil Crisis石油危機(1973, 1979) struck a severe blow to Hong Kong’s industries. Under unfavorable international situation, it was necessary to develop other industries, such as service服務業 and financial industries金融業, in order to diversify economy. In comparison, in terms of international circumstances, Hong Kong’s neighboring countries were in chaos in the 1950s and that favored Hong Kong to develop industry. It was a favorable factor. However, Hong Kong faced challenges from other countries and suffered during Oil Crisis, thus carrying out economic transition. It was an unfavorable factor. It showed that international factor was a dissimilar factor which contributed to Hong Kong’s economic transition in the 1950s and 1970s.

In terms of geographical factor, the importance of geographical factor in economic transition in the 1950s was limited, but it had a great significance in economic transition in the 1970s. Since Hong Kong was a hilly city with little flat land山多平地少 and it lacked raw materials缺乏原材料, it was confined to develop light industry. The importance of geographical factor in economic transition in the 1950s was limited. However, in the 1970s, geographical factor facilitated economic transition. Since Hong Kong located on the southern coast of China, it served as the southern gateway南大門 to China and important entrepot for foreign trade of the mainland. It enhanced the development of entrepot trade. Furthermore, Hong Kong lies in the time zone時區 between Europe and America. New York, London and Hong Kong together formed an international 24-hour-a-day financial market. It facilitated the development of financial industry. In comparison, in terms of the impact of geographical environment, the importance of geographical factor in economic transition in the 1950s was limited. However, it enhanced the development of entrepot trade and financial industry which had a great significance in economic transition in the 1970s. It showed that geographical factor was a dissimilar factor which contributed to Hong Kong’s economic transition in the 1950s and 1970s

In conclusion, the effort of Hong Kong government was a common factor which contributed to economic transition in the 1950s and 1970s. However, China factor, international factor and geographical factor were dissimilar factors. They transited Hong Kong into industrial development in the 1950s and economic diversification in the 1970s.

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