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背景 第一次世界大戰(1914-18年)是人類歷史上首次多國參與的世界性戰爭,其規模之大在當時可謂是史無前例。 // 架構及立場其中,西方國家作為主要的參戰國,戰爭對其影響更加是舉足輕重,不僅使歐洲地位衰落、極權主義興起、美蘇趨向孤立,同時也使首個國際維和機構成立,在大程度上是現代西方歷史的轉捩點。

主旨句 一次大戰使歐洲地位衰落,為一轉捩點。 // 核心點前一次大戰前,歐洲是世界上最繁榮的地方,其中英國倫敦是世界經濟中心,而英、德、法等歐洲列強更加是主宰了世界命運的發展,操控了眾多的殖民地,至於美國和日本等美洲和亞洲強國則只是被視為是次一等的強國,地位高低立見。 // 核心點的影響及核心點後的情況 然而,隨著歐洲列強在一次大戰元氣大傷,英、法等戰勝國的國力也大不如前,至於戰敗的傳統四大帝國(德、奧匈、俄、鄂圖曼)更加相繼瓦解,歐洲對世界的主導地位開始崩潰。同時,美國、日本等國家未有戰爭的直接影響而保存實力,美國甚至乎於戰時大量借貸予歐洲國家而成為新的世界經濟中心,國力甚至凌駕歐洲國家。戰後,歐洲國家國力大減,例如德國僅得10萬軍隊、奧匈帝國被分裂成為奧地利和匈牙利。同時,美、日一躍而上,例如在華盛頓會議的裁軍協議中,英、美、日、法、意的軍艦比例為5:5:3:1.75:1.75,反映歐洲國家的主導地位已被美國、日本追平,甚至超越。 // 對比相比之下,歐洲於一次大戰前是世界的政治、經濟中心,地位超然,但一次大戰造成了重大破壞使歐洲地位衰落,美國、日本等國家足已與歐洲平分秋色,美國的經濟實力更超越了歐洲國家,可見是一個重大的轉捩點。






總括而言,儘管一次大戰在極端民族主義的發展一事上只是延續,但其作為人類歷史上第一次世界性的戰爭,影響重大深遠,尤其對主要的參戰國– 西方國家更加是帶來了翻天覆地的劇變,使歐洲在戰前和戰後判若兩地。因此,一次大戰在大程度上是現代西方歷史的轉捩點。

To what extent was the First World War a turning point of modern Western history? Limit your discussion up to the 1930s.

The First World War (1914-18) was the first-ever war that involved multinational participation in human history. Its massive scale could be said as unprecedented at that time. Being the major participating power, western countries received decisive impact from the war. Not only did the war decline the status of Europe, but it also brought about the rise of totalitarianism, the US and Russia’s inclination of isolationism, as well as the establishment of the first international peace-making organization. Therefore, to a large extent, the First World War was a turning point of modern Western history.

The First World War (WWI) declined the status of Europe, which was a turning point. Before the WWI, Europe was the most prosperous region in the world, where London in Britain was the international economic centre. European powers including Britain, Germany and France determined fate of the world, since they controlled tons of colonies. American and Asian powers such as the US and Japan were just regarded as second-class powers, reflecting the difference in their statuses. However, affected by the WWI, vitality of the European powers was greatly harmed. Even the victorious countries themselves such as Britain and France had much weaker national power comparing to the past. The four traditional empires who were defeated in the WWI (Germany德, Austria-Hungary奧匈, Russia俄 and Ottoman鄂圖曼) even dissolved one by one. The leading position of Europe over the world started to collapse. In the meantime, without directly affected by the war, countries like the US and Japan maintained their national power. The US even provided a large sum of loan to the European countries in wartime, made her become the new international economic centre. The US’s national power even overrode that of the European countries. After the WWI, the national power of the European countries greatly decreased. For instance, Germany got only 0.1 million army, while Austria-Hungary was divided into Austria and Hungary. At the same time, the US and Japan rose up. For example, in the Five-Power Treaty made in the Washington Conference華盛頓會議, the ratio of capital ships for Britain, the US, Japan, France and Italy was 5:5:3:1.75:1.75. It reflected that the US and Japan drew close with the leading position of the European countries, or even exceeding it. By comparison, Europe was the international political and economic centre before the WWI, enjoying a superior status. Yet the WWI caused tremendous destruction which brought about a decline in the European status. National power of the US and Japan already became equal to Europe, and economic power of the US even surpassed that of the European countries. Therefore, the WWI was an important turning point.

The WWI brought about the rise of totalitarianism, which was a turning point. Before the WWI, totalitarianism such as Fascism and Communism was not popular in Europe and America. For instance, Bolsheviks布爾什維克led by Lenin列寧 in Russia failed to overthrow the Russian Empire. Furthermore, many countries at that time went for capitalist system, such as Germany implementing constitution in 1871. Yet, before the WWI, the poor condition became a hotbed of totalitarianism. For instance, Russia retreated gradually in the war. Ultimately, revolutions sprung up in Russia. The October Revolution十月革命 in 1917 even successfully overthrew the capitalist government, meaning that the first-ever communist regime in the world was established. In the meantime, after WWI, Germany was forced to accept the humiliating ‘Treaty of Versailles’凡爾賽條約 while Italy failed to get territorial gains such as Fiume阜姆 in the Paris Peace Conference. This drove the development of Fascism in Germany and Italy. After the WWI, the tide of totalitarianism swept across Europe. Apart from Russia which actively spread communism through the Comintern 共產國際, Mussolini of the Fascist Italy and Hitler of the Nazi Germany gained political power in 1922 and 1933 respectively. Later Francisco Franco 佛朗哥將軍 of Spain was assisted to seize political power in the Spanish Civil War, which made Fascism proliferated rapidly in Europe. By comparison, communism failed to overthrow any political regimes before the WWI. Also, the Western countries were moving towards democratization, and development of Fascism was limited. Yet the poor condition caused by the WWI became a hotbed for the growth of totalitarianism. Communist and Fascist regimes were set up one by one, which marked an important turning point for the Western history.

The WWI brought about the US and the Russia’s inclination of isolationism, which was a turning point. Before the WWI, being a European country, Russia had close interaction with other Western countries. For instance, Russia and Britain signed the Anglo-Russian Entente 英俄協約 in 1907. The US was also active in the international arena before the war, exemplified by the US President Roosevelt who advocated the Second Hague Conference第二次海牙會議. Yet, the WWI caused significant impact. The Russian government was overthrown by the communist revolution in wartime. The first-ever communist regime in the world was established in 1917, which made Russia being isolated by the powers. As for the US, she adopted the isolationist policy孤立政策 due to the anti-war sentiment of her people, and only participated in the European affairs in a limited extent. After war, the communist Russia was isolated diplomatically. For instance, Russia failed to enter the League of Nations國聯 before 1934, and was not invited to join the Locarno Conference羅加諾會議 in 1925. Regarding the US, despite her participation in the European affairs in certain circumstances, such as calling the Washington Conference華盛頓會議 in an attempt to limit the growth of influence over the Pacific of Japan, the isolationist policy of the US was very obvious. For instance, the US did not join the League of Nations which was proposed by the US President Roosevelt. Moreover, when Germany invaded Czechoslovakia捷克 and Poland波蘭 in the 1930s, the US was just being a bystander without intervening in the European affairs. By comparison. The US and Russia kept close relationship with Europe before the war, but the WWI made Russia (the USSR) face boycott from the European powers, while the US refused to intervene in the European affairs due to anti-war sentiment. As a result, the contact between the US and Russia and Europe was much fewer, and they failed to prevent the Fascist countries from expending in joint effort later. Therefore, the WWI was a turning point of modern Western history.

The WWI facilitated the establishment of international peace-making organization, which was a turning point. Before the WWI, the western countries did not set up international peace-making organization to maintain peace. Plus the main way adopted by countries to maintain peace was to call meeting, such as the Algeciras Conference阿爾及西勒會議(1906) which solved the Moroccan Crisis摩洛哥危機(1905), and the Second Hague Conference第二次海牙會議(1907) which discussed disarmaments. Yet, the WWI caused the most serious casualties in human history at that time which involved 16 million deaths. Therefore, after war, the Western countries advocated to establish an international peace-making organization in the Fourteen Points和平十四點 in the Paris Peace Conference in order to prevent large-scale war from taking place again. The League of Nations國際聯盟 was therefore set up in 1920. Later, the League became the platform for the Western countries to solve disputes. For instance, the territorial dispute between Germany and Poland over Upper Silesia上西里西亞 was solved under international mediation. The League also stopped Italy from bombarding Corfu Island科孚島 in Greece successfully. Even the United Nations聯合國 which was set up after the Second World War, its aims and functions were inherited from the League, with adjustment and enhancement based on its foundation. By comparison, no international peace-making organization was set up before the WWI, yet the painful lesson learnt from the war drove the Western countries to establish one to prevent the start of war again. Therefore, the League appeared after the WWI, even the United Nations founded later was based on this idea. Therefore, the WWI was a turning point of modern Western history.

Although the WWI brought great changes in the aforementioned aspects, it only served as a continuation for the extreme nationalism.

The WWI was not a turning point for the development of the extreme nationalism. Before the WWI, extreme nationalism was already heated and popular in Europe, such as the Pan-Germanism泛日耳曼主義 in Germany and the Revanchism復仇主義 in France. Even worse, the Sarajevo Crisis塞拉耶佛危機(1914) which was a trigger for the WWI happened due to the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand attempted by Serbian extremist. The painful lesson learnt from the WWI made the Western powers to propose ‘national self-determination民族自決’ principle in the Paris Peace Conference, which national states such as Poland波蘭 and Czechoslovakia捷克 were set up in an attempt to solve national conflicts. Yet development of extreme nationalism did not decline because of the proposal of national self-determination principle. After war, the unfairness of the national self-determination principle, such as the arrangement of giving right of governance over the Sudetenland蘇台德區where had 3 million Germanic population to Czechoslovakia, led to the discontent of the German. When Hitler rose to power in 1933, he was very determined in rebuilding the Germanic empire, exemplified by the Anschluss德奧合併 which Germany annexed Austria with 6 million Germanic population, as well as the retrieval of the Sudetenland in 1938, making national problem reappeared again. Apart from Germany, since Italy failed to get Fiume阜姆 and Dalmatia達爾馬西亞 which was promised by Britain and France in wartime, it paved the way for the rise of Fascist Mussolini in 1922. His aim was to resume the brilliance of Italy just like in the Ancient Roman period古羅馬時期, and he actively expanded territory. For instance, he forced Yugoslavia南斯拉夫 to give Fiume back yo Italy in 1924, showing that extreme nationalism was heated and popular after war. By comparison, extreme nationalism after the WWI was also heated. Pre-war nationalism triggered the outbreak of the WWI, yet post-war nationalism was not solved effectively. Nationalism of Germany and Italy even became more aggressive and invasive in nature, leading to the outbreak of the Second World War. Therefore, development of extreme nationalism was only a continuation but not a turning point.

To conclude, although WWI just served as a continuation for the development of the extreme nationalism, it had very significant impact to the world as it was the first-ever international war in human history. It brought about very decisive change to major participating countries – the Western countries. The pre-war and post-war difference of Europe was tremendous. Therefore, to a large extent, the WWI was a turning point of modern Western history.




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