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定義 「國際秩序」指各國在處理國際事務中所運行的準則和行為規範,繼而形成的世界格局。 // 立場及架構 而二次大戰後期簽訂的國際協議在很大程度上締造了新的國際秩序,包括美蘇主導的國際格局、蘇聯控制東歐的秩序、反法西斯的秩序、賠款和限制軍力的秩序、國際協作的新秩序等。

主旨句 二次大戰後期所簽訂的國際協議締造了美、蘇主導的新國際秩序。 // 項目B 二次世界大戰前,美國基於實行孤立政策而盡量避免接觸國際事務,而蘇聯就因為是共產主義而受到西方國家的孤立,此時期的國際事務由英、法主導。 // 項目A 然而,至戰爭後期的會議,由於美國積極介入會議以對抗共產蘇聯的擴張,而蘇聯也因為對於戰爭有著重大貢獻而影響力大增。雖然英國於戰時會議中仍與美、蘇作為「三巨頭」,共同制定對策,但事實上,英國的國力已經受到二次大戰的重創,同時,法國被德國所攻佔,其流亡政府並無參與主要的會議。因此,在此消彼長的形勢下,美、蘇取替了英、法的地位,更分別成為資本主義及共產主義陣營的領袖,例如美國推行馬歇爾計劃(1948年)以支援西歐的經濟重建;蘇聯控制了東歐多個衛星國,成為主導世界的超級強國。 // 對比(~20%) 相比之下,就主持國際事務的國家而言,二次大戰前的國際事務由英、法所主導,但戰時會議期間,美、蘇發揮著重大的影響力,並取替了英、法於戰前的地位,奠定了往後美、蘇主導國際事務的新秩序。








To what extent did the settlements that ended the Second World War establish a new international order?

‘International order’ 國際秩序 refers to a standard formed by the behaviors among countries in the international community. To a large extent, the settlements that ended the Second World War establish a new international order. The new international order included the domination of the US and USSR, the gaining control of the USSR over Eastern Europe, anti-fascism, reparations and restriction on military strength, as well as the order on international cooperation.

The settlements that ended the WW2 prompted the domination of the US and USSR in the world. Before WW2, international affairs were mainly dominated by Britain and France. The US minimized her interference in the international affairs due to the adoption of isolationist policy孤立政策. On the other hand, the USSR also did not participate much in those issues due to the isolation of the West towards communism共產主義. However, the US actively intervened in the post-war meetings in the hope of counterbalancing the spread of communism. Moreover, the USSR became more influential with the immense contribution during the war. On a contrary, the national strength of Britain was greatly damaged in the WW2 although she was one of the Big Three三巨頭 which was responsible for formulating mutual policies with the US and USSR. At the same time, France was invaded by Germany. The government in exile流亡政府 did not participate in the major conferences. Thus, under such situation, the US and USSR took the roles of Britain and France. They even became the leaders of the capitalist and communist blocs respectively. For instance, the US initiated the Marshall Plan馬歇爾計劃(1948) which supported the economic construction of Western Europe; the USSR took control over numerous satellites衛星國 in Eastern Europe. In comparison, with respect to countries managing international affairs, they were dominated by Britain and France before WW2, but the US and the USSR showed their strong influence at wartime conferences and replaced the roles of Britain and France, consolidating their domination in the world.

The settlements that ended the WW2 established the new order of Eastern Europe being controlled by the USSR. Before the WW2, European countries feared that communism would hinder the capitalist regime, and hence they worked hard in containing the USSR. Influence to the Eastern European countries was contained under the isolation. However, by the end of the WW2, the USSR successfully spread communism when she counterattacked Germany. She assisted the rose of communism in Eastern European countries, and actively increased her control over them in the war-time conferences. For instance, in the Tehran Conference德黑蘭會議 held in 1943, as the USSR gained credit in the Battle of Stalingrad史太林格勒戰役, and countries including Britain and the US hoped that the she could join the war against Japan as soon as possible. So, a consensus was reached among the three countries which stated that the USSR could obtain part of Poland波蘭 and whole of East Prussia東普魯士 as compensation. As a result, the USSR gained even greater span of control over Eastern Europe. After WW2, Eastern European states such as Poland波蘭 and Czechoslovakia捷克 became the satellites of the USSR. In comparison, in terms of control over Eastern Europe, the power of the USSR could not effectively extend to Eastern Europe before WW2. But as the USSR contributed a lot in the war on the eastern front, she had more bargaining power in the conferences. Eventually, she seized the opportunities to extend her influence, and established the new order of Eastern Europe being controlled by the USSR.

International order of anti-fascism was established by the end of WW2. Before WW2, fascism法西斯主義 was not being suppressed. Instead, it prevailed in Europe and Asia. For instance, in 1922, Mussolini, who supported Fascism, gained power in Italy; on the other hand, in 1933, Hitler, supporting Nazism, seized power in Germany. Also, militarists in Japan rose to power and replaced the party politicians in the 1930s. At that time, the Western countries feared for communism was much greater than that of Fascism, and hence they did not put much efforts in slowing down its development. However, as the Allied fear that fascism would lead to another war, the international agreements made by the end of WW2 did establish the new order of anti-fascism. For instance, the Potsdam Agreement波茨坦協定(1945) stated the establishment of a democratic state and the eradication of Nazi Party. After that, treaties signed with other defeated nations such as Italy意大利 and Japan日本 stated clearly the elimination of Fascist organizations and the imprisonment of related parties. International order of anti-fascism was hence established. In comparison, in terms of development of Fascism, countries did not restrict the development of Fascism before WW2. However, WW2 was an anti-fascism war in the eyes of the Allied. Hence, after the WW2, they actively eradicated Fascism, created a new international order of anti-fascism, and eventually reduced the scale of Fascism.

A new international order on reparations and restriction on military strength was established by the end of WW2. The previous post-war agreements showed the necessity of using monetary terms as reparations; it also allowed the defeated nations to retain certain amount of troops. For instance, in the Treaty of Versailles凡爾賽條約 signed in 1919, Germany was forced to pay an indemnity of USD$33 billion, and to reduce the army size to 100,000 soldiers. However, in the international conferences held by the end of WW2, the Allied made some changes in reparations and restriction on military strength. The reason of such move was to prevent the defeated nations from initiating wars again. For instance, Germany was allowed to pay war reparations in terms of industrial facilities in Potsdam Treaty波茨坦協定, so as to reduce her discontent. At the same time, demilitarization was introduced too. Military production facilities and weapons were destroyed in order to prevent her from starting a war. The same arrangements were implemented to Japan as well. Japan was demilitarized, banned from having her own troops, and allowed to pay her indemnity in goods and labor under the signing of Treaty of San Francisco三藩市條約(1952). In comparison, in terms of reparations, under the previous international order, money was the only means of reparations. Defeated nations were also allowed to retain a small amount of troops. But in the international conferences held by the end of WW2, the Allied allowed the defeated nations to repay their indemnity in forms of goods and facilities. At the same time, demilitarization was implemented which thoroughly eradicated their arms. It could minimize the possibility of the restart of war. So, a new international order on reparations and restriction on military strength was established by the end of WW2.

The new order of international cooperation was established by the end of WW2. Before the WW2, although the establishment of the League of Nations facilitated cooperation in the social and economic aspects, such as curbing global drug trafficking and slave trade problems, the number of participating countries was limited. Also, most of the participating states came from Europe. For instance, all members of The Committee for the Study of the Legal Status of Women女性合法地位研究委員會 were European states, reflecting the international cooperation before WW2 was rather loose and concentrated. However, in the international conferences by the end of WW2, the US and Britain would like to establish a new peacekeeping body. At the same time building a mutual beneficial relationship through this organization and eventually reduced the occurrence of conflicts. Hence, the establishment of the United Nations was confirmed in the Yalta Conference. After that, the United Nations contributed a lot in fostering the cooperation in the social and economic aspects. For instance, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations糧農組織worked to increase food production, the World Bank世界銀行 granted loans to poor countries. As a result, the social and economic cooperation in the international community was greatly fostered, and most of the countries were included too. In comparison, in terms of international cooperation, the social and economic cooperation of countries before WW2 was rather loose, and it was concentrated in Europe. However, after WW2, the United Nations was recognized as the new peace-keeping body. It greatly strengthened the social and economic cooperation among countries, and cooperation was extended to places all over the world.

Although the settlements that ended the Second World War establish a new international order to a large extent, the previous order was to a small extent preserved.

By the end of WW2, the defeated nations still had to cede territories and give up the seized land. Before WW2, defeated nations had to accept the arrangements of ceding land and returning invaded territories. For instance, Germany had to forgo 13% of land as punishment in the Treaty of Versailles凡爾賽條約, including Alsace-Lorraine阿爾薩斯及洛林 to France and Schleswig-Holstein北什列斯威 to Denmark丹麥. Later, in the international conferences held by the end of WW2, such international order remained unchanged. The Allied still greatly reduced the territories of defeated nations so as to limit their national strength. For instance, in Cairo Conference開羅會議(1943), Japan had to return all the territories seized from China since 1894. Also, in the Teheran Conference德黑蘭會議(1943), Germany was forced to forgo East Prussia to the USSR. Such arrangements were applied to Italy and Finland芬蘭 as well. They had to return the invaded land as stated in the Paris Peace Treaty巴黎和約 signed in 1947. In comparison, in terms of post-war territorial changes, the ceding territories and giving up the sized land of defeated nations were still implemented before and after WW2. Such international order remained unchanged. Territories were given up and invaded lands were forced to return.

To sum up, numerous settlements that ended the Second World War had established a new international order. It abandoned the previous arrangements and hence, to a large extent, a new international order was established.

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