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背景 二次大戰後,美、蘇崛起成為手執牛耳的強級大國,兩國的競爭對於冷戰出現有一定的重要性。 // 立場及架構然而,兩國的崛起只在小程度上導致冷戰的發生,因其對於冷戰的出現存有不少局限,而且亦較其他冷戰的起因次要,包括意識形態的差異、雙方的互相猜忌及處理戰後問題的分歧。

主旨句 雖然美、蘇兩國勢力的膨脹並非導致冷戰出現的最主要原因,但亦不能完全忽視其重要性。 // 主項重要性二次大戰後,美﹑蘇兩國成功崛起,美國擁有強大的經濟實力,控制世界約三分之一的工業生產,更擁有原子彈。同時,蘇聯不單控制了東歐各國,其軍力更能與美國匹敵,坐擁600萬軍隊﹑5萬輛坦克﹑2萬架戰機。因此,雙方均認為對方意圖支配世界,故敵意﹑猜忌日增,更拉攏盟友,於政治勢力﹑軍備及經濟上均進行競賽,爭奪世界元首的寶座,使競爭及衝突出現,成為冷戰的起因之一。 // 小結可見,兩國勢力的膨脹也導致了冷戰的出現。


主旨句 首先,冷戰並非局限於美、蘇兩國的鬥爭,故美、蘇兩國的勢力膨脹不會引致全球性的冷戰。 // 主項局限冷戰是全球性的衝突,出現於資本主義陣營與共產主義陣營之間,所發生的衝突並非單單局限於美、蘇兩國,如1946-49年間的中國內戰,戰爭的發生乃因國民黨與共產黨對於權力的競爭所導致,並非直接受到美、蘇勢力膨脹的影響而促使的。此外,英、法等國對於冷戰的出現也有責任,如1948-49年的柏林危機中,英、法兩國聯同美國在西德推行貨幣改革,導致蘇聯不滿,使柏林危機出現,因此冷戰並非單單因美、蘇的勢力膨脹而起,英、法等大國也有不可忽視的重要性。 // 小結可見,全球性的冷戰並不能簡單歸咎於美、蘇兩國的勢力膨脹而起。



主旨句 其一,意識形態的差異對於冷戰的出現較兩國的勢力膨脹重要。 // 他項重要性 基於資本主義國家與共產主義國家的意識形態不同,令資本主義國家深恐共產主義的擴張,同時共產蘇聯也恐懼資本主義的自由思想影響到其對於東歐的管治,故令雙方互相抗衡,形成冷戰的局面。 // 駁論事實上,意識形態的差異較美、蘇兩國的勢力膨脹重要,因就冷戰的廣泛性而言,冷戰並非單單是美﹑蘇雙方的對峙,而是資本主義陣營與共產主義陣營之間的抗衡,兩大陣營主要是以意識形態劃分出來,共產主義集團的蘇聯﹑波蘭﹑東德等;資本主義集團的美國﹑英國﹑日本等。 // 小結可見,意識形態的差異較兩國的勢力膨脹重要。




To what extent did the Cold War caused by the power expansion of the US and the Soviet Union after the Second World War?

After WW2, the US and USSR turned into world superpowers. Their competition was one of the factors in causing the Cold War. However, to a small extent, the power expansion of the US and USSR led to the Cold War since there were a number of limitations. Other factors such as ideological differences, mutual distrust and disagreements on the post-war settlement were more important than the power expansion of the US and USSR in causing the Cold War.

Although the power expansion of the US and USSR was not the main factor in causing the Cold War, it had significance as well. After WW2, both the US and USSR rose. The US became the most affluent country in the world and accounted for one-third world industrial production. She even succeeded in producing atomic bombs. On the other hand, the USSR took control of many Eastern European countries. The USSR also possessed of 6 million soldiers, 50 thousand tanks and 20 thousand warplanes, being comparable to the US. They thought the opposite side intended to control the world, thus being suspicious to each other. They even tried to form alliances with other countries and compete with each other in political, military and economic aspects in order to become the most powerful country in the world. It showed that the power expansion of the US and USSR led to the Cold War.

However, the power expansion of the US and USSR was not the main factor in causing the Cold War since its consequences were inadequate to cause the Cold War.

Firstly, the cause of the Cold War was not confined to the conflicts between the US and USSR. The power expansion of the US and USSR would not lead to the worldwide Cold War. The Cold War was a worldwide conflict between the capitalist and communist blocs but not confined to just the US and USSR. For example, the Chinese Civil War中國內戰(1946-49) broke out due to the power struggle between KMT and CPC but not directly incited by the expansion of forces of the US and USSR. Besides, Britain and France should assume responsibility for the start of the Cold War. In the Berlin Crisis柏林危機(1948-49), Britain, France and the US united to carry out currency reform in West Germany, which caused the Soviet discontent and led to the Berlin Crisis. Thus, the Cold War was not simply because of the power expansion of the US and USSR. The importance of other powers such as Britain and France should not be neglected. It showed that the cause of the worldwide Cold War should not be confined to the power expansion of the US and USSR.

Secondly, power expansion of the US and USSR would not inevitably lead to conflict or war. Undoubtedly, the US and USSR rose and became superpowers which were able to overpower the others. However, power expansion did not necessarily cause friction among powers. For example, European countries such as Britain and France dominated the world development before the WW1 but they suffered economic difficulties after WW1. It enabled the rise of the US which later became the economic center of the world. In the interwar period, although the US excelled Europe and became the world economic center and its expanding national power threatened the status of Europe, there was no conflict between the US and European countries. Instead, European countries took out a loan from the US after the WW1 such as the Dawes Plan道茲計劃(1924) and Young Plan楊格計劃(1929) and formed mutually-beneficial relationships. Thus the expansion of forces of the US and USSR was not aggressive or antagonistic. Owing to other factors, the Cold War started worldwide. Power expansion of the US and USSR was clearly not the main reason for the Cold War.

The power expansion of the US and USSR was not the main factor in causing the Cold War. Other factors were more important than the power expansion in causing the Cold War.

Firstly, ideological differences was more important than the power expansion of the US and USSR in causing the Cold War. There were ideological differences between capitalist and communist countries. Thus, the capitalist countries feared the spread of communism. Meanwhile, the USSR was afraid of the spread of capitalism which would threaten her rule over Eastern Europe. It led to confrontation, thus resulting in the Cold War. In reality, ideological differences was more important than the power expansion of the US and USSR in causing the Cold War. Regarding extensiveness, the Cold War was not only the confrontation between the US and USSR but the capitalist and communist blocs. The two blocs were divided according to ideology. The communist bloc included the USSR, Poland, East Germany and the like. On the other hand, the capitalist bloc included the US, Britain, Japan and so on. It showed that ideological differences was more important than the power expansion of the US and USSR in causing the Cold War.

Secondly, mutual distrust was more important than the power expansion of the US and USSR in causing the Cold War. Since the US and USSR became the superpowers during WW2, the capitalist bloc and communist bloc were suspicious each other. The USSR became the overlord of Eastern Europe東歐霸主 and controlled many Eastern European satellite states. It led to Western European countries’ suspicion. Meanwhile, the US succeeded in producing atomic bombs原子彈 which aroused the USSR suspicion that it would be attacked by its atomic bombs. Thus, mutual distrust led to confrontation and the emergence of the Cold War. In reality, mutual distrust was more important than the power expansion of the US and USSR as it was the mutual distrust that developed into vicious competition. For instance, the US was suspicious of the Soviet expansion in Eastern Europe; the USSR dreaded the atomic bomb of the US. Thus they had tense relations and hoped to stop the expansion of the other, resulting in confrontation and the Cold War. It showed that mutual distrust was more important than the power expansion of the US and USSR in causing the Cold War.

Thirdly, disagreements on the post-war settlement was more important than the power expansion of the US and USSR in causing the Cold War. In the later stage of the Second World War, the US, Britain and the USSR had disagreements on post-war arrangements. For example, concerning the occupation of Japan日本, the USSR wanted to expand its influence in the Far East but the US and Britain dreaded the Soviet expansion thus strongly opposed. Therefore, disagreements on the post-war settlement acted as a catalyst for the deteriorating relations of the two blocs, contributing to the Cold War. In reality, disagreements on the post-war settlement was more important than the power expansion of the US and USSR in causing the Cold War. In terms of causal relationship, the distribution of post-war interests directly affected their power expansion. With regard to Poland波蘭, the US supported free elections in Poland so as to increase the capitalist influence in Eastern Europe but the USSR opposed as the communist Poland would become its satellite state, extending the Soviet influence. It showed that disagreements on the post-war settlement was more important than the power expansion of the US and USSR in causing the Cold War.

In conclusion, owing to the power expansion of the US and USSR, they tried to compete with each other in order to become the world leader. However, to a small extent, it led to the Cold War as it would not lead to the worldwide Cold War. On the contrary, other factors were more important in causing the Cold War.

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