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主旨句 美、蘇在意識形態的分歧是導致冷戰出現的最主要原因。 // 主項重要性 美國及蘇聯在意識形態上有嚴重的差異,作為資本主義國家的美國奉行民主的多黨制,重視個人自由,並在經濟上實行財產財私有制的模式,但作為共產主義的蘇聯卻奉行專制的一黨制,重視社會穩定多於個人自由,並且實行財產公有制。因此,兩國在意識形態上的分歧使雙方在地區性戰爭上分別支持同屬意識形態的派別,如在中國內戰(1946-49年)中,美國支持資本主義陣營的國民黨,而蘇聯則支持共產黨。此外,也使兩國在經濟上分別援助資本主義及共產主義國家,如美國提出馬歇爾計劃(1947年)援助西歐的資本主義國家;蘇聯推行莫洛托夫計劃(1947年)支持東歐的共產主義國家,使歐洲在經濟上形成對立的局面。因此,美、蘇在意識形態上的分歧使資本主義及共產主義兩大陣營對立,造出對抗及敵對的關係,導致了冷戰的出現。 // 小結 可見,美、蘇在意識形態上的嚴重分歧導致了冷戰的出現。




主旨句 其一,兩大陣營的互不信任也導致了冷戰的出現,但重要性不及美、蘇兩國的分歧。 // 他項重要性兩大陣營之間互相猜忌,例如蘇聯猜忌英、法於慕尼黑會議(1938年)時禍水東引,將德國的侵略引向東向,損害蘇聯利益;英、法、美等資本主義國家猜忌蘇聯於二次大戰時期積極擴張共產主義,使波蘭、捷克等多個東歐國家成為其衛星國。結果,雙方的互不信任導致了對立的冷戰局面出現。 // 駁論然而,兩大陣營的互不信任並非主因。就其局限性而言,因雙方的互不信任早已出現於第二次世界大戰前,但當時蘇聯的勢力有限,以及美國實行孤立政策,使冷戰未有出現。直第二次世界大戰期間,蘇聯大肆擴張共產主義,而美國就強烈限制蘇聯的擴張,最終才使冷戰在兩大超級強國的分歧和對抗下出現。 // 小結可見,在冷戰出現一事上,美、蘇的分歧才是最重要的因素。



To what extent did the disagreements between the US and the Soviet Union cause the Cold War?

The US and USSR rose and became superpowers after WW2. They had divergence of ideologies, post-war settlements and the UN’s problems. It worsened their relationship and led to opposition. Thus, to a large extent, the Cold War was caused by the divergence between the US and USSR.

Firstly, the ideological divergence was a major factor in leading to the Cold War. There were ideological differences between the US and USSR. The US, which was a capitalist country, adopted multi-party system, emphasized personal freedom and implemented private property ownership. However, the USSR, which was a communist country, adopted one-party dictatorship, emphasized social stability outweighed individualism and implemented collectivism. Thus, because of the ideological divergence, they supported their blocs’ members respectively. For example, in the Chinese Civil War中國內戰(1946-49), the US supported CPC while the USSR supported KMT. Besides, they offered economic aid to capitalist and communist countries respectively. For example, the US proposed the Marshall Plan馬歇爾計劃(1947) to assist Western European capitalist countries; the USSR introduced the Molotov Plan莫洛托夫計劃(1947) to assist Eastern European communist countries. It led to economic confrontation in Europe. Thus, the ideological divergence between the US and USSR led to confrontation and hostile relationship between the capitalist and communist blocs. It showed that the ideological divergence was a major factor in leading to the Cold War.

Secondly, divergence of the post-war settlement led to the Cold War. Since the US and USSR had ideological divergence, they had divergence of the post-war settlement as well. Regarding Poland波蘭, the US hoped Poland to elect a new government through free elections democratically. However, the USSR supported one-party dictatorship and hoped to maintain the influence of the communist party in Poland. Besides, they had divergence of German德國 issue. The US hoped to restore Germany’s national strength in order to improve Europe’s economy and avoid communist expansion in Europe. However, the USSR opposed as the strong Germany would threaten its safety and restrict its expansion. Thus, it hoped Germany to be weak. Worse still, the divergence of German issue sowed the seeds of breaking out conflicts. Since the US, Britain and France decided to unify their possessed zones of Germany, the USSR, who hoped Germany to be weak, was discontented and even blocked the West Berlin, thus leading to the Berlin Crisis柏林危機(1948-49). The Berlin Crisis was the first direct conflict after WW2 and it worsened their relationship. Thus, because of the divergence of the post-war settlement, the US and USSR were in opposing positions, leading to the Cold War.

Thirdly, the divergence of the UN’s problems led to the Cold War. The US and USSR had divergence before the establishment of the UN. Since the USSR was the only communist country to be a permanent member of the UN, it was afraid that the UN would become a tool to avoid communist expansion. Therefore, the USSR suggested that the permanent member should have veto power否決權. If one of the permanent members opposed, the voting would be invalid even if the veto country was directly involved in that issue. However, the US was worried that the veto power would become a tool for the USSR to oppose bill. Thus, it supported British suggestion which stated that if the country was directly involved in that issue, it would not obtain veto power. Therefore, the divergence of veto power worsened relationship between the US and USSR. Later, the veto power became a tool for resisting each other. For example, the US and Holland proposed the withdrawal of British and French troops from Lebanon黎巴嫩 and Syria敘利亞 in 1946, however, the USSR opposed. Worse still, the USSR opposed the entry of new members in order to prevent capitalist power from expanding in the UN. It worsened the relationship between the US and USSR and led to the Cold War. It showed that the divergence of the UN’s problems deepened their opposition and led to the Cold War.

Undoubtedly, other factors such as the mutual distrust and power expansion of the US and USSR led to the Cold War as well. However, they were less important than the divergence between the US and USSR.

Firstly, mutual distrust led to the Cold War, but it was less important than divergence between the US and USSR. The two blocs were suspicious each other. For example, Britain and France adopted appeasement policy in the Munich Conference慕尼黑會議(1938). The USSR perceived that as “redirect the troubles towards the east” 禍水東引, enabling Germany to expand to the east and threatened Soviet interest. Capitalist countries such as Britain, France and the US were suspicious of the USSR expanding communism during WW2. Some Eastern European countries such as Poland, Czechoslovakia and so on became the Soviet satellite states. In the end, mutual distrust led to confrontation. However, in terms of its limitation局限, mutual distrust was not the major factor since mutual distrust existed before WW2. However, at that time, the strength of the USSR was limited while the US adopted isolated policy. The Cold War thus did not exist. Until WW2, the USSR expanded communism actively while the US stopped Soviet expansion intensely. The Cold War existed because of divergence and confrontation between the USSR and US. It showed that the divergence between the US and USSR was the major factor in leading to the Cold War.

Secondly, power expansion of the US and the USSR was less important than ideological differences in causing the Cold War. The strength of the US and USSR expanded rapidly after the Second World War and became superpowers. The US had a strong economic and military power while the USSR possessed of 6 million soldiers, 50 thousand tanks and 20 thousand warplanes, being comparable to the US. They thought the opposite side intended to control the world, thus being suspicious to each other. They competed with each other in political, military and economic aspects in order to become the most powerful country in the world. It led to the Cold War. However, in terms of its limitation局限, the divergence between the US and USSR was more important than power expansion of the US and the USSR. Power expansion did not necessarily cause friction among powers. For example, the US rose after WW1 which challenged other European countries. However, there was no conflict between the US and Britain, France. Instead, European countries took out a loan from the US and formed mutually-beneficial relationship. Thus, power expansion would not inevitably lead to conflict. In contrast, because of the divergence between the US and USSR, confrontation and conflicts occurred. It showed that the divergence between the US and USSR was the major factor in leading to the Cold War.

In conclusion, the US and USSR were leaders of capitalist and communist blocs respectively. Their divergence was the major factor in leading to the Cold War. Other factors were less important than that.

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