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架構 美國於第二次世界大戰後成為了手執牛耳的超級強國,其打破了二次大戰前的孤立政策,作為了資本主義陣營的領袖角色,積極以各種行動對抗共產主義,結果塑造了冷戰在政治、經濟、軍事等方面的發展。 // 立場因此,美國在很大程度上塑造了冷戰的發展。

主旨句 政治方面,美國塑造了兩大陣營對疊的敵對關係,同時也促成了冷戰的緩和。 // 主項重要性在敵對關係方面,美國於1947年發表「杜魯門主義」,擔起「世界警察」的角色,阻止共產主義在世界各地的擴張。為此,美國不但於1949年成立了「北約」,擔起領袖角色,保衛西歐及加拿大,結果令蘇聯於1955年成立華沙公約組織,形成敵對性陣營的對抗。此外,美國積極介入地區性戰爭,例如派遣近300萬美軍參與越戰(1961-75年),結果令地區性戰爭更趨激烈,例如中國也大量派軍參與韓戰,使資本主義與共產主義派系的鬥爭更形對立。但同時,美國也塑造了冷戰的緩和,例如在美國的提倡下舉行了多次的和平會議,包括日內瓦會議(1955年)及馬耳他會議(1989年),其中美國更在馬耳他會議上與蘇聯領導人戈巴卓夫共同宣佈冷戰結束,結果有助使冷戰於1980年代末落幕。 // 小結可見,美國塑造了冷戰的高潮起伏,是塑造冷戰發展的最重要國家。




主旨句 雖然蘇聯、中國等共產主義國家也塑造了冷戰的發展,但重要性不及美國。 // 他項重要性蘇聯是共產主義陣營的領袖,其種種行徑也影響了冷戰的發展,包括於1948年封鎖柏林,導致柏林危機(1948年)出現。除此以外,戈巴卓夫於1980年代末積極推動冷戰結束,與美國總統列根、英國首相戴卓爾夫人等多次會面,對於緩和冷戰局面也起了重大的意義。中國方面,中國大量派兵介入韓戰,也使韓戰局面變得更加嚴峻,而且中國於1978年起推行改革開放,積極與世界不同國家進行貿易,也有助改善國際氣氛,緩和敵對局面,對冷戰的發展也有一定的塑造力。// 駁論然而,美國更加重要。就因果關係,美國的行為是激起與中、蘇對立的源頭,例如美國聯合英、法合併西德,導致蘇聯不滿,才使柏林危機出現;美國透過聯合國派兵介入韓戰,才使中國派兵出戰。再者,美國也迫使了蘇聯無可選擇地與美國改善關係,因美國於1980年代初起利用經濟政策拖垮蘇聯經濟,包括提出「星戰計劃」(1983年),使蘇聯大量投放軍費開支到太空科技,最終拖垮蘇聯經濟,使蘇聯在經濟壓力下被迫與美國改善關係,並達成裁軍協定。 // 小結可見,美國在塑造冷戰發展一事上較中、蘇等共產主義國家重要。



To what extent had the United States shaped the development of the Cold War? Explain your answer with reference to the history of 1946-91.

The United States became a super power in the world after the Second World War. She broke her isolation policy and took the leadership role of the capitalist camp. Also, she actively fights against communism in different means. As a result, the United States shaped the Cold War in terms of politics, economic, military and other aspects of development. Therefore, the United States had shaped the development of the Cold War to a large extent.

In political aspect, the United States had contributed to the hostile relationship between the two camps as well as the relaxation of the Cold War. In terms of hostile relationship, the United States issued the Truman Doctrine杜魯門主義 and claimed herself as the "world police” to prevent the expansion of communism around the world. As a result, the United States established the NATO北約 in 1949 and took up the role of leader in protecting Western Europe and Canada. Responding to the United States’ act, the Soviet Union established the Warsaw Convention in 1955 and formed a rivalry camp. In addition, the United States actively intervened in regional wars, like sending nearly 3 million U.S. troops to participate in the Vietnam War越戰(1961-75). This resulted in more intense regional wars. For instance, China also sent a large number of troops to participate in the Korean War which intensified the hostility between the capitalist and communist parties. However, the United States also put efforts in the easing the Cold War at the same time. For example, several peace conferences were held under the auspices of the United States. Such as the Geneva Conference日內瓦會議(1955) and the Malta Summit馬耳他會議(1989). In Malta Conference, the United States and Gobatzov even jointly declared the end of the Cold War, which helped to put an end to the Cold War in the late 1980s. It can show that the United States had contributed to the ups and downs of the Cold War and she is the most important country in shaping the development of the Cold War.

In economic aspect, the United States contributed to the split between the two camps. She brought significant impacts to the Cold War. After the Second World War, the United States became the richest country in the world which she controlled one-third of global industrial output. In order to strengthen her global influence to fight against the expansion of communism, the United States broke her self-isolation after the Second World War and launched the Marshall Plan馬歇爾計劃(1948). The plan provided loan assistance of US$13 billion to Western European countries. This facilitated Western European countries’ internal economic cooperation which strengthened its bonding. At the same time, the introduction of Marshall Plan made the Soviet Union suspicious. To respond to the Marshall Plan, the Soviet Union introduced the Molotov Plan莫洛托夫計劃(1947) at the discussion stage of the Marshall Plan and the Economic Cooperation Organization in 1949. As a result, there was an economic division in East and Western Europe for nearly half century. In Asia, the United States also actively assisted countries such as Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea. For example, the United States provided up to 2 billion U.S. dollars economic assistance to Japan in 1946-50 to combat communism’s expansion in Asia. This made the communism more united. In order to counter the act of the United States, China and the Soviet Union signed the “Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship, Alliance, and Mutual Assistance中蘇友好同盟互助條約” in 1950. The Soviet Union actively assisted China in carrying out reforms. Eventually, the two camps separated their economies without any cooperation with each other. It can show that the United States had contributed to the division of the two camps economically with a great influence.

In military aspect, the United States has contributed to the military expansion and disarmament during Cold War and had a great impact. The military strength of the United States was strong. She developed the atomic bomb in 1945 and dropped two into Nagasaki長崎 and Hiroshima廣島. This forced Japan to surrender unconditionally. Afterwards, it facilitated the two camps to develop atomic bombs. For example, the Soviet Union, Britain and China developed atomic bombs in 1949, 1952, and 1964 respectively. Moreover, the United States successfully developed hydrogen bombs氫氣彈 in 1952. The Soviet Union then strengthened its research of hydrogen bombs with succeed tested explosives the following year. Afterwards, when the United States deployed missiles against the Soviet Union in Turkey and Italy in 1959, the Soviet Union also tried to set up missiles in Cuba in 1962 to counter the United States. This resulted in a vicious arms race. At the same time, the United States also enhanced the disarmament during Cold War. In the 1950s, the United States had proposed the establishment of the "International Atomic Energy Agency國際原子能機構" (1957) at the United Nations to strengthen the promotion of the peaceful use of nuclear technology. Afterwards, under the efforts of the United States, many countries signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty(NPT)不擴散核武器條約(1968) to restrict the development of nuclear weapons by the international community. By 1990, under the leadership of the United States and the Soviet Union, there was disarmament of the NATO and Warsaw Conventions. The " Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty (CFE)歐洲常規裁軍條約" was reached and end the military confrontation between the two camps. It can show that both the military expansion and the disarmament during the Cold War period were shaped by the United States.

Although there are other countries that are important in shaping the development of Cold War, their importance is not as significant as the United States.

Although communist countries like the Soviet Union and China also contributed to the development of the Cold War, their importance is not as significant as the United States. The Soviet Union was the leader of the communist camp so her actions would affected the development of the Cold War. For example, the Soviet Union blocked Berlin in 1948 led to the emergence of the Berlin Crisis柏林危機(1948). In addition, Gobzov actively promoted ending the Cold War in the late 1980s. His meetings with President Regan of the United States and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Margaret Thatcher also played a significant role in alleviating the Cold War situation. In terms of China, the large number of Chinese troops dispatched during Korean War had worsened the situation. Moreover, China’s implementation of Reform and Opening Up policy since 1978 on top of its active trading with different countries also improved the relationship and eased the hostilities. However, the United States is more important. In terms of causality, United States’ moves were the reason for the confrontation with China and the Soviet Union. For example, the United States merged the West Germany with Britain and France resulted in the dissatisfaction of the Soviet Union and the emergence of the Berlin crisis. Also, the dispatched troops from the United States through the United Nations to intervene in the Korean War韓戰 made China also dispatch her troops. Moreover, the Soviet Union’s attempt to improve her relationship with the United States was also because of the United States. As the United States used economic policies to derail the Soviet economy since the early 1980s, including the “Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)星戰計劃” (1983), which caused the Soviet Union to spend heavily on military spending in space science and technology. This ultimately dragged down the economy of the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union was forced to improve her relationship with the United States under economic pressure and thus reached a disarmament agreement. It can show that the United States is more important than China and the Soviet Union and other communist countries in shaping the development of the Cold War.

Although capitalist countries like Britain and France also contributed to the development of the Cold War, their importance is not as significant as the United States. Capitalist countries such as Britain and France were the major participants in the Cold War. For example, the Iron Curtain Speech鐵幕演說 by Britain in 1946 criticized the Soviet blockade over East and West Europe was the symbol of the start of Cold War. On the other hand, France also had economic cooperation in Western Europe in order to fight against Eastern Europe. It included the establishment of the European Coal and Steel Community(ECSC)歐洲煤鋼共同體(1952) and the European Economic Community(EEC)歐洲經濟共同體(1958). This isolated the Eastern Europe. However, the role of the United States is more important. In terms of the roles, the United States was the leader of the capitalist camp as well as the leader of NATO. On the contrary, Britain and France were only members of the capitalist camp and fight against the communist camp under the military protection from the United States. Moreover, in terms of influence, the United States actively combat communism. Examples are sending troops in the Korean War and the Vietnam War and assisting Japan in carrying out reforms. However, the influence of Britain and France was only concentrated in Europe. The influence of the United States was obviously more significant. Moreover, in terms of causality, the Marshall Plan馬歇爾計劃(1948) of the United States was the source for the economic divisions in the East and Western Europe. France just strengthened the economic cooperation in Western Europe after there was a solid base of cooperation. Therefore, France’s role not as significant as the United States. It can show that the United States’ role in shaping the development of the Cold War is far more important than that of Britain and France.

In conclude, the United States was the most important in affecting the development of the Cold War from the start to the end. At the end, the United States defeated the Soviet Union. The collapse of the Soviet Union and the East European countries in 1991 also marked the end of the Cold War.

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