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背景 冷戰是資本主義陣營與共產主義陣營之間的鬥爭,其中,美國作為資本主義陣營的領袖,其於冷戰中擔當了意義重大的角色。 // 架構以下,將會從政治、經濟及軍事方面探討美國在冷戰中所擔當的角色。

主旨句 其一,政治方面,美國作為資本主義陣營的領袖以對抗共產主義。 // 段落內容自英國於1946年發表「鐵幕演說」,認為美國需要肩負重任以抵抗共產主義後,美國的領袖角色就得以確立,如1947年美國總統杜魯門發表的「杜魯門主義」,提出美國需要作為「世界警察」的角色。及後,在1957年時,艾森豪發表「艾森豪主義」,提出美國需要彌補因英、法衰弱而令中東地區勢力真空的情況,反映美國的角色愈見重要。此外,美國也組成軍事同盟,如1949年成立的北大西洋公約組織中,美國便扮演了領袖的角色,聯合其他資本主義國家以抗衡共產主義陣營。 // 小結可見,美國作為資本主義陣營的領袖,積極捍衛資本主義世界的安全和穩定。







What roles did the United States play during the Cold War? Explain your answer.

The Cold War was a struggle between the capitalist bloc and communist bloc. The US, which was the leader of the capitalist bloc, took an important role in the Cold War. This essay will explain the roles of the US in political, economic and military aspects.

Firstly, in political aspect, the US acted as a leader of the capitalist bloc in order to confront communism. Britain declared the Iron Curtain Speech鐵幕演說(1946), which stated that the US had to take an important role in confronting communism. The US thus became the leader. For example, the US president Truman announced the Truman Doctrine杜魯門主義(1947), which stated that the US would take the role of International Police世界警察. Later, because of the weaknesses of Britain and France, the US president Eisenhower delivered the Eisenhower Doctrine艾森豪主義(1957) claiming to recover the power vacuum in Middle East. It reflected that the role of the US became more important. Besides, the US also formed military alliances, including the NATO北大西洋公約組織(1949). The US became the leader and united other capitalist countries to resist the communist bloc. It showed that the US acted as a leader of the capitalist bloc and actively preserved the safety and stability of capitalist world.

Secondly, in political aspect, the US was a conflict instigator. Because of the opposing situation and ideological differences, the US and USSR easily caused friction and conflicts. For example, Britain, France and the US decided to unify their German possessed zones (1948). It aroused Soviet opposition and it later blocked Berlin, resulting in the Berlin Crisis柏林危機. Besides, a US U-2 spy plane, which reconnoitered the USSR, was shot down in Soviet airspace. It led to the U-2 Incident 「U-2擊墜事件(1960) and worsened US-USSR relations. Moreover, the US established missile bases which targeted the USSR in Turkey and Italy since 1959. Thus, the USSR set up missile base in Cuba (1962) to fight back. The Cuban Missile Crisis古巴導彈危機 arose and brought them to the brink of war. It showed that the actions and policies of the US aroused Soviet discontent, leading to conflicts. The US was a conflict instigator.

Thirdly, in political aspect, the US was a mediator. The US tried to ease the hostile situation during the Cold War. It held peace conferences, official meetings and signed disarmament treaties. In terms of peace conference, the US and Communist Russia held the Geneva Conference日內瓦會議(1955) and Helsinki Conference赫爾辛基會議(1975). They discussed the issue of peaceful coexistence and mutual respect. Better still, the US and USSR declared the end of the Cold War in the Malta Conference馬爾他會議(1989). Besides, the US officials visited the USSR several times. For example, Nixon尼克遜, the US official, visited the USSR in 1959 and 1972. It eased the hostile situation during the Cold War. Furthermore, the US and USSR signed several disarmament treaties, including the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty禁止核試條約(1963), Non-Proliferation Treaty核不擴散條約(1968), Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty中程導彈裁撤條約(1987) and Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty歐洲常規裁軍條約(1990). It eased the fierce armaments race. It showed that the US attempted to ease hostile situation and prevent conflict and war from breaking out.

Fourthly, in economic aspect, the US was an aid provider and offered economic aid to capitalist countries. The US offered economic aid to capitalist countries in order to confront the spread of communism all over the world. For example, the US president Truman declared the Truman Doctrine杜魯門主義(1947) which stated that the US had to provide 400 million assisting Greece and Turkey so as to confront the local communist forces. In terms of Western Europe, in a bid to prevent communism from spreading under poor economic environment, the US implemented the Marshall Plan馬歇爾計劃(1948) offering a loan of 13 billion to assist Western European countries. Besides, regarding Japan, the US offered 2 billion to recover Japan’s national strength and counteract the spread of communism in Asia. It showed that the US actively provided economic aid to different countries so as to recover their national strength and confront the spread of communism. The US acted as an aid provider.

Fifthly, in military aspect, the US was a participating country in armaments race. The US expanded its army actively in order to preserve its military superiority. It was a major opponent of the USSR in armaments race. For example, after the USSR had tested atomic bomb原子彈 successfully (1949), the US immediately investigated hydrogen bomb氫氣彈 which was also successfully tested in 1952. Later, the USSR produced an artificial satellite人造衛星(1957). The US pressed on with the research on satellite and succeeded in 1958. Until 1970s, the number of nuclear weapons of the USSR surpassed the US. The US thus made a study of space operations plan and introduced Strategic Defense Initiative(SDI) 星戰計劃(1983), resulting in a new-round space armaments race. It showed that the US was a participating country in armaments race and actively competed against the USSR.

Sixthly, in military aspect, the US was an intervener in local wars. In order to prevent communist forces from establishing regimes, the US provided military assistance to those opponents of communist forces. For example, the US provided weapons to KMT in the Chinese Civil War國共內戰(1946-49) and even sent warships to the strait of Taiwan to avoid CPC attacking. Besides, in the Korean War韓戰(1950-53), the UN peacekeeping force, which was mainly supported by the US, prevented the North Korea from invading the South Korea. Furthermore, in the Vietnam War越戰(1961-75), there were 3 million US soldiers participated in it in order to avoid communist regime establishing. It showed that the US actively intervened in local wars in order to stop the rise of communist forces. The US was an intervener in local wars.

In conclusion, the US was the leader of the capitalist bloc. It took an important role in political, economic and military aspects and shaped the conflicts and détente during the Cold War.

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