In what ways did the USSR affect the development of the Cold War? Explain your answer with reference to the period 1946-91.
The USSR emerged as a superpower on a par with the US during the Second World War, and it had significant influence on the development of the Cold War. Although it brought about negative impact in political, economic, social and military aspects, it also had positive impact in military and diplomatic aspects that should not be ignored.
Politically speaking, the USSR caused conflicts and regional warfare that aggravated the Cold War. In terms of conflicts衝突, the USSR, eager to extend and secure communist influence, caused several conflicts such as the Berlin Crisis柏林危機. In 1948, the USSR blocked access to Berlin in protest at the combination of the British, American and French occupation zones in West Germany. It gave rise to the first direct conflict between the powers in Europe after WW2, generating Cold War tensions. Afterwards, the USSR upset the US and sparked off the Cuban Missile Crisis古巴導彈危機 in 1962 by constructing a missile base in Cuba. Cold War tensions reached its peak and a world war was possible anytime. In terms of regional warfare地區性戰爭, the USSR actively supported communist forces around the world. For example, it gave the confiscated Japanese weapons to the Chinese communists, sent military experts to North Korea and provided military supplies for North Vietnam. These helped communists around the world start civil wars and led to a series of regional wars, including the Chinese Civil War國共內戰(1946-49), Korean War韓戰 (1950-53) and Vietnam War越戰(1961-75), fuelling tension between the capitalist and communist blocs. Therefore, the USSR caused conflicts and regional warfare that aggravated the Cold War.
Economically speaking, the USSR made the European economy divided and aggravated the Cold War. To avoid an inflow of liberal and democratic ideas through trading, the USSR cut all economic connections between Eastern and Western Europe after WW2 and their economies became independent of each other. Worse still, following the discussions on the Marshall Plan馬歇爾計劃 in America in 1947, the USSR, threatened by the possible detachment of Eastern European states induced by the plan, banned them from joining it and introduced the Molotov Plan莫洛托夫計劃 (1947) during the Marshall Plan’s discussion stage, with a view to reducing their economic dependence on Western Europe by strengthening Soviet economic ties with them. After that, it established the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance經濟互助委員會 in 1949 succeeding the Molotov Plan to tighten its grip on Eastern Europe’s economies. For example, it influenced and intervened in their economic decisions in the name of ‘coordination of national economic plans協調國民經濟計劃’. Consequently, their economy policies were manipulated by the Soviet Union, Eastern and Western Europe became inevitably divided for a long time, and the relationship between the two blocs deteriorated. Therefore, by keeping Europe economically divided, the USSR caused negative impact on the development of the Cold War.
Socially speaking, the USSR obstructed cultural interactions between the two blocs and aggravated the Cold War. Since WW2, the Soviet Union had blocked all means of transport, communication and trade between Eastern and Western Europe, and it erected a barrier of barbed wire along the borders of its satellite states that blocked cultural exchange between the two parts of Europe. Such deeds were even criticized in the ‘Iron Curtain鐵幕演說’ speech by British Prime Minister Winston Churchill邱吉爾. As for Germany, the Soviet Union strictly forbid interactions between East and West Germany and even constructed the Berlin Wall柏林圍牆 in 1961 to prevent them, making their relationship more strained during the Cold War. The result was that at the late stage of the Cold War after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan阿富汗 of 1979, America and Western European countries boycotted the Moscow Olympic Games莫斯科奧運會 in 1980 to protest against the invasion. To display its disaffection, the Soviet Union, together with Eastern European countries, also boycotted the Los Angeles Olympic Games洛杉磯奧運會 in 1984. Its invasion had caused major interruption to social contacts as well as cultural and sports interactions between the capital and communist blocs. Therefore, the USSR caused negative impact on social development during the Cold War.
In military aspect, the USSR led to an arms race and opposing military organizations that greatly fuelled the Cold War. In terms of arms race, America was the first country to manufacture atomic bombs原子彈, but the Soviet successful test of atomic bomb in 1949 induced fear among Western capitalist countries, which thus accelerated their research and development. For example, America invented hydrogen bomb氫氣彈 in 1952. When the number of nuclear weapons possessed by the Soviet Union surpassed that of the US in the 1970s, Western countries were in panic and European countries such as Britain and France joined hands with America to launch the Strategic Defense Initiative星戰計劃 in 1983 to progress further from nuclear arms race to space race, making the relationship between the two blocs even worse. In terms of military organizations, Western countries were worried by the Berlin Blockade of 1948 by the Soviet Union that they would eventually had a war with the Soviet Union as the crisis unfolded. Under these circumstances, they set up the North Atlantic Treaty Organization北約(1949) in resistance to the Soviet Union, highlighting the hostile relationship between the two blocs. To pull Eastern European communist members together, the USSR also established the Warsaw Pact華沙公約 in 1955. At this point, the confrontation between the two military organizations had come into shape and lasted for almost half a century. Therefore, the Soviet Union aggravated the Cold War in military aspect as well.
Despite its negative impact in the above aspects, one should not ignore its positive impact on the Cold War.
In military aspect, the USSR facilitated the signing of disarmament treaties that alleviated the situation. To ease Cold War tensions and lower military expenses, the USSR started nuclear disarmament talks with America as early as 1962 after the Cuban Missile Crisis. They signed the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty禁止核試條約 in 1963 to set limits to their nuclear tests, slightly cooling down the nuclear arms race. In 1968, under the call of the US and the USSR, as many as 59 countries signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty不擴散核武器條約 to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons. In the 1970s, it even started the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks限制戰略武器談判 with America that brought the Cold War to the détente period低盪時期 of relaxation. Although the disarmament process was interrupted by the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, Gorbachev proactively promoted it after his accession to power in 1985. The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty中程導彈裁撤條約 was signed in 1987 on missiles, and the Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty歐洲常規裁軍條約 concluded in 1990 to realize the mutual disarmament between NATO and the Warsaw Pact. This greatly cooled down the arms race and alleviated the confrontation. Therefore, the Soviet Union has also contributed to the relaxation of the Cold War by promoting disarmament.
In diplomatic aspect, the USSR helped bring about peace conferences and mutual visits that had positive impact on the development of the Cold War. The Soviet Union was important in alleviating tensions during the Cold War. For example, in the 1950s, Khrushchev abandoned Stalin’s approach of standing at odds with the West and proposed ‘peaceful co-existence和平共存’. This idea led to the Geneva Summit日內瓦首腦會議 of 1955 and slightly relieved the tensions during the Cold War in the 1950s. As for the 1970s, the Soviet Union was still willing to have negotiations with Western countries and reached the Helsinki Accords赫爾辛基協定 that guaranteed mutual respect between capitalist and communist countries. This was of considerable importance in fostering the détente period in the 1970s. In the 1980s, the Soviet Union even played a critical role in ending the Cold War. Gorbachev was eager to improve the relationship with the West and met British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and US President Ronald Reagan right upon accession. He then continued his effort to alleviate tension, such as declaring that ‘the Cold War will be dumped down to the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea’ at the Malta Summit馬會他會議 of 1989 with US President George Bush. This symbolized the end of the Cold War and great improvement of relationship between the two sides. Therefore, the Soviet Union also had positive impact on the Cold War and it was even the one that ended it.
In conclusion, although the Soviet Union had unshirkable responsibility for the aggravating relationship between the two blocs during the Cold War, its contributions to the relaxation and end of the Cold War should not be ignored.