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定義 冷戰之所以稱為「冷戰」原因在於資本主義陣營與共產主義陣營雖然互相敵視、抗衡,形成對戰的局勢,但同時,雙方並未有直接發生全面性的戰爭,故冠以「冷戰」之名。 // 架構探究兩大陣營未有爆發全面戰爭的原因,主要基於對核子戰爭的恐懼、勢力均衡的局面、聯合國的努力、二次大戰的影響和領導層因素。

主旨句 其一,對核子戰爭的恐懼使兩大陣營未有爆發全面的戰爭。 // 段落內容美國於1945年成功研發原子彈,並投下兩枚原子彈至日本的廣島及長崎,造成災難性的破壞,使日本無條件投降。核武毀滅性的破壞力使美、蘇恐懼戰爭會令雙方同歸於盡,因此願意作為調解。最明顯的例子就是1962年的古巴導彈危機,縱然當時美、蘇雙方已經調動軍隊,隨時作好開戰準備,但基於對核子戰爭的恐懼,使雙方願意就事件作出退讓,達成和解。事後,更針對核武器問題而開展裁軍會議,例如於1963年簽訂《禁止核試條約》,以限制核試驗的方式減低核軍備競賽及緩和冷戰的緊張局勢,使美、蘇雙方的關係有所緩和。及後,更將限制核武器的嘗試擴至其他國家,於1968年多達59個國家簽訂《不擴散核武器條約》,限制核武的擴張。 // 小結因此,對於核子戰爭的恐懼不但使美、蘇雙方於衝突時作出退讓,更願意為限制核武器的發展作出嘗試,有助緩和冷戰的形勢,也使到雙方未有爆發全面性的戰爭。






Explain why a general war did not break out between the capitalist and communist blocs during the Cold War.

As the capitalist and communist blocs were hostile towards others, the confronting situation seemed a “war”. However, no direct and full-scale war between them broke out, thus the period was known as “the Cold War”. A general war did not break out between the two blocs because of the fear of nuclear war, the balance of power, efforts of the UN, impacts of WW2 and the leadership factor.

Firstly, a general war did not break out between the two blocs owing to the fear of nuclear war. The US successfully invented atomic bomb原子彈(1945) and dropped two into Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan, causing catastrophic destruction. Japan thus surrendered unconditionally. The US and the USSR feared that war would make both sides perish because of the destructive power of nuclear weapons, thus being willing to mediate. For instance, in the Cuban Missile Crisis古巴導彈危機(1962), the US and the USSR have mobilized armies and prepared for war already. Yet, because of the fear of nuclear war, they were willing to give way to reach reconciliation. After that, they even held disarmament conferences to settle nuclear weapons affairs. They signed the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty禁止核試條約(1963) in order to limit the mode of nuclear experiments, reduce nuclear armaments race and ease up hostile situation. It improved the US-USSR relations. Later, they extended the attempt of limiting nuclear weapons to other countries. 59 countries signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty不擴散核武器條約(1968) which limited the nuclear weapons expansion. Thus, due to the fear of nuclear war, the US and the USSR gave way in conflicts and limited the development of nuclear weapons, easing up the situation of the Cold War. A general war thus did not break out.

Secondly, a general war did not break out between the two blocs owing to the balance of power. After WW2, the power of capitalist and communist blocs possessed of similar strength, shaping balance of power and confronting towards others. In terms of military strength, undoubtedly, the US successfully invented atomic bomb (1945), which was the most destructive weapon at that time. However, the USSR also successfully tested nuclear weapons (1949) and possessed of 6 million soldiers, 50 thousand tanks and 20 thousand warplanes, being comparable to the US. Besides, in terms of military alliance, capitalist countries such as the US, Britain and France formed the NATO北大西洋公約組織(1949). They agreed to provide assistance during wartime. On the other hand, the USSR formed the defensive military alliance, the Warsaw Pact華沙公約組織(1955) with Eastern European satellite states. The two military alliances confronted towards others and no side dared to declare war. As a result, under balance of power, they were not confident enough to defeat the opposite side. Thus, although the balance of power led to confrontation, they were afraid of declaring war as well. A general war thus did not break out.

Thirdly, a general war did not break out between the two blocs owing to efforts of the UN. After WW2, the United Nations, which was an international peace keeping organization, was formed. It aimed at mediating conflicts among countries and preventing war from breaking out. The UN was one of the places for competition between the capitalist and communist blocs. For instance, the capitalist bloc passed a resolution in the UN to assist South Korea by the US troops, enlarging the Korean War韓戰(1950-53) scale. However, efforts of the UN in easing up the situation of the Cold War should not be ignored. The UN actively eased up the armaments race. For example, in 1950s, the UN introduced the negotiating framework of limiting nuclear weapon development. It also established the International Atomic Energy Agency國際原子能機構(1957), which promoted peaceful uses of nuclear energy rather than used it for military purposes. Furthermore, the UN acted as a mediator in conflicts. For instance, in the Cuban Missile Crisis古巴導彈危機(1962), the UN carried out mediation. It appealed to the US and the USSR for not adopting action which worsened the situation. Besides, it coordinated the opinions between the two countries, thus reaching reconciliation and preventing war from breaking out. It showed that the UN eased up the armaments race and mediated conflicts, preventing war from breaking out.

Fourthly, a general war did not break out between the two blocs owing to impacts of WW2. Undoubtedly, WW2 brought about catastrophic destruction, communism thus spread rapidly. There was confrontation between the communist and capitalist bloc, shaping the Cold War. However, a general war did not break out between the two blocs owing to impacts of WW2. The number of deaths during WW2 was 70 million. The casualties of WW2 were unprecedented in history. As a result, countries became war-weary and did not want a war again in order to avoid casualties. They tried to keep peace. For example, Indonesia, Burma and India launched the Non-Aligned Movement不結盟運動. They announced that they would not involve in struggle between the capitalist and communist blocs, thus preventing the Cold War from expanding. Furthermore, WW2 destroyed the national strength of Western Europe countries. Thus, they had to rebuild their economies after WW2, including the formation of European Economic Community歐洲經濟共同體(1958), which actively facilitated economic development. It avoided Western European countries involving in struggle between the US and the USSR. It showed that impacts of WW2 prevent the struggle of the Cold War from enlarging. A general war thus did not break out.

Fifthly, a general war did not break out between the two blocs owing to leadership factor. National leaders took an important role in deciding national policies, especially for communist leaders, who emphasized personal rule. Their decision affected the international circumstances. For example, Stalin史太林 used China to send troops to Korea in the Korean War so as to confront the US and South Korea. It avoided the USSR and the US directly confronting and led to a new world war. In the Khrushchev赫魯曉夫 era, his policies were mild. He agreed to improve relationship with capitalist countries. For instance, the USSR reached “peaceful coexistence” 和平共存 with the US, Britain and France in the Geneva Conference (1955), leading to détente in the late 1950s. Furthermore, after the rise of Gorbachev戈巴喬夫, he actively eased up the situation of the Cold War. For example, he withdrew the Soviet troops from Afghanistan阿富汗(1988) and held the Malta Conference馬爾他會議(1989) with the US which marked the end of the Cold War. Gorbachev became an important figure in the end of the Cold War. Thus, national leaders’ policies and approaches affected the development of the Cold War. A general war thus did not break out.

In conclusion, capitalist and communist blocs were hostile towards others, shaping confrontation. However, a general war did not break out between the two blocs because of the aforementioned reasons. The Cold War, which existed nearly a half century, thus ended.

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