架構 冷戰期間,美﹑蘇兩國關係惡劣,互相敵視,更存有不少衝突。而雙方出現衝突則根源於意識形態的差異﹑互不信任﹑軍備競賽﹑軍事行動、處理戰後問題的分歧及兩國的勢力膨脹,以下將逐一探討。
主旨句 其一,意識形態差異為雙方衝突的根本因素。 // 段落內文由於美﹑蘇的意識形態各有不同,美國奉行資本主義制度,重視個人自由,實行選舉制度及自由市場,相反,蘇聯奉行共產主義制度,重視社會穩定多於個人自由,並且實行一黨專政及計劃經濟。由於兩國的意識形態上存有嚴重的分歧,導致雙方於國際事件上易生摩擦,成為衝突的根源,如1948年,美國希望在西德進行政治改革及貨幣改革時,蘇聯恐改革會影響其對東德的共產統治,故此強烈反對,更一度對西柏林進行封鎖,導致「柏林危機」(1948-49年)的出現,成為二次大戰後美、蘇兩次的首次正面衝突。 // 小結因此,意識形態的差異使雙方互相抗衡,終致危機及衝突的出現。
Examine the major sources of conflicts between the United States and the Soviet Union in the period 1945-80.
During the Cold War, the relationship between the US and USSR was poor. They were suspicious of each other. Their conflicts were originated in ideological differences, mutual distrust, armaments race, military action, disagreements on the post-war settlement and power expansion. This essay will explain them one by one.
Firstly, ideological differences led to conflicts. The US and USSR had different ideologies. The US adopted capitalism, emphasized personal freedom, adopted election system and free market. In contrast, the USSR adopted communism and believed social stability outweighed individualism. It also implemented one-party dictatorship and planned economy. Because of the ideological divergence, it caused friction easily in international affairs, thus leading to conflicts. For example, the US hoped to carry out political and monetary reforms in Western Germany西德(1948). However, the USSR was worried that the reforms would threaten the communist rule in Eastern Germany and therefore opposed it and blocked West Berlin. It led to the Berlin Crisis柏林危機(1948-49), which was the first direct conflict after WW2. Thus, ideological differences led to confrontation and conflicts.
Secondly, mutual distrust led to conflicts. The Allies such as the US opened western front in the late stage during WW2. The USSR thought that they hoped to reduce its national strength. Also, the US was suspicious of the expansion of the USSR during WW2. It led to mutual distrust. Consequently, under mutual distrust, the US and USSR sent spies and reconnaissance planes to gather intelligence. It led to hostile situation and conflicts. For example, in late 1950s, they tried to ease the hostile situation, such as the official visit between the US and USSR’s leaders (1959). However, because of mutual distrust and suspicions, the US still sent U-2 reconnaissance plane U-2型偵察機 to monitor the USSR, thus leading to the U-2 Incident U-2擊墜事件(1960). An American U-2 reconnaissance plane was shot down in the USSR. The USSR strongly criticized it and their relationship was worsened. It showed that mutual distrust led to friction and conflicts.
Thirdly, armaments race led to conflicts. After WW2, the US and USSR hoped to gain advantage in military. They actively expanded their military and led to a vicious circle of arms race. For example, the USSR was afraid of the atomic bomb of the US and therefore it actively conducted research. It successfully tested atomic bomb原子彈(1949). Consequently, the US invented hydrogen bomb氫氣彈(1952) in order to widen the gap of nuclear strength. The armaments race was fierce. Worse still, they implemented targeted military deployments owing to the vicious circle of arms race. For example, the US set up PGM-19 Jupiter「朱庇特」導彈in Italy意大利and Turkey土耳其 in 1959. It aroused the USSR discontent. The USSR therefore set up missile base in Cuba古巴(1962) and finally led to Cuban Missile Crisis古巴導彈危機. A large-scale of war nearly broke out. Although this crisis settled in the end, armaments race was undoubtedly a major factor in causing conflicts.
Fourthly, the invasions or military actions of the US and USSR led to conflicts. The US and USSR were superpowers. They carried out military actions to interfere other countries’ internal affairs in order to protect their interests and gain more advantages. For example, the US sent troops in Vietnam War越戰(1961) and the USSR invaded Afghanistan阿富汗(1979). However, these military actions led to other’s discontent since they worried that others would gain benefits through invasion. Thus, they opposed each other by criticism or actions which led to conflicts. For example, when the US sent troops to Vietnam (1965), the USSR strongly criticized it. It worsened their relationship. Worse still, when the USSR invaded Afghanistan (1979), the US abolished the SALT II第二期限制戰略武器會議條約 and unified Western countries to boycott Moscow Olympic莫斯科奧運會(1980). Thus, although the military actions of the US and USSR did not break out direct crisis, it caused friction and conflicts.
Fifthly, disagreements on the post-war settlement led to conflicts. In the later stage of the Second World War, the US and USSR had disagreements on post-war arrangements as both sides hoped to gain more interests from the settlement. Regarding Germany德國, Western countries hoped to unify Germany to foster trade and economic development; the USSR opposed as the unified and strong Germany would threaten the western boundary of USSR. Disagreements on the post-war settlement worsened their relationship and led to conflicts. For instance, the US, Britain and France hoped to unify their possessed zones and carry out reform in order to restore Germany. However, the USSR objected to it and led to Berlin Crisis柏林危機(1948-49). After that, post-war problems were not settled properly. The US strongly criticized the USSR which built the Berlin Wall柏林圍牆(1961). It caused friction between them and led to a new round armaments race. Thus, disagreements on the post-war settlement led to conflicts.
In conclusion, the above-mentioned factors led to conflicts between the US and USSR in 1945-80. Their relationship became hostile and a world war nearly broke out.