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立場 於導致軍國主義於1930年代的日本興起一事上,政黨政府的失敗需要負上最大的責任,其次為國際因素,最次要的是國內的民族因素。架構 以下,將逐一就上述因素討論其重要性,並將各個因素相互比較重要性。

主旨句 首次,政黨政府的失敗是導致日本軍國主義於1930年代崛興的最重要因素。 // 主項A重要性政黨政府的醜聞不斷,貪污﹑不合法競爭手段於選舉過程中屢見不鮮,如1924年違反選舉法的個案就有15,000個,使政府形象受損,內閣亦因不得民心而更迭頻繁,如於1918-32年間已11次換閣。此外,政黨政府在應對經濟問題時表現無能,未能有效解決關東大地震(1923年)﹑銀行危機(1927年)及經濟大蕭條(1929-32年)等經濟危機,使日本面對嚴峻的經濟問題,失業人數達到300萬人,人民也因而支持軍國主義者進行對外擴張,如對中國的「九一八事變」(1931年),侵略中國東北地區,終使軍國主義於1930年代日本盛行及得到人民支持。 // 小結可見,政黨政治的失敗對於軍國主義成功於日本興起極具重要性。

主旨句 相對於國際因素,政黨政府的失敗對於促使軍國主義者上台的重要性更大。 // 駁論從因果關係而言,基於政黨政府多次在外交上表現得軟弱無能,例如1930年倫敦海軍會議時未能維護日本海軍的實力,在大型巡洋艦的比例安排上屈服於英、美的10:10:6的要求,未能爭取日本軍方事先要求的10:10:7的比例。結果,日人認為政黨政府無力捍衛國家權益,轉而支持軍人,渴望能夠與西方各國一較長短,才令到軍國主義在日本取得優勢。 // 小結可見,在導致軍國主義興起一事上,政黨政府的失敗較國際因素更加重要。








Assess the relative importance of the major factors that caused the rise of militarism in Japan in the 1930s.

For the rise of militarism, the failure of the democratic government bore the greatest responsibility, while the international factor was less important than the failure of the democratic government but more important than racial factor. Their importance are to be discussed and compared in the following.

First, the failure of the democratic government was the main factor for the rise of militarism. The democratic government was rocked by a series of scandals. Corruption and illegal means of competition were common during elections. For example, there were 15,000 cases of violation of the Election Law in 1924 and they ruined the government’s reputation. Also, the Cabinet was frequently reorganized due to lack of popular support. From 1918 to 1932, there were in total 11 cases of Cabinet reshuffle. In addition, the government was incapable of solving economic problems and failed to tackle economic crises like the Great Kanto Earthquake關東大地震(1923), the Bank Crisis銀行危機(1927) and the Great Depression經濟大蕭條(1929-32). Japan was facing acute economic problems and people thus supported the militarists to embark on territorial expansion like the September 18th Incident九一八事變 targeting Northeast China. In the end, militarism received overwhelming support in the 1930s. Hence, the failure of the democratic government was significant in giving rise to militarism.

Comparatively speaking, the failure of the democratic government was more important than international factor when it comes to the rise of militarism. In terms of the cause-and-effect relationship, the democratic government lost the confidence of the Japanese because of its disappointing diplomatic performance. For instance, it succumbed to the US and Britain and accepted the 10(US) : 10(Britain) : 6(Japan) ratio on heavy cruisers大型巡洋艦 in the London Naval Conference倫敦海軍會議(1930) as opposed to the ratio 10(US): 10(Britain): 7(Japan). Eventually, Japanese thought that the democratic government was unable to protect the interests of Japan, thus supporting the militarists, who wished to be on par with the west, instead. Militarism became dominant in Japan. Therefore, in terms of the rise of militarism, the failure of democratic government was more important than international factor.

Relatively speaking, the failure of the democratic government was more significant than the racial factor in terms of the rise of militarism. From the cause-result relationship, nationalism evolved into extreme nationalism owing to the incapability of the democratic government in different aspects. An example is its failure to resolve the Great Depression經濟大蕭條(1929). Also, its objection to set up ‘Manchuguo’ 偽滿州國 led to the discontent of some nationalists and this allowed the evolution of nationalism into the extreme one. They launched some coups so as to end the rule of the democratic government. The May 15th Incident五一五事件 (1932) was a typical example, which was launched by the Brotherhood Blood League血盟團 and Prime Minister Inukai Tsuyoshi犬養毅 was assassinated. All the high-ranking officials were occupied by either the militarists or upper class since then. This marked the end of party politics and the era of militarism started. Thus, in terms of the rise of militarism, the failure of democratic government was more important than the racial factor.

True, international factor was less important than the failure of party politics, but was more important than the racial factor.

International factor was also crucial for the rise of militarism. In the early 20th century, the idea of “yellow peril黃禍” prevailed in the US and European countries. The theory suggested that yellow people had the potential to challenge their hegemony and the Japanese, as members of the yellow race, suffered discrimination and isolation by the West. For instance, the US passed the Immigration Act排外法案 of 1924 to ban “yellow” immigration from Asian countries, including Japan, to the States. In the Washington Conference華盛頓會議(1921-22) and the London Naval Conference倫敦海軍會議(1930), the powers did it further by keeping Japan’s power in check. In the Washington one they forced Japan to return Shandong to China, while in the London one they set a ratio of 10:10:6 on heavy cruisers大型巡洋艦 in favour of Britain and the US. These induced strong anti-foreign sentiments among the Japanese during the 1920s and they turned to support invasions by the military, including the September 18th Incident九一八事變(1931), in pursuit of national glory. Their support contributed to the rise of militarism in Japan. Therefore, discrimination from Western powers greatly promoted the spread of militarism in Japan.

In comparison, international factor was more important than racial factor in causing the rise of militarism. In terms of cause-result relationship, international factor made Japanese become more patriotic. Due to the western countries’ suppressing policies towards Japanese, they felt dissatisfied. Immigration Act排外法案 introduced in 1924 insulted Japanese and they felt outraged. Extreme nationalism rose as a result of the dissatisfaction towards the west. The militarists’ rigid stance and hardline diplomatic policies made them easier to get support from the people as these actions could show the strength of Japan. Militarism was embraced by people. Hence, international factor was more important than racial factor in causing the rise of militarism.

Lastly, racial factor had little importance for the rise of militarism.

It is true that racial factor was also one of the reasons for the rise of militarism. It had a huge limitation. The government emphasized Japanese nationalism a lot. Internally, the Japanese were indoctrinated with values like state supremacy and national consciousness. Externally, the government advocated saving other races and fighting for glory for the Yamato people. Such extreme nationalist ideas led to the emergence of militarism and related organizations, including the Black Dragon Society黑龍會(1901), as well as the Brotherhood of Blood League血盟團(1931) that aimed at removing corrupt officials through assassination like the May 15th Incident五一五事件 of 1932 started by the Brotherhood of Blood League血盟團. These coups stroke a severe blow to the democratic government and paved the way to military control of the government in the 1930s. Nevertheless, racial factor had limited importance. Since Extreme nationalism once lost its popularity in the 1910s and the early 1920s. At that time, democratic ideas prevailed in Japan. The two Constitution Protection Movements兩次護憲運動(1913 & 1924) were evidences for that. Also, Hara Kei原敬 was the first Prime Minster who affiliated with political parties. However, extreme nationalism rose again owing to the incapability of the democratic government and the western discrimination against Japan. Therefore, although racial factor did contribute to the rise of militarism, it had limited importance.

By and large, militarism rose in Japan in the 1930s and caused lots of aggressions. War broke out eventually. To explore the reasons for the rise of militarism, the failure of democratic government was the most important, followed by international factor and lastly, the racial factor.

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