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架構 20世紀初,列強為了維持和平作出了許多不同的嘗試,如利用同盟制度﹑召開和平會議﹑舉行裁軍會議﹑軍事上的抗衡及簽訂諒解條約。 // 立場然而,此等嘗試大多失效,更導致了第一次世界大戰的爆發。以下,將逐一闡述。

主旨句 其一,列強利用同盟制度維持和平的方法最終招致全面的戰爭。 // 方法列強為防止戰爭的爆發,故紛紛組成同盟,加強己方陣營的實力,防止受到他國的攻擊,如三國協約的成立(1907)使之能與三國同盟(1882)互相抗衡,形成雙方不能開戰的局面。 // 成效然而,同盟制度的意義在於全面和平或全面戰爭,當衝突未能引發戰爭時,便能維持歐洲的全面和平,但當衝突演變至戰爭層面時,同盟制度便成為擴大衝突的催化劑。於1914年塞拉耶佛危機爆發後,亦正正因為同盟制度,令德國大力支持其同盟奧匈;法國及英國也傾向支持俄國,終致地區性戰爭轉化為世界性戰爭。 // 小結可見,列強利用同盟制度維持和平的嘗試是失效的。






Assess the effectiveness of various attempts to maintain peace in Europe in the period 1900-14.

In the early 20th century, powers carried out various attempts to maintain peace such as alliance system, peace conferences, disarmament conferences, military confrontation and entente agreements. However, the effectiveness of most of them was limited, thus resulting in WW1. This essay will assess the effectiveness of the above-mentioned attempts.

Firstly, powers adopted alliance system to maintain peace, but it led to world war. In order to avoid breaking out of war, powers formed alliances to consolidate the strength of their own camp and prevent other countries from attacking. For example, the formation of the Triple Entente三國協約(1907) counteracted the Triple Alliance三國同盟(1882). Thus both camps could not declare war easily. However, alliance system implies a total peace or total war. Only when conflicts were not serious enough to trigger war, total peace in Europe could be maintained. But when conflicts escalated into war, alliance system would serve as the catalyst for conflicts. After the 1914 Sarajevo Incident塞拉耶佛危機, owing to the alliance system, Germany offered full support to its ally Austria-Hungary; France and Britain also sided with Russia. Thus, a local war evolved into a world war. It showed that the alliance system failed to maintain peace.

Secondly, powers held peace conferences to settle problems, but it failed to maintain peace. To settle conflicts, European powers held several peace conferences, including the Algeciras Conference阿爾及西勒會議(1906) on the First Moroccan Crisis第一次摩洛哥危機 and the London Conference倫敦會議(1913) on the First Balkan War第一次巴爾幹戰爭. However, the method of holding peace conference failed to solve conflicts. As peace conferences were usually dominated by the superior and they would deprive the inferior countries of their rights for their own interests, therefore not all countries would be satisfied with the results of such conference. The problems left behind would result in another conflict. After 1906 Algeciras Conference, as France acquired most of the interests in Morocco but Germany did not, thus provoked Second Moroccan Crisis第二次摩洛哥危機 in 1911. Besides, the London Conference failed to mediate among Balkan nations regarding territorial interests after the First Balkan War, and hence led to the Second Balkan War第二次巴爾幹戰爭after a few months. It showed that holding peace conferences failed to maintain peace.

Thirdly, powers held disarmament conferences to reduce armaments race, but it failed to maintain peace. In order to reduce armaments race and create a peaceful atmosphere, powers held the Second Hague Conference第二次海牙裁軍會議(1907) with 44 countries attending. Although the disarmament conference helped specify war arrangements such as to treat war prisoner well, and declare war officially before opening fire, these conferences did not achieve actual regulation of reduction in armaments. The conference even achieved no disarmament consensus as Germany was suspicious of the British suggestion of reducing the navy. Moreover, after the Second Hague Conference, Britain and Germany started a fiercer competition in building dreadnoughts無畏艦, intensifying the international situation. It showed that the effectiveness of disarmament conferences was limited.

Fourthly, powers strengthened their military and adopted military cooperation in order to maintain peace, but it failed. European powers strengthened their military and armaments to reach a balance of power, resulted in “an armed peace” 「武裝起來的和平」. For example, France and Russia expanded their armies and armaments, thus the German army could not predominate. Besides, powers reached local defensive military agreements such as the Anglo-French Naval Agreement英法海軍協定 of 1912, which stated that Britain would defend the French coast and English Channel while France would be responsible for the defense in Mediterranean Sea. However, powers strengthened military which worsened conflicts. Armaments race prepared countries for war. For example, German Schlieffen Plan施里芬計劃, which saw France and Russia as imaginary enemies, implemented after the Sarajevo Incident塞拉耶佛危機 and turned conflicts into war. Besides, the 1912 Anglo-French Naval Agreement favored military acts rather than diplomatic means to deal with threats, which worried Britain that Germany would harm the safety of English Channel, thus declaring war on Germany and enlarging the scale of war. It showed that military confrontation worsened conflicts.

Despite the fact that most of the attempts at keeping peace failed during 1900-1914, the method of entente agreements solved conflicts effectively. European powers reached agreements to mediate colonial disputes, for example, the signing of Franco-Italian Entente法意諒解 in 1900 that France recognized the interests of Italy in Tripoli in North Africa北非的黎波里 and Italy recognized that of France in Morocco摩洛哥. Besides, France and Britain signed an Entente in 1904, recognizing the interest of Britain in Egypt埃及 and that of France in Morocco摩洛哥. Colonial agreements had greatly lessened conflicts over interests. The Franco-Italian Entente法意諒解, Anglo-French Entente英法諒解 and Anglo-Russian Entente英俄諒解succeeded in colonial mediation and drew powers closer, which brought about undoubted effect on peace-keeping. Thus, the method of entente agreements effectively mediated colonial conflicts among powers and maintained peace.

In conclusion, only entente agreements were effective. Other attempts failed to maintain peace and even led to WW1.

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