架構 香港於20世紀期間的經濟發展主要可分為三個階段,分別為1900-1952年的轉口貿易時期﹑1952-1978年的工業期及1978-2000年的多元化發展階段,而每一個階段的經濟發展均受著內在及外在因素的影響,以下將逐一追溯並解釋。
主旨句 第一階段(1900-52年)的香港經濟為一轉口貿易期。 // 概括部分 轉口貿易於20世紀上半葉是香港經濟發展的重心,香港負責轉口中國與外國的貨品,船隻進出香港的次數十分頻繁。在地區方面,香港當時作為轉口港,負責轉口中國與歐、美及東南亞地區的貨品,貨品包括陶瓷、茶葉及紡織品等,是大部分外國商船進出中國的必經中轉站。在船隻進出次數方面,單單1927年就錄得29,052艘船隻進出香港,船隻噸位總額更高達約3,700萬噸,反映香港的貨品轉口情況十分蓬勃。// 小結 可見,此時期香港經濟以轉口貿易為主。
主旨句 地理形勢(內在)及工業革命(外在)有助香港成為一個轉口貿易港。 // 論點一 地理上,香港位於亞洲太平洋地區的中樞,是多條橫跨東西和南北貿易通道的交匯點,同時也是通往中國的南大門,加上香港擁有天然良港,港口水深廣闊,如維多利亞港等,故外國商船可在香港補給食水及糧食,然後再轉往內地沿岸的各通商口岸。 // 論點二 而且,外在方面,隨著歐﹑美等國於19世紀中後期工業革命的成功,工業生產大幅增加,如紡織品、機器及紙張等,因此積極尋找海外市場,令香港成為工業國家前往海外市場的貿易中轉站,使香港的轉口貿易發展蓬勃。 // 小結 可見,地理形勢及工業革命有助香港的轉口貿易發展。
Trace and explain Hong Kong’s economic development in the 20th century.
In the 20th century, the economic development of Hong Kong could be mainly divided into three phases. They were the period of entrepot trade during 1900-1952, industrial development during 1952-1978 and period of economic diversification during 1978-2000. The economic development of each phase was directly affected by both internal and external factors. Below, each would be traced and explained respectively.
In the first phase (1900-52), Hong Kong developed its economy as an entrepot. Entrepot trade used to be the engine of Hong Kong’s economic development in the first half of the 20th century with busy maritime traffic from re-exporting goods from China and foreign countries. In terms of trading partners, Hong Kong at the time re-exported to Europe, America and Southeast Asia Chinese goods such as porcelain, tealeaves and textiles. The city was the gateway to China essential to most foreign commercial ships. In terms of vessel arrivals, in 1927 alone, there were 29,052 ships entering and exiting Hong Kong and their total tonnage reached 37 million tonnes. These showed that re-export trade thrived in Hong Kong. Therefore, Hong Kong’s economy mainly focus on Entrepot trade in this period.
The geographical location (internal) and the Industrial Revolution (external) helped Hong Kong to be an Entrepot. As for the geographical factor, Hong Kong located in the center of the Asian Pacific Region and was the crossroads of major trade routes. At the same time, it was the southern gateway南大門 to China. Last but not least, Hong Kong had a natural harbor which is deep and wide, such as the Victoria Harbour. Therefore, the merchantmen could refill the supplies of water and food, then went to different trading ports in the Mainland coastal areas. Moreover, externally, there was a success in the Industrial Revolution in the mid to late 19th century in the United States. Industrial production greatly increased, such as textile, machinery and papers. Hence, they actively looked for overseas market and made Hong Kong to be their Entrepot in getting into these overseas markets. The business of Hong Kong greatly developed. This showed that the geographical location and the Industrial Revolution could help Hong Kong to develop her role as an Entrepot.
In 1952-78, Hong Kong transited from an entrepot to an industrial city. In this phase, re-export trade was not as flourishing as that in the previous period while local manufacturing industry started developing with exports exceeding re-exports. In terms of local manufacturing industry, the textile, clothing and plastic industries had enjoyed rapid development since the 1950s, and the electronics, watch and toy industries had gained global recognition since the 1960s. In the 1970s, the manufacturing industry became an important pillar of the local economy by employing the largest share of the working population and contributing the most to the city’s GDP. In terms of exports, Hong Kong’s exports exceeded its re-exports as early as 1959, which showed a successful transition to an industrial economy. Therefore, industry was a key part of Hong Kong’s economic development at the time and it was a period of industrial development.
Effects of the embargo禁運(external) and the efforts paid by Hong Kong government (internal) successfully helped Hong Kong to transform to be an industrial city. As China sent troops to participate in the Korean War, the United Nations imposed an embargo to China. British colonial government followed the British government and implemented the embargo as well. The re-export trade of Hong Kong was greatly damaged. Hong Kong economy had to rely on restructuring to overcome the hardship. Hence, she chose to develop the light industry which had a solid foundation. Moreover, internally, Hong Kong government actively pushed the industrial development. For instance, Federation of Hong Kong Industries香港工業總會(1959) and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council香港貿易發展局(1966) were established so as to conduct research, develop industries and promote local products; introduced new economic laws and regulations, and improved infrastructure, like opening up land in Tsuen Wan for industrial use荃灣工業用地. This allowed the industries in Hong Kong to thrive under an advantageous environment and Hong Kong thus became an industrial city. This showed that the effects of embargo and the efforts paid by Hong Kong government could help shape the industrial development.
In the last phase (1978-2000), a characteristic of Hong Kong economic development was that it was diversified. In this phase, Hong Kong no longer develop unilaterally. It developed in numerous industries such as the re-export trade轉口貿易, industry工業, finance金融and tourism旅遊. In terms of re-export trade, the total re-exports of Hong Kong increased from HKD$3.8 billion in 1970 to HKD$30.07 billion in 1980, further to HKD$1.396 trillion in 2000. Also, the contribution of financial sector金融業 to local GDP surpassed that of manufacturing industry in 1980. In the 1990s, the financial sector made up 1/3 of the local GDP, and Hong Kong became the third largest financial centre in the world全球第三大金融中心. In terms of tourism, Hong Kong is often referred as a shoppers’ paradise for its inexpensive and quality goods, and tourism also generated substantial revenue for the city. Moreover, the manufacturing industry remained a major driving force of Hong Kong’s economy despite its decline. For example, industry still accounted for 24.3% of Hong Kong’s GDP in 1990. This showed that in this phase, Hong Kong economy was developed in a diversified way and was supported by numerous sectors.
Strike from the external areas and the advantageous internal factors made Hong Kong economy to develop in a diversified way. China implemented the Reform and Opening Up改革開放 in 1978. The low cost of land and labour in the mainland facilitated the northward movement of manufacturing industries. Hong Kong could no longer solely relied on industries, instead she could only utilize the advantages of Reform and Opening Up of Mainland and once again developed the Entrepot trade轉口貿易 and financial industry金融業. Moreover, Hong Kong government introduced the Nine-Year Compulsory Education Scheme九年強制教育(1978) and furthered its education initiatives to higher and tertiary education in (1981). This greatly improved the quality of human resources which helped the development of different industries, such as the financial and service sectors. Hong Kong economy could thus be developed in a diversified way. This showed that the internal and external factors shaped the economic diversification of Hong Kong.
To sum up, Hong Kong economy experienced different major changes in the 20th century. It changed from the unilateral Entreport trade (1900-52) and industrial development (1952-78), and eventually developed to an economic diversification (1978-2000) mode of economy in the late 20th century.