背景 香港自古是中國的一部分,但由於中國在鴉片戰爭戰敗而被迫於1842年割讓予英國,香港與中國的關係自此變得曲折。 // 架構於20世紀期間,香港與中國內地的關係大體上可分為三個階段,分別是緊密期(1900-49年)、冷淡期(1949-78年)、緊密期(1978-99年),以下將逐一追溯及解釋。 主旨句 其一,1900-49年間是香港與中國內地關係的緊密期。 // 概括部分此時期,香港與中國內地在政治、經濟等方面的關係甚為密切。 // 歸納範疇一政治方面,香港於20世紀初作為中國革命黨的基地,策略革命活動。至辛亥革命後,香港華人精英及社團仍然熱心支持中國革命事務,例如在辛亥革命(1911年)至1912年7月,華人社團已向廣東軍政府提供200-300萬美元的資金,反映香港華人社團對於中國事務仍然十分關心。而且,至中日戰爭期間(1937-45年),香港亦是抗日的基地,例如「港九大隊」就是中國共產黨領導新界原居民所成立的游擊隊,反映中、港關係密切。 // 歸納範疇二 於經濟方面,20世紀上半葉香港與中國的經濟關係緊密,香港是中國與外國貿易的重要橋樑,於1900年經香港進口的中國貨品就佔了內地貿易總額的42.2%,反映兩地的經濟接觸頻繁。 // 小結可見,香港與中國內地的關係於1900-49年間十分緊密。
主旨句 民族因素與經濟因素是促成此階段香港與大陸關係密切的要因。 // 論點一 於民族因素方面,由於香港是華人社會,於1901年華人就佔了香港總人口的96.7%,因此與中國有著很密切的民族淵源。香港雖然於1842年割讓予英國,但當時不少香港人仍然認為自己是中國人,關心及支持中國事務,使兩地關係十分密切。 // 論點二與此同時,香港憑藉著有利的地理形勢,位於中國的南方,成為了外國前往中國貿易的南大門,使香港的轉口貿易發展起來,例如於1927年就錄得29,052艘船隻進出香港,而轉口貿易亦成為香港經濟賴以為生的中流砥柱,故香港經濟對中國有著很強的依賴性,以致此時期香港與中國的關係十分緊密。 // 小結可見,民族因素及經濟因素是此時期香港與中國內地關係緊密的原因。
Trace and explain Hong Kong’s relations with mainland China in the 20th century.
Hong Kong has been part of China since long time ago. However, as China was defeated in the Opium War, Hong Kong was ceded to Britain and they had a tortuous relationship. In the 20th century, the relationship of Hong Kong and Mainland China could be divided into three stages, namely the period of close relationship (1900-49), period of distant relationship (1949-78) and period of close relationship (1978-99). This essay is going to trace and explain them respectively.
Firstly, the period 1900-49 was the period of close relationship of the Hong Kong-Mainland relationship. In this period, their political and economic relationships were closed. Politically, Hong Kong was the base of the revolutionists in the 20th century who directed the revolution. After the 1911 Revolution, Hong Kong local elites and societies were still devoted in supporting the revolution until July of 1912. The Chinese societies provided 2-3 million USD to the Guangdong military government廣東軍政府. This reflected that the China societies were concerned of the affairs in China. Moreover, during the Sino-Japanese War (1937-45), Hong Kong was the base in fighting against Japan. For instance, Hong Kong-Kowloon Independent Battalion of the Dongjiang Column港九大隊 was the guerilla formed by original inhabitants. The formation was led by the Communist Party of China. It implied the close relationship of Hong Kong and Mainland China. In the economic aspect, the relationship of Hong Kong and China was close in the early 20th century. Hong Kong was a major channel in the trade between China and foreign countries. In 1900, the commodities of China exported through Hong Kong occupied for 42.2% of the Mainland overall trade, showing the close economic contact of the two. This showed that the relationship of Hong Kong and China was very close in 1900-49.
The national and economic factors were two important factors leading to the close relationship of Hong Kong and Mainland. In the national aspect, Hong Kong was a Chinese society. In 1901, Chinese occupied for 96.7% of total population in Hong Kong and hence they had a close ethnic background. Although Hong Kong was ceded to Britain in 1842, a lot of Hong Kong people still seen themselves as a Chinese. They concerned and supported the Chinese affairs, and this made the relationship of the two places to be very close. At the same time, Hong Kong utilized her advantageous geographical location which located on the South of China. She became a southern gate for foreign countries in trading with China. This made the re-export businesses of Hong Kong to develop. For instance, in 1927, it was recorded that 29,052 ships had passed through Hong Kong. Re-export trade became the major business supporting the economy of Hong Kong. Hence, the Hong Kong economy had great reliance on China, making their relationship in the period very close. This showed that the ethnic and economic factors were the reasons leading to the close relationship of Hong Kong and China.
Secondly, the period 1948-78 was the period of distant relationship. There were still some connections between Hong Kong and China, as exemplified by the 1967 riots driven by Hong Kong people’s support for the mainland. However, at official level, the two regions did not interact too much in political, educational and economic ways. Politically speaking, Hong Kong tried to avoid Chinese intervention. In the 1950s, leftists from China were forced to get back to the mainland in the name of Persona non grata不歡迎人物. In the educational aspect, different ways were used to deter the spread of communism. For instance, the Education Bureau regularly sent people to check the pro-communist schools. When it was found that these schools violated the education policies, the government would get back the financial assistance provided; the government suppressed schools from promoting communism. For instance, Pui Kiu Middle School Principal, To Pak Hong杜伯奎, who actively promoted the ideas of communism was forced to get out of Hong Kong in 1958. This implied that the Hong Kong government actively stop the spread of communism from China. In the economic aspect, Hong Kong followed Britain and imposed an embargo禁運 to China in the 1950s and stopped trading with her. This reflected their distant relationship. This illustrated that the relationship of Hong Kong and China was distant in 1949-78 and there was limited contact.
The divergence in ideologies and the embargo imposed to China by the United Nations made the relationship between Hong Kong and China got into period of indifference. The Communist Party of China established the People’s Republic of China in 1949 and implemented a communist regime. However, Hong Kong was ruled by capitalist Britain. Hence, under the divergence in ideologies意識形態, Hong Kong government had limited contact with China. Also, the government worked hard in deterring the spread of communism to Hong Kong. As a result, the leftists were being sent back to the Mainland, leading to the limited communication of Hong Kong and China. Apart from that, the United Nations imposed an embargo to China in 1951 for her participation in Korean War韓戰. Later, Hong Kong government followed the policies of Britain and imposed an embargo to China as well. As a result, the economic relationship that was kept for numerous years was broke and the relationship of Hong Kong and China was distant. This showed that the ideologies difference reduced the contact of the two places. Together with the embargo imposed to China by the United Nations, the relationship of both places got into period of indifference.
Thirdly, the relationship of Hong Kong and Mainland China got back to period of close relationship between 1978-99. In this period, the economic and social relationships of the Hong Kong and China became closer and closer. Hong Kong was even returned to China in the late 20th century. In the economic aspect, the trade of Hong Kong and China increased continuously. For instance, the China products exported from Hong Kong occupied for 0.2% of the overall Hong Kong export value in 1978, the amounted increased drastically to 21% in 1990. At the same time, a lot of factories moved from Hong Kong to the north and formed a relationship of ‘store in the front, factory in the back前鋪後廠’ with China. Their economic relationship was very close. In the social aspect, the governments of Hong Kong and Mainland had a close cooperation in dealing with social affairs. For instance, in the occurrence of avian flu禽流感 in 1997, China and Hong Kong observed and shared the information of the virus so as to stop the spread of diseases. More importantly, in the sovereignty issue, Hong Kong was officially returned to China in 1997. Sovereignty of Hong Kong officially returned to China from Britain and she became the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region中國的特別行政區. This showed that in 1978-99, the relationship of Hong Kong and Mainland China became closer and closer. Eventually, Hong Kong was returned to China in 1997.
Reform and Opening Up of China and the signing of Sino-British Joint Declaration made the relationship of Hong Kong and Mainland China become closer. China implemented the Reform and Opening Up改革開放 policies in 1978, making Hong Kong to be the important entrepot in the trade between China and foreign countries. Their relationship thus became closer. Also, the inexpensive land and labor in Mainland attracted the factories of Hong Kong to move northwards, making the economy of Hong Kong to be connected with that in China. More importantly, China and Britain started to discuss about the future of Hong Kong since the 1980s and signed the Sino-British Joint Declaration中英聯合聲明 in 1984. It was certain that Hong Kong would be returned to China in 1997. Therefore, in the transition period, the relationship of Hong Kong and China in aspects like political, economic and social, developed a lot. Eventually, their relationship after the return of Hong Kong to China in 1997 became inseparable. This showed that the Reform and Opening Up policy of China and the signing of Sino-British Joint Declaration made the relationship of Hong Kong and China became closer and closer in 1978-99.
To sum up, the relationship of Hong Kong and Mainland China was quite close in the beginning of the 20th century. However, with the establishment of People’s Republic of China in 1949, obstacles occurred in their relationship. However, in the late 20th century, China implemented the Reform and Opening Up policies and Hong Kong was to be returned to China, their relationship became close again.