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架構 基於復仇主義、同盟制度、領導層因素及經濟因素,德、法兩國於20世紀上半葉維持了長期的惡劣關係,更使兩國成為兩次大戰的交戰國。然而,1920年代的和平氣氛及1940年代末冷戰的出現就是兩國改善關係的有利因素。

主旨句 其一,德、法間的復仇主義成為20世紀上半葉兩國關係交惡的催化劑。 // 內文由於德國於1871年普法戰爭擊敗法國,並迫使法國簽訂嚴苛的《法蘭克福條約》(1871年),要求法國割讓阿爾薩斯、洛林等煤礦重鎮,法國隨即產生對德的復仇主義,一直伺機報復,最終於塞拉耶佛危機(1914年)發生後,表明支持俄國對抗德、奧,有助促使該危機演變成戰爭,而德、法也再次捲入戰爭。於一次大戰後,法國為了報復德國,於巴黎和會(1919年)中堅決要求嚴懲德國,使德國需要於《凡爾賽條約》中賠償330億美元、承擔所有戰爭罪責、失去超過10%的土地和人口。結果,德國的報復主義隨之而起,希望打破《凡爾賽條約》,最終有助希特拉上台,更於1930年代逐步推翻條約,包括於1935年重新徵兵及1936年將萊茵河區軍事化,使法國不滿,惡化了兩國的關係。 // 小結可見,德、法間的復仇主義互相報復,使兩國關係長期交惡。








Choose two countries and discuss the factors affecting their relationship in the period 1900-49.

Owing to revanchism, alliance system, leadership factor and economic factor, the relations between France and Germany was poor in the first half of the 20th century. Germany was even an enemy of France in both world wars. Despite the poor relations, the peaceful atmosphere in the 1920s and the emergence of Cold War in the late 1940s were some favorable factors contributing to the improved relations between two countries.

First, revanchism復仇主義 among France and Germany was a catalyst for their poor relations in the first half of the 20th century. Since Germany defeated France in the Franco-Prussian War普法戰爭 in 1870-71 and forced France to sign the humiliating Treaty of Frankfurt《法蘭克福條約》(1871). The treaty requested France to cede the Alsace-Lorraine阿爾薩斯、洛林, which was famous for coal. France thus developed revanchism and hoped to take a revenge on Germany. France was waiting for a suitable time to take revenge. Eventually, Sarajevo Incident塞拉耶佛危機(1914) broke out and France declared that she would support Russia to fight against Austria-Hungary and Germany. The confrontation between France and Germany gradually developed into a war and they were embroiled in the First World War (1914-18). After the First World War, France, in order to take a revenge on Germany, insisted on punishing Germany severely. In the Paris Peace Conference (1919), Treaty of Versailles《凡爾賽條約》 stated that Germany had to pay US$ 33 billion, bearing the sole responsibility of causing the war. Worse still, around 10% of German's territories were lost, giving rise to Germany's revanchism, which aimed to abolish the Treaty of Versailles. This favored the rise of Hitler, who broke the treaties step by step in the 1930s like the re-conscription重新徵兵 in 1935 and the re-militarization in Rhineland萊茵河區 in 1936. This created dissatisfaction among France and relations with Germany worsened. Hence, it could be seen that the revanchism among France and Germany made them take revenge on one another, which in turn worsened their relations.

Second, alliance system also aggravated the relations between France and Germany. Germany, in a bid to prevent France from taking revenge due to the defeat in the Franco-Prussian War普法戰爭(1870-71), started the alliance system. In 1882, Germany formed an alliance with Austria-Hungary and Italy, which was called the Triple Alliance三國同盟. Later, France also signed an Entente with Britain and Russia respectively in 1904 and 1907, which was called the Triple Entente三國協約. Being hostile to one another, France and Germany confronted the opposite side, which led to the Sarajevo Incident塞拉耶佛危機(1914). During the Sarajevo Incident, Germany supported her alliance – Austria-Hungary while France also supported her alliance – France. They were finally embroiled in the First World War (1914-18), which was fought between the Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente, aggravating their relations. In the end of the 1930s, Germany formed an aggressive alliance, with which Italy and Japan were the members. The alliance was called the Berlin-Rome-Tokyo Axis柏林—羅馬—東京軸心(1937), which arouse suspicion of France. Later, Germany even signed the Pact of Steel鋼鐵條約 with Italy in 1939, under which it stated that armed support should be provided when any side was under attack. Eventually, the Second World War broke out and France, had no choice but to join the Allies and fought against the Axis. Hence, the alliance system was the factor aggravating the relations between France and Germany.

Third, leadership factor also aggravated the relations between France and Germany. Undoubtedly, the relations between France and Germany did improve when Stresemann斯特萊斯曼 had become Germany's Prime Minister in the mid-1920s as a result of the peaceful diplomacy adopted by him. However, generally speaking, the leadership factor was a hindrance to the improving Franco-German relations. For example, in 1919, during the Paris Peace Conference, 克里孟梭Clemenceau, who was called 'tiger' Prime Minister, represented France to attend the conference. He maintained that Germany should be punished severely and he refused to negotiate with Germany. At last, the relations between France and Germany worsened. With the rise of Hitler希特拉 and Nazism starting from 1933, their relations further aggravated. For example, when Hitler gained power in 1933, he soon refused to negotiate with France during the Geneva Conference日內瓦會議(1932-34) and even quitted the conference, which again led to the poor relations among them. Subsequently, Hitler initiated invasions constantly, one of which was the attack on Poland in September 1939, leading to the ultimatum issued by France, under which it stated that Germany had to retreat her army from Poland. Hitler was not willing to succumb to France and continued his aggression. The Second World War thus broke out. Hence, it could be seen that leadership factor also worsened the relations between France and Germany.

Fourth, economic factor also caused the poor relations between France and Germany. Before the First World War, the scramble for colonial interest between France and Germany also led to conflicts. For instance, the First and Second Moroccan Crisis第一次及第二次摩洛哥危機 were created by France and Germany, both of whom were looking for interests in Morocco. In the Second Moroccan Crisis, Germany even sent gunboat Panther to Morocco, which jeopardized the relations among France and Germany. Later, after the Second World War, as Germany failed to pay the reparation stated in the Treaty of Versailles《凡爾賽條約》, France, together with Belgium, invaded Rhur, which was called the Rhur Incident「魯爾事件」(1923). Their relations intensified again. Although their relations seemed improved after the mid-1920s, which was called the 'Honeymoon' period, their relations turned poor again after the Great Depression (1929). Since the European countries wanted to protect their own economy after the Great Depression, they increased tariff and built trade barrier. The relations between France and Germany worsened as a result. To make things worse, France, for fear that Germany would become aggressive again because of poor economy, she maintained that Germany had to reduce her army in the Geneva Conference日內瓦會議(1932-34). This angered Germans, aggravating the relations between France and Germany. Hence, it could be seen that economic factor also caused the poor relations between France and Germany.

Though there were a number of unfavorable factors worsening the Franco-German relations, the factors that improved their relations should not be neglected either.

To begin with, the 'Honeymoon' period of Europe in the 1920s improved their relations. After WW1, a general war-weariness emerged among nations and the League of Nations had resolved several disputes since its establishment, including the territorial conflicts between Germany and Poland over Upper Silesia上西里西亞. Correspondingly, a peaceful atmosphere was created in Europe. Under such atmosphere, Germany and France were willing to improve their relations. Take Germany as an example. Since she did not want to be isolated diplomatically, she took the initiative to hold the Locarno Conference羅加諾會議(1925), which confirmed the Western borders of Germany with Belgium and France. This allowed her to integrate herself into the European society. Germany also claimed that she would abide by the Treaty of Versailles, which stated that Germany should demilitarize in Rhineland萊茵河區. This lowered the scruple of France towards Germany. The relations began to change. Subsequently, with the cooperation of France and the US, more than 65 countries signed the Kellogg-Briand Pact《凱格—白里安公約》(1928), which was a treaty for renunciation of war. Germany also signed the treaty. Under the peaceful atmosphere, the relations between France and Germany improved in the 1920s. No large conflicts occurred in that period, easing the relations among them. Hence, it could be seen that the 'Honeymoon' period of Europe in the 1920s improved their relations.

Moreover, the emergence of Cold War improved the relations between France and Germany in the late 1940s. After the Second World War, Germany was divided into 4 zones, occupied by the US, the USSR, Britain and France respectively, under the Potsdam Agreement《波茨坦協定》. Later, the zone occupied by the US, Britain and France merged to form West Germany, belonging to the capitalist bloc. As for East Germany, she was under the control of the USSR. Although the confrontation of capitalist and communist bloc during the Cold War isolated France from East Germany, the Cold War situation made France join the West Germany closer. France even helped build a more powerful West Germany to resist the expansion of Communism. Apart from that, the US launched the Marshall Plan in 1948 so as to prevent the poor economy of Europe from becoming a hotbed for the growth of Communism. US$ 13 billion were provided for Western European countries, including France and West Germany. In addition, Western European countries, with a view to allocating the funds of Marshall Plan馬歇爾計劃, established the Organization for European Economic Cooperation歐洲經濟合作組織. Both France and West Germany joined the organization, embarking on the economic cooperation among Western European countries. They had more and more cooperation in the second half of the 20th century. This made France and West Germany closer and improved their relations. Hence, it could be seen that the emergence of Cold War improved the relations between France and Germany.

In conclusion, the Franco-German relations worsened because of revanchism, alliance system, leadership factor and economic factor while the peaceful atmosphere in the 1920s and the Cold War situation in the late 1940s improved their relations, drawing them closer to one another in the second half of the 20th century.

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