架構 「柏林危機」(1948-49年)是冷戰時期以美、蘇首的兩大陣營的首次衝突,探究其出現的原因,冷戰的形勢、西德的政治改革及貨幣改革是其中的主因。此次的危機也帶來了政治、經濟、軍事方面長遠且意義重大的影響。以下,將先探討「柏林危機」出現的原因,再討論其影響。
主旨句 首先,政治方面,「柏林危機」的出現是基益冷戰鬥爭形勢下的結果。 // 問題A內容二次大戰後,根據《波茨坦協定》,德國被劃分為4個區域,分別由美、英、法、蘇四國佔領,而柏林由於是首都,因此也分為4個部分。然而,基於冷戰的對立形勢,蘇聯恐懼美、英、法聯合對付自己,因此抱有猜忌。在柏林問題上,美、英、法打算合併其在德國佔領區的舉動就觸動到蘇聯的恐懼,蘇聯一方面恐懼美、英、法三國合併其佔領區是為了對付自己,另一方面也恐懼統一的德國會對自己造成威脅。在此情況下,蘇聯封鎖柏林四周的交通,切斷了英、法、美對西柏林的控制,使「柏林危機」出現。 // 小結可見,冷戰的對敵形勢使蘇聯與美、英、法等國抱有猜忌,成為「柏林危機」出現的根本因素。
主旨句 其一,政治方面,「柏林危機」埋下了日後衝突出現的伏線,並使德國的統一遙遙無期。 // 問題B內容由於柏林危機並未有得到妥善的解決,令衝突在日後再次出現,例如在1960年代初,當美、蘇關係轉向惡劣時,蘇聯為防止東德人民逃到西柏林,因此興建柏林圍牆(1961年),使柏林問題再次惡化。此外,在1948-49年的柏林危機後,東、西德分別屬於共產主義及資本主義陣營,長期處於分裂的狀態,加上柏林圍牆的興建,德國統一更遙遙無期,最終至冷戰結束,柏林圍牆才能於1989年拆除,並於次年東、西德重新合併,實現德國統一。 // 小結可見,1948-49年的「柏林危機」埋下了日後衝突的出現,並使德國維持了近半世紀的分裂。
Select any one crisis covered by the course, and examine the causes and impact of it.
The Berlin Crisis柏林危機(1948-49) was the first conflict between the US-led and USSR-led camps during the Cold War. The situation of the Cold War, political and monetary reforms of Western Germany led to the Berlin Crisis. Besides, this crisis brought about political, economic, military impacts. This essay will examine the causes and impact of it.
Firstly, in political aspect, the hostile situation of the Cold War led to the Berlin Crisis. After WW2, according to the Potsdam Agreement波茨坦協定, Germany was divided into 4 zones which were occupied by the US, Britain, France and the USSR respectively. Also, Berlin was divided into four zones since it was the capital. However, because of the opposing situation, the USSR was worried that the US, Britain, France would attack itself. The USSR was suspicious of them. Regarding the Berlin problem, the US, Britain, France hoped to unify their German possessed zones. However, the USSR feared that the US, Britain and France would attack itself and a united Germany would be a threat to itself. Hence, the USSR blocked the routes of Berlin in order to cut off the control of West Berlin by Britain, France and the US, thus resulting in the Berlin Crisis. It showed that the hostile situation made the USSR, US, Britain and France suspicious of each other and led to the Berlin Crisis.
Secondly, in political aspect, the political reform of Western Germany aroused the USSR discontent, leading to the Berlin Crisis. Communist Russia hoped to implement one-party dictatorship of the communist regime in Eastern Germany and oppose free election so as to consolidate its ruling in Eastern Germany. However, the US, Britain and France hoped to restore the democratic system and set up free election自由選舉 in Germany in order to contain communist threat in Europe. The political reform of Western Germany aroused the USSR discontent. The USSR was worried that the capitalist system of Western Germany threatened its ruling in Eastern Germany since the liberal and democratic ideas would incite Eastern Germans to riot. Thus, the USSR blocked West Berlin to oppose the political reform in Western Germany. It aroused the US, Britain and France discontent, resulting in the Berlin Crisis. It showed that the implementation of political reform in Western Germany by capitalist countries aroused the USSR discontent, leading to the Berlin Crisis.
Thirdly, in economic aspect, the monetary reform of Western Germany aroused the USSR discontent, leading to the Berlin Crisis. Apart from the implementation of political reform in Western Germany, the US, Britain and France hoped to impose monetary reform貨幣改革 after the unification of Western Germany. Later, the US, Britain and France enacted the ‘The First Law for Monetary Reform’ 關於改革植國貨幣制度的法令in June 1948 and implemented currency reform three days later. The Deutsche mark with a “B” sign was issued in Western Germany. As a result, the USSR was discontent with it and thought that the US, Britain and France were spiting German economy. The USSR opposed it but in vain. Thus, it introduced the Deutsche mark with a “D” sign in Eastern Germany and blocked all the transportation and trade with Western Germany so as to show its discontent. Thus, monetary reform of Western Germany led to the Berlin Crisis and the first direct conflict between the US and the USSR. It showed that the monetary reform of Western Germany led to the Berlin Crisis.
After examining the causes of the Berlin Crisis, this essay will explore the political, economic, military impacts of the Berlin Crisis as well.
Firstly, in political aspect, the Berlin Crisis sowed the seeds of conflicts and hindered the unification of Germany. Since the Berlin Crisis was not settled appropriately, it sowed the seeds of conflicts. For instance, when the US-USSR relations were poor in the early 1960s, the USSR built the Berlin Wall柏林圍牆(1961) in a bid to prevent Eastern Germans from escaping to West Berlin. It worsened the Berlin problem. Besides, after the Berlin Crisis (1948-49), Eastern and Western Germany were split up and belonged to the communist and capitalist camps respectively. Worse still, the construction of the Berlin Wall hindered the unification of Germany. Until the end of the Cold War, the Berlin Wall (1989) could be pulled down and Eastern and Western Germany unified. It showed that the Berlin Crisis (1948-49) sowed the seeds of conflicts and split up Germany.
Secondly, in economic aspect, the Berlin Crisis widened the economic gap between Eastern and Western Germany. The US, Britain and France regarded the blockade of Germany as rudeness. Thus, they actively restored West Germany’s economy in order to establish a strong West Germany containing communist expansion in Europe. As a result, because of the Marshall Plan’s馬歇爾計劃 aid and Western European economic cooperation, economy of Western Germany flourished. The average national income of Western Germany was US$5,614 in 1974 which was second only to the US. It showed the West Germany was wealthy. On the other hand, Eastern Germany lacked capital to improve economy under Soviet control. Worse still, it was squeezed by Soviet planned economy. It widened the economic gap between the Eastern and Western Germany. It showed that the Berlin Crisis widened the economic gap between Eastern and Western Germany.
Thirdly, in military aspect, the Berlin Crisis led to emergence of military camps and confrontation. Since Western countries were fear of Soviet blockade in the Berlin Crisis, the US unified other countries of the North Atlantic region to form the NATO北約(1949). This defensive military alliance preserved the safety of capitalist bloc and contained the Soviet threat. Later, when Western Germany joined the NATO in 1955, the USSR was dissatisfied and thus formed the Warsaw Pact華沙公約組織 to confront the NATO. As a result, Europe was divided into two military camps (the NATO and Warsaw Pact) and proceeded struggles for decades. It showed that the Berlin Crisis facilitated the establishment of the NATO which confronted Soviet-led military organization.
In conclusion, the Berlin Crisis, which was the first conflict between the US and the USSR during the Cold War, had great significance. It split up Germany, widened economic gap between Eastern and Western Germany and facilitated the formation of military camps. It affected situation of Germany and the Cold War greatly.