其一,極權主義的興起也導致了二次大戰的爆發,但重要性不及凡爾賽和約的影響。極權國家的侵略行動一步一步地將世界推進戰火之中,如日本於1937年入侵中國,使亞洲的戰事爆發;德國的擴張更直接導致大戰的爆發,其先於1938年吞併奧地利及蘇台德區,後於1939年吞併捷克,最終,大戰於德國突襲波蘭後爆發。然而,就因果關係而言,軸心國的形成乃受到《凡爾賽條約》的影響,因德國作為軸心國的核心國,拉攏意、日結成「柏林—羅馬—東京軸心」(1937年),但納粹主義在德國興起正正因為凡爾賽和約的缺失所導致。因凡爾賽和約對德國極為嚴苛,令日後希特拉打著推翻《凡爾賽和約》的口號而上台,並於上台後積極發動侵略,以取回和約中失去領土,最終導致大戰的爆發。 可見,凡爾賽和約才是導致大戰爆發的最重要因素。
To what extent did the defects of the Versailles Settlement of 1919 cause the Second World War? Explain your answer.
After the First World War, the victorious nations held the Paris Peace Conference so as to determine the punishments imposed to the defeated nations. In the conference, the Big Three, which was headed by Britain, the US and France, enacted the harsh Treaty of Versailles to Germany. However, the defects of the Versailles Settlement in the political, economic and territorial aspects to a large extent led to the Second World War. Below, the importance of the treaty in leading to the outbreak of war would be first discussed.
In the political aspect, the harsh arrangement of the Treaty of Versailles fostered the rise of Hitler and became one of the most important reasons leading to the outbreak of war. The Treaty of Versailles《凡爾賽和約》 was extremely harsh to Germany, it limited the number of soldiers to 100,000, restricted the owning of submarine and air force. Worse still, Germany was forced to bear all war responsibility and this sparked off Germans desire to take revenge to the victorious nations. At the same time, the Weimar Republic威瑪共和政府 signed the humiliating treaty, making it failed to obtain support from people since it rose to power. Under this circumstance, Nazi Hitler希特拉 gained huge popularity with his goal of overthrowing the Treaty of Versailles. Hitler gradually overthrew the Treaty after he rose to power in 1933. For instance, Germany unitarily abolished the clauses on restricting the military power in 1935. He reintroduced conscription徵兵制 and set up navy and air force. Worse still, in order to resume Germany status as a world power, she actively expanded and invaded. For example, Germany invaded Czechoslovakia捷克and Poland波蘭 in 1939 and this directly led to the Second World War. This showed that the harsh Treaty of Versailles prompted the rise of Hitler and led to the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939.
Economically, the Treaty of Versailles sparked the discontent of Germany with the great damage to economy. Germany later initiated invasions and led to the outbreak of a world war. In the Paris Peace Conference, the powers neglected Germany’s ability to repay debts and demanded her to pay a great sum of USD$33 billion. It greatly harmed the German economy. For instance, Germany failed to repay debt in 1923. As a result, joint army from France and Belgium invaded the Ruhr魯爾 and caused great dissatisfaction of Germans. Apart from that, the Treaty of Versailles made Germany lost more than 10% population and territories. Also, important industrial cities including Alsace-Lorraine阿爾薩斯、洛林 were returned to France. Worse still, Germany lost all of her overseas colonies and this worsened her economy. The poor economic situation became a breeding ground of the rise of Hitler. In order to improve the internal economic problems, Hitler initiated invasions to strive for ‘living space’ 「生存空間」 after his rose to power. For instance, he annexed Czechoslovakia捷克 in 1939 and seized more territories and resources. As a result, the Second World War broke out under numerous invasions. This showed that the defects of the Versailles Settlement in the economic aspects led to the outbreak of Second World War in future.
As for territories, the territorial arrangement of the Treaty of Versailles paved the way to the outbreak of world war. In the Paris Peace Conference, the US President raised the Principle of National Self-Determination「民族自決」 which allowed people of the same race to build an independent nation and got their autonomy. For instance, the Treaty of Versailles allowed the independence of Poland波蘭 and she did not have to be ruled by other races. However, huge loopholes existed in this principle. Firstly, as a defeated nation, Germany was being excluded from the Principle of National Self-Determination. She was banned from annexing with Austria which shared the same ethnicity. The powers even ceded the land where lived Germans to other places. For instance, the Sudetenland蘇台德區 which lived 3-million people was given to Czechoslovakia and this sparked the dissatisfaction of Germany. This became a pretext for her to annex Sudetenland in 1938. Apart from that, the treaty neglected the balance of power勢力均衡 of the world. New small and weak states were established and they lacked great economic and military strength to counterbalance the invasion of powers. They later became the targets of aggressors. For instance, Germany and Soviet Union easily divided Poland波蘭 in 1939 and this became a major incident leading to the outbreak of Second World War. This showed that the loopholes existed in the territorial arrangement paved way to the outbreak of another world war.
Although the rise of totalitarianism, effects of the Great Depression and appeasement policy also paved way to the outbreak of Second World War, their significance was less than that of the defects of the Versailles Settlement.
Firstly, the rise of totalitarianism led to the outbreak of Second World War but it had less significance than the defects of the Versailles Settlement. Aggressions of totalitarian states gradually pushed the world towards wars. For instance, Japan invaded China in 1937 and sparked off wars in Asia; expansion of Germany even directly led to the outbreak of a world war. She first annexed Austria奧地利 and Sudetenland蘇台德區 in 1938 and later got Czechoslovakia捷克 in 1939. Eventually, the world war broke out after Germany assaulted Poland波蘭. However, in terms of casuality, the Axis Powers were formed under the influence of the Versailles Treaty. Germany, as a core nation of the Axis, lured Italy and Japan to form the “Berlin-Rome-Tokyo Axis” 「柏林—羅馬—東京軸心」(1937). However, the rise of Nazism in Germany was directly due to the problems brought by the Treaty of Versailles. Treaty of Versailles was extremely harsh to Germany and led to Hitler rise of power. This allowed Hitler to rise to power by promoting his aim of overthrowing the treaty. After his rose to power, he actively initiated aggressions so as to get back the lost land from the treaty. A World War was thus occurred. This showed that the Treaty of Versailles was the major factor leading to the outbreak of war.
Secondly, the Great Depression contributed to the outbreak of the Second World War but had less significance than the defects of the Versailles Settlement. Great Depression in 1929 on one side caused some democratic states such as Britain and France to be fallen into economic crisis and forced them to adopt the appeasement policy綏靖政策 in the 1930s to satisfy the aggressions of invaders. At the same time, it created a poor economic environment which facilitated totalitarists such as Germany and Japan to grab the political powers. These countries adopted foreign expansion to recover the economy. At the end, Second World War broke out under numerous invasions. However, in terms of causality, the American Great Depression could get Germany involved and promote the rise of Hitler because of the Treaty of Versailles. As the Treaty of Versailles demanded Germany to repay a huge indemnity of USD $33 billion, Germany needed to rely on the loans of the US, such as ‘Dawes Plan’「道茲計劃」(1924) and ‘Young Plan’ 「楊格計劃」(1929). As a result, when the Great Depression occurred, the US retreated the loans granted to Germany. A chain effect occurred and the unemployed population of Germany rose to 6 million. This paved way for the rise of Hitler and the occurrence of the invasions later. This showed that the defects of the Versailles Settlement were more important than the effects of the Great Depression.
Thirdly, the appeasement policy was a reason leading to the outbreak of world war, but it was less significant than the defects of the Versailles Settlement. Britain and France adopted the appeasement policy which used the diplomatic ways of giving in to satisfy the ambition of aggressors. For instance, in the Munich Conference慕尼黑會議 in 1938, Britain and France ceded the Sudetenland蘇台德區 to Germany. As a result, an adverse impact was created and the ambition of aggressors increased. They annexed the whole of Czechoslovakia捷克 in 1939 and led to the outbreak of war. However, in terms of cause-result relationship, the problems of the Treaty of Versailles provided an important psychological foundation for the appearance of appeasement policy. As Britain believed that the Treaty of Versailles was too harsh to Germany, Britain tended to sympathize Germany and think that she was just getting back the benefits Germany deserved. As a result, appeasement policy was adopted to Germany. For instance, when Germany reintroduced conscription徵兵制 in 1935 and expanded the navy, Britain did not stop her. Instead, the Anglo-German Naval Agreement《英德海軍協定》 was signed with Germany and allowed her to expand her army. This showed that the defects of the Versailles Settlement were more important than the appeasement policy.
To sum up, the defeats of the Versailles Settlement led the later rise of Hitler and numerous invasions. It is to a large extent led to the outbreak of Second World War. Although other factors also contributed to the outbreak of a world war, they are less important than the defects of the Versailles Settlement.