立場 1920年代對日本而言是影響重大的十年。經歷1920年代後,日本出現了天壤懸隔的轉變,大程度上是日本歷史的轉捩點。 // 架構以下將先討論政治、經濟、外交等方面的轉變,然後再分析教育及軍事方面的延續。
主旨句 政治方面,日本政治由1920年代前走向民主化,轉變為之後走向軍國主義化,是為轉捩點。 // 核心點前的情況於1920年代前,日本政治正逐步民主化,例如於1913年出現了第一次護憲運動,迫使政府需要廢除「軍部大臣現役武官制」,避免內閣再受軍部掌控。甚至,至1925年更加通過「普通選舉法」,允許年滿25歲的男性就擁有選舉權,大大提高了下議院的人民代表性。 // 核心點影響及核心點後的情況然而,由1920年代中後期,隨著政黨日趨腐敗,軍國主義者開始抬頭,例如在1927年軍國主義田中義一已獲任為首相。至1930年代,軍國主義進一步蠶食日本政治,取得政權。例如1932年「五一五事件」後,首相全由軍人出任,標誌著政黨政治的終結;1936年「二二六事件」後,「軍部大臣現役武官制」恢復,軍人再次操控內閣。至1940年,日本更成立了「大政翼贊會」以取締其他政黨,日本正式成為一黨專政國家。 // 對比相比之下,就發展趨勢而言,1920年代中期前,日本政治是走向民主化的發展,內閣權力提高,人民的權利增加,但至1920年代中後期開始,日本政治的民主化程度退減,取而代之的軍國主義勢力抬頭,進一步掌握日本政治,日本正式成為軍國主義國家,可見是日本政治發展的轉捩點。
To what extent could the 1920s be regarded as a turning point in Japanese history? Explain your answer with reference to the first half of the 20th century.
The 1920s was a decade of significant importance to Japan. With the sweeping changes in Japan during these ten years, the 1920s was a turning point in Japanese history to a large extent. This essay is going to discuss the changes in political, economic and diplomatic aspects, and examine the continuities in educational and military aspects.
Politically speaking, Japan was in its transition to democracy before the 1920s and moved towards militarism after that, showing that the decade was a turning point. Before the 1920s, Japan was taking its course of democratization. For example, the First Constitution Protection Movement第一次護憲運動 in 1913 pressurized the government to abolish the Military Ministers to be Active-Duty Officers Law軍部大臣現役武官制, which protected the Cabinet from military intervention. In 1925, the General Election Law普通選舉法 was also promulgated to give all men aged 25 or above the right to vote, greatly enhancing the representativeness of the lower house. However, since the mid-late 1920s, the militarists were on the rise against the backdrop of the incompetency of political parties, as exemplified by the rise to presidency of militarist leader Tanaka Giichi田中義一 in 1927. In the 1930s, militarism further corroded Japan’s politics and became the ruling ideology. For instance, the May 15th Incident五一五事件 of 1932, after which generals occupied the position of Prime Minister, marked the end of party politics. After the February 26th Incident二二六事件 in 1936, the military was again able to manipulate the Cabinet with the restoration of the Military Ministers to be Active-Duty Officers Law. In 1940, the Imperial Rule Assistance Association大政翼贊會 was established as a replacement of all other political parties, making Japan genuinely a country ruled by one-party dictatorship. In comparison, in terms of the direction of development, before the mid-1920s, Japan was moving towards democracy with greater power for the Cabinet and more rights for the people; however, after the mid-1920s, democratization in Japan lost its momentum, the rise of militarism followed and Japan subsequently became a militarist country. Therefore, the decade was a turning point for Japan’s politics.
Economically speaking, the change from rapid development to recession in Japan’s economy proved the period concerned a turning point. Before the 1920s, the Japanese economy thrived and boomed. Japan took over colonial interests in Northeast China after defeating Russia in the Russo-Japanese War日俄戰爭 of 1904-05, and monopolized the Chinese market during the First World War when the Western powers were preoccupied with wars. These opportunities led to the surge in trade and substantial economic development. However, in the 1920s, the Western powers returned to the competition for the Chinese market, and there were several economic crises for Japan, including the Great Kanto Earthquake關東大地震 of 1923 costing approximately US$30 billion, the Bank Crisis銀行危機 of 1927 leading to the closure of more than 30 banks, and the Great Depression經濟大蕭條 of 1929 with many factories shut down. As a result, Japan’s economy was ailing in the early 1930s with as many as 3 million people unemployed. The invasion of China did bring Japan more resources, but its total war effort against China since 1937 had caused a surge in military spending, which accounted for a whopping 99% of its national budget in 1944. Coupled with wartime destruction, Japan’s economy was overwhelmed and slipped into recession. In comparison, in terms of development trend, Japan’s economy developed rapidly and promisingly before the 1920s, but it suffered a downturn after several economic crises in the 1920s and remained on decline due to war efforts in the late 1930s. Therefore, the 1920s was a turning point for Japan’s economy.
Diplomatically speaking, Japan’s diplomatic preference changed from capitalist countries to totalitarian countries and this transition proved the decade a turning point. Before the 1920s, Japan was an ally of many capitalist states as exemplified by the Anglo-Japanese Alliance英日同盟 established in 1902. Japan was also one of the Permanent Members常任理事國 of the Council of the League of Nations國聯(1920) whose membership was predominantly capitalist. However, since the 1920s, other capitalist countries showed increasing suspicion and discrimination against Japan owing to its growing national strength. For example, Japan was forced to give up its concessions in Shandong at the Washington Conference華盛頓會議(1921-22), and Japanese people were denied immigration to America together with other yellow-skinned people according to the American Exclusion Act排外法案(1924). The unfair treatment led to growing hostility between Japan and capitalist countries, which aggravated their relationship as illustrated by Japan’s withdrawal from the League in 1933, and promoted the rise of militarism in favour of a more friendly relationship with other totalitarian countries. For example, Japan formed the Berlin-Rome-Tokyo Axis柏林—羅馬—東京軸心 with Germany and Italy in 1937 to formally confirm their partnership. Since then, Japan cooperated with other totalitarian countries and fought the Second World War against capitalist countries. In comparison, in terms of foreign relations, Japan remained close and friendly relationship with capitalist countries by the 1920s; however, after being repeatedly discriminated by capitalist countries in the 1920s, Japan became friendly with totalitarian countries and even fought the Second World War against capitalist countries. This was a fundamental change in Japan’s diplomatic preference.
From the above discussion, there were fundamental changes in Japan in political, economic and diplomatic aspects. However, the decade was not a turning point in educational and military aspects.
In educational aspect, Japan had high education standard and emphasized indoctrination before and after the 1920s, and the decade was thus not a turning point. In the early 20th century, Japan already had a high education level with its compulsory education extended from 4 to 6 years in 1907, as represented by its national enrolment rate of 97%. Also, the Japanese government attempted to promote loyalty and patriotism through indoctrination. For example, the Imperial Rescript on Education教育敕語 stated that education was not a self-improvement process but the service provided by the individuals to the state. In the 1920s, Japan’s education continued to develop and the scope was extended to tertiary education. By 1931, the title of doctor was granted to about 9000 people. In addition, the military takeover led to a tighter grip on education as illustrated by the unconsented introduction of military trainings at schools and dismissal of teachers promoting human rights and liberal thoughts. In comparison, education in Japan remained at a high level before and after the 1920s and the scope of educational development further extended from elementary education to tertiary education. Such extension was based on the existing foundation and did not constitute a turning point. Also, the Japanese government had absolute control over education throughout the first half of the 20th century. Therefore, the 1920s was a decade of continuity instead of a turning point.
In military aspect, Japan had always been developing its military power actively and the decade showed continuities instead of changes. Before the 1920s, Japan already had an aspiration for military build-up. As for navy, Japan had started research and development of advanced warships since the early 20th century. In terms of army, there were 13 infantry divisions equipped with modern weapons in Japan in 1906. The strength of Japanese army was too great to ignore and allowed Japan to defeat Russia in the Russo-Japanese War日俄戰爭(1904-05). In the 1920s, despite the rise of party politics, Japan’s devotion to military build-up continued unabated as proven by the completion of the world’s first standard aircraft carrier named Hosho鳳翔號 in 1922. As Japan entered the 1930s, its military development sped up even more with the military takeover and its further invasion of China. For example, the National Mobilization Law國家總動員法 was passed in 1938 to allocate 70% of its national budget for military purposes, greatly enhancing Japan’s military strength as exemplified by the 10430 A6M Zero Fighters零式戰鬥機 produced (during the Pacific War). Japan reached the peak of its military strength. In comparison, in terms of military development, Japan placed great emphasis on military build-up before and after the 1920s. With the substantial resources provided, Japan was powerful in military terms. Since Japan only further promoted its military development after the 1920s without fundamental changes, the decade was therefore a period of continuity instead of a turning point.
In conclusion, despite continuities in educational and military aspects, Japan in the 1930s showed drastic changes in political, economic and diplomatic aspects and was clearly different from what it had been in the 1920s. Therefore, the 1920s was a turning point to a large extent.