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立場 鄧小平復出及改革開放推行,使1978年在大程度上成為中國歷史的轉捩點。 // 架構中國在政治、農業、工商業、教育及外交方面的狀況均出現了嶄新的轉變,當然社會及軍事方面的延續情況亦不能被忽略。

主旨句 政治方面,中國由1978年前的階級鬥爭不斷轉變至1978年後的階級團結,為一轉捩點。 // 核心點前的情況 1978年前,毛澤東提出「以階級鬥爭為綱」的方針,剷除貪腐及反動勢力,例如在1951-52年推行三反五反運動,打擊貪污、盜竊國家經濟情報等分子。此外,毛澤東更於1966年發動了文化大革命,號召群眾打倒以劉少奇為首的「走資派」。結果,在1949-78年間,中國的政治鬥爭此起彼落。 // 核心點及核心點後的情況然而,至1978年鄧小平上台,其明白到階級鬥爭會導致中國處於動盪、混亂局面,不利於建設中國現代化。因此,其於1978年第十一屆三中全會中摒棄了「以階級鬥爭為綱」的方針,轉而團結全國官民,將重心投放於經濟建設,以實現政治安穩,避免再出現文革般的鬥爭以損害政治穩定,令中國在1978年政治狀況漸趨穩定。 // 對比(~20%)相比之下,1978年前毛澤東強調階級鬥爭,不斷號召人民進行革命以剷除反對勢力,令政治局勢動盪不穩,但1978年的鄧小平時期則背道而馳,反透過呼籲人民階級團結以發展經濟,使中國政治穩定下來,可見1978年是轉捩點。









To what extent was the year 1978 a turning point in Chinese history? Explain your answer with reference to the period 1949-2000.

The comeback of Deng Xiaoping and implementation of the Reform and Opening Up made the year 1978 a turning point in Chinese history to a large extent. China had revolutionary changes in political, agricultural, industrial and commercial, educational, and diplomatic aspects, despite continuity in social and military aspects.

Politically, the relentless class struggles before 1978 were replaced by class unity after that, and the year was therefore a turning point. Before 1978, Mao Zedong proposed 'taking class struggle as the key link以階級鬥爭為綱' to eradicate corrupt officials and reactionaries. For example, the 'Three-Anti' and 'Five-Anti' Campaigns三反五反運動 were launched during 1951-52 against those involved in, for example, corruption or stealing state economic information. Besides, Mao launched the Cultural Revolution文化大革命 in 1966 and called on the masses to fight against 'capitalist roaders' with Liu Xiaoqi as the leader. As a consequence, political struggles took place in China one after another in the period 1949-78. However, Deng came into power in 1978 and he realized that class struggles would only cause instability and chaos in China, which worked against China's modernization. Therefore, he abandoned the principle of 'taking class struggle as the key link' at the 3rd Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the CCP第十一屆三中全會 in 1978. Instead, he tried to unite the people and changed the focus to building the economy in order to achieve political stability and prevent another Cultural Revolution, stabilizing China's politics in 1978. Relatively speaking, before 1978, Mao stressed class struggles and urged the people to start revolutions against the opposition, making the political situation unstable; however, after 1978, Deng adopted the opposite approach and stabilized China by encouraging class unity for economic development. Therefore, the year 1978 was a turning point in this regard.

In agricultural aspect, the year 1978 was the turning point when the production mode changed from collectivized to individualized. Before 1978, the Chinese government gradually put agricultural collectivization into practice. For instance, it established 'Elementary Agricultural Producers' Cooperatives初級農業生產合作社' and 'Advanced Agricultural Production Cooperatives高級農業生產合作社' during the First Five-Year Plan (1953-57), and even the People's Communes人民公社 during the Great Leap Forward (1958-60) to further promote collectivized production. Although this mode was temporarily changed during the Readjustment (1962-66), the People's Communes were still running and collectivized production system based on production teams remained. However, Deng introduced the Reform and Opening Up in 1978 with the 'Household Responsibility System家庭聯產承包責任制', under which peasants were given contracted use of land. They could not only keep all crops they produced beyond production targets but also decide what crops to grow and how they were grown. As a result, the Communes running for years collapsed and were formally abolished in 1984.Comparatively speaking, China's agricultural production changed from collectivized before 1978 to individualized after 1978, and the People's Communes were moving towards disintegration after 1978. As there was transformation in China's agricultural production, the year concerned was a turning point.

In industrial and commercial aspect, the year 1978 was the turning point when the Chinese economy changed from closed to open and its level of freedom from low to high. Before 1978, the Chinese government did value heavy industry, but industry of China was self-sustaining and exclusive with only unofficial trade ties with foreign nations. In addition, China's nationalization policy and the unified purchase and marketing system統購統銷制度 controlled the supply of goods and allowed a low degree of freedom in the market. However, after 1978, with the Reform and Opening Up policy, China's commerce and industry not only developed rapidly but also opened up to the world gradually. For example, special economic zones經濟特區were established in the coastal cities Shenzhen and Zhuhai in 1980 to attract foreign capital and technology. The reform also led to a surge in China's volume of trade and made the country the world's largest trading nation in the early 21st century. Also, the Chinese market was granted greater freedom with the reform of state-owned enterprises that made them independent and self-financing, and the abolition of the unified purchase and marketing system in 1985. The business environment had an increasing level of freedom. Relatively speaking, China before 1978 was closed to foreign trade and remained self-sustaining, but after 1978 it put enormous effort into trade development and increased the degree of freedom of its market. Therefore, the year concerned was a turning point.

In educational aspect, China changed from disregarding education to emphasizing it in the year 1978, which could therefore be considered a turning point. Before 1978, education was not valued because Mao relied upon the power of the masses for modernization with disregard for expertise. This was best exemplified by the Great Leap Forward that lacked investment in technology and depended on the masses for construction. During the Cultural Revolution, knowledge was even regarded as the source of reactionary thoughts, and views such as 'study is useless讀書無用' and 'the more you study, the more foolish you become愈讀愈蠢' prevailed nationwide. However, after restored to power in 1978, Deng emphasized that education was the prerequisite for China's 'Four Modernizations '. Therefore, he brought colleges all over the country, including the 60 key universities, back into operation and added 28 more to the list of key universities, making the total number 88 in 1978. Also, universal education was achieved with the introduction of the Compulsory Education Law義務教育法 in 1986 to provide nine-year free and mandatory education. Comparatively speaking, China before 1978 ignored education and its educational development came to a standstill, but after 1978 it valued education and greatly promoted its development at elementary and tertiary levels. Therefore, the year 1978 should be a turning point.

In diplomatic aspect, the year 1978 was the turning point when China gave up isolation for multilateral diplomacy. Before 1978, China adopted the diplomatic policy of 'leaning to one side', under which it inclined to build close relationship with communist countries while maintaining hostility towards the capitalist ones, as exemplified by its participation in the Korean War韓戰(1950-53) against America and South Korea. This policy led to a rift between China and Western countries. Worse still, in the late 1950s, Mao had a disagreement with the Soviet leader Khrushchev赫魯曉夫 and there had been the Sino-Soviet split since then. Although China re-established and normalized its diplomatic relations with America and Japan in the early 1970s, the country was more diplomatically isolated before 1978. However, after 1978, with the Reform and Opening Up taking place, China made great efforts to improve its foreign relations, which were exemplified by the normalization of Sino-Soviet relations in 1989 and establishment of diplomatic relations with South Korea in 1992.By the end of the 20th century, China had recovered its diplomatic relations with most countries and been moving towards multilateral development. Relatively speaking, China was more diplomatically isolated and had bad relations with many countries before 1978, but it tried hard to re-establish foreign relations and develop multilateral diplomacy after that. Therefore, the year 1978 should be a turning point.

From the above discussion, there were dramatic differences in China before and after 1978 from political, agricultural, industrial and commercial, educational, and diplomatic points of view. However, the continuity in social and military aspects should also not be ignored.

In social aspect, the year 1978 marked the continuity in China's population problem and family planning policy. As early as the 1960s, the Chinese government sensed the pressure of population growth and set up the Family Planning Commission of the State Council國務院計劃生育委員會(1964) and the Family Planning Leading Group of the State Council國務院計劃生育領導小組(1973) to coordinate family planning work. After 1978, the population problem in China persisted and the government continued to make efforts to solve it. For example, the one-child policy一孩政策 was implemented in 1979 and the National Population and Family Planning Commission國家計劃生育委員會 established in 1981 to give directions to family planning. Although the one-child policy had alleviated the population problem since 1978, the Chinese population was approaching 1.3 billion in 2000 and the population explosion issue remained acute. Relatively speaking, the Chinese population problem persisted and became a critical issue for China during the second half of the 20th century, and the government had been adopting different policies accordingly to cope with the population pressure. Therefore, China differed not much before and after 1978 and there was only continuity in this aspect.

In military aspect, the year 1978 also marked the continuity in the development of China's national defense. Before 1978, China already put great effort into military build-up. For example, China successfully exploded its first atomic bomb原子彈in 1964 and became the world's fifth nuclear-armed state. Also, the number of the People's Liberation Army remained high and even reached 6.61 million in 1975, showing the CCP's emphasis on national defense. After 1978, national defense remained one of China's key construction projects, and Deng Xiaoping even stressed how important it was to China by putting it as one of the 'Four Modernizations'. After the Reform and Opening Up, the government cut its army's size to reduce expenditure. In 1985, the size of the PLA was reduced by a million. But at the same time it put more focus on the quality and equipment of the army. In addition, the government made considerable efforts to design and produce high-tech weapons. For example, the research and development of 'Jian-10' began in 1986 and its prototype made the first flight in 1998. The development of national defense also received great support after 1978. Comparatively speaking, in the period 1949-2000, the government strategically lowered the number of its army, but it kept making national defense one of its priorities and made great efforts to develop military technology represented by atomic bombs and fighter aircrafts. Therefore, what China experienced before and after 1978 was continuity instead of changes.

In conclusion, with the Reform and Opening Up being implemented in 1978, China underwent dramatic changes in political, agricultural, industrial and commercial, educational, and diplomatic aspects. Although the year 1978 only brought continuity instead of changes in some aspects such as the social and military ones, it was still a turning point to a large extent.

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