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架構 20世紀下半葉香港的社會發展經歷了顯著的變化,包括在人口轉變、文化、都市化等方面。探究塑造香港社會發展的因素,中國因素、政府因素和本地因素均是其中原因。 // 立場當中,中國因素在很大程度上塑造了香港社會的發展。

主旨句其一,中國因素塑造了20世紀下半葉香港的人口變化情況。 // 主項重要性 中國的局勢與香港人口轉變的情況息息相關,例如由於1949年中共建國及文化大革命(1966-76年)的出現,共產政權的管治及動盪的局勢使大量中國居民逃離至港,結果使香港人口劇增,估計於1950-80年間,由中國大陸逃離至港的人數就高達250萬人,而單單在1960年代,就有幾乎100萬的中國居民偷渡來港,佔了當時香港人口的約30%,反映中國的難民潮使香港的人口數目迅速增加。此外,隨著1984年中、英兩國簽訂《中英聯合聲明》,確定香港於1997年回歸中國,加上1989年的六四事件反映了中共的高壓管治,因此使不少港人對回歸中國產生恐懼,掀起了1980-90年代港人的移民潮,估計高達30多萬港人移居海外。雖然1997年前的移民潮使部分港人遷出香港,但同時,由於每日均有150名中國居民透過「單程證」來港,結果使香港人口不但未有因回歸前的移民潮而減少,反繼續有所上升。 // 小結可見,中國因素大大塑造了香港人口的轉變。




主旨句 其一,政府因素也有助塑造香港社會的發展,但重要性不及中國因素。 // 他項重要性基於港英政府對香港的社會文化實行不干預的政策,因此使不同文化能夠得以在港發展,包括中國、西化及東南亞文化等,塑造出香港多元文化共存的特徵。此外,港英政府的政策亦直接影響了香港人口的變化,例如其於1950-70年代初沒有採取有力措施打擊偷渡客,結果使大量人口湧入,以致香港人口數量急劇增加,至1974年及1980年分別採取「抵壘政策」及「即捕即解政策」後,才有助放緩人口增長的速度。 // 駁論然而,中國因素對於香港社會發展的重要性大於港英政府的管治。就兩因素的性質而言,香港政府對於香港社會的發展較為被動,鮮有干預香港社會的發展,只有在問題觸及其管治時才會干預。相反,中國因素是主動因素,中國大量移民的湧入不但加劇了人口增長的情況,衝擊了香港文化的發展,並推動了都市化的進程,較港英政府的管治更直接影響了香港社會的發展。 // 小結可見,中國因素在香港社會發展一事上較政府因素重要。



To what extent was Hong Kong’s social development in the second half of the 20th century shaped by the China factor?

In the second half of the 20th century, the social development in Hong Kong experienced fundamental changes, including population changes, cultural development, urbanization and so one. China factor, government factor and local factor were major factors in shaping social development in Hong Kong. Indeed, to a large extent, Hong Kong’s social development was shaped by the China factor.

Firstly, China factor shaped Hong Kong’s population changes in the second half of the 20th century. Hong Kong’s population changes were closely related to China’s situation. For example, owing to the emergence of People’s Republic of China中共建國(1949) and Cultural Revolution文化大革命(1966-1976), the ruling of CPC and chaotic situation led to inflow of immigrants from China to Hong Kong. Consequently, Hong Kong’s population increased drastically. About 2.5 million of people escaped from China to Hong Kong during 1950-1980. Especially in the 1960s, about 1 million of Chinese escaped to Hong Kong which was account for 30% of the total population of Hong Kong. It reflected that the inflow of refugees難民潮 from China led to drastic increase in Hong Kong’s population. Furthermore, the signing of Sino-British Joint Declaration中英聯合聲明(1984) stated that the sovereignty of Hong Kong would be transferred to China in 1997. Thus, when June Fourth Incident六四事件(1989) occurred, which reflected the high-handed ruling of CPC, many Hong Kong people were fear of the transfer of sovereignty to China, resulting in waves of emigration移民潮 of Hong Kong residents during 1980s-1990s. About 300 thousand of Hong Kong people migrated to foreign countries. Despite the fact that the waves of emigration led to outflow of Hong Kong people, 150 mainlanders holding “One-way Permits單程證” came to Hong Kong every day meanwhile, thus increasing population in Hong Kong. It showed that China factor shaped Hong Kong’s population changes.

Secondly, China factor shaped Hong Kong’s cultural development in the second half of the 20th century. China factor had a great influence on Hong Kong’s cultural development. Since Hong Kong was a Chinese society, Chinese culture was deep-rooted in the society. Thus, Hong Kong culture was closely related to China’s. For instance, Sichuan food川菜 and Beijing food京菜 in Hong Kong were originated in Chinese food culture. Moreover, the inflow of immigrants from China in the second half of the 20th century contributed a lot to Hong Kong’s cultural development. At that time, a lot of Chinese artists migrated to Hong Kong. For example, Shen Wei Chang沈葦窗, who was a famous cultural figure in Shanghai, actively promoted Beijing opera京劇 and Kun opera崑曲 in Hong Kong. Those Chinese artists converted traditional Cantonese operas into Cantonese films and showed them at cinemas. For example, about 60 movies of “Huang Feihong黃飛鴻傳” were filmed in the 1950s. It enhanced the development of Hong Kong movie industry. Besides, in the late 20th century, the importance of Mandarin enhanced because of the transfer of sovereignty of Hong Kong. Most of the secondary and primary schools set up Mandarin lesson. Some of them even taught Chinese subject by Mandarin. It shaped the cultural characteristics of “biliteracy and trilingualism兩文三語” in Hong Kong. It showed that China factor was the major factor in shaping Hong Kong’s cultural development.

Thirdly, China factor facilitated Hong Kong’s urbanization. In the second half of the 20th century, because of a huge inflow of immigrants from China, the population of Hong Kong increased rapidly. The problem of overcrowding on Hong Kong Island and Kowloon Peninsula worsen. Therefore, the government developed the New Territories in order to ease the problem of shortage of land in urban areas. For instance, Kwun Tong and Tsuen Wan were designated as satellite towns衛星城市 in the 1950s. Tsuen Wan, Sha Tin and Tuen Mun were developed into satellite towns in the 1960s. Besides, most of the immigrants from China were impoverished and they lived in squatter huts or bedspace apartment. Their living condition was poor. Worse still, the Cultural Revolution in China incited the lower income groups to be discontented, thus resulting in 1967 riots六七暴動. It greatly threatened the rule of the government in Hong Kong. Therefore, the government facilitated the progress of urbanization, actively improved people’s living standard so as to ease their discontent. For example, the government introduced the Ten-Year Housing Program十年建屋計劃(1972) and planned to provide equipped, ideal living environment of low public housing for 1.8 million Hong Kong citizens within ten years. It enhanced the progress of urbanization in the New Territories. It showed that China factor facilitated Hong Kong’s urbanization.

There were other factors such as government factor and local factor in shaping Hong Kong’s social development. However, they were less important than China factor.

Firstly, government factor shaped Hong Kong’s social development, but it was less important than China factor. Since the government implemented non-intervention policy不干預政策 over Hong Kong culture, different cultures such as Chinese, Western, Southeast Asian cultures could be preserved and developed in Hong Kong. It shaped the characteristic of multicultural coexistence in Hong Kong. Moreover, the government directly affected Hong Kong’s population changes. For instance, the government never adopted effective policy to combat illegal immigrants. Thus, a lot of immigrants came to Hong Kong and increased population rapidly. Later, the government adopted Touch Base Policy抵壘政策and Repatriation Scheme即捕即解政策which slowed down the population growth. However, China factor was more important than government factor in shaping Hong Kong’s social development. In terms of nature, the government was passive and it seldom intervened in social development as well. Only if problems threatened its ruling, it would intervene and regulate. In contrast, China factor was active factor. Since the inflow of immigrants from China increased population rapidly and had a great influence on Hong Kong’s cultural development and urbanization. China factor took an active role in affecting Hong Kong’s social development. It showed that China factor was more important than government factor in shaping Hong Kong’s social development.

Secondly, local factor shaped Hong Kong’s social development, but it was less important than China factor. Local factor, including natural population growth and local cultural development shaped Hong Kong’s social development. For example, the post-WW2 baby boom嬰兒潮 increased Hong Kong’s birth rate from 25% to 40% (1945-1956). It led to an increase in population. Furthermore, with the Hong Kong’s economy prospered in the second half of the 20th century, citizens had a higher demand for recreation. Thus, it facilitated the development of local movies and Cantonese songs. Hong Kong movie industry and singing culture flourished. However, China factor was more important than local factor in shaping Hong Kong’s social development. Regarding influence on population changes, although local factor and China factor both had significance in increasing population during 1950s-1960s, the natural birth rate declined in the 1970s, thus declining in local factor’s importance. Instead, since there were waves of emigration of Hong Kong residents before Hong Kong Handover and 150 mainlanders holding “One-way Permits單程證” came to Hong Kong every day, they led the changes of Hong Kong’s population. Besides, regarding culture, a lot of Chinese artist migrated to Hong Kong and laid the foundation for the development of Hong Kong movies and music. Cultural development thus became diversified and flourishing in future. It showed that China factor was more important than local factor in shaping Hong Kong’s social development.

In conclusion, despite the fact that government factor and local factor shaped Hong Kong’s social development, they were less important than China factor. Thus, to a large extent, Hong Kong’s social development was shaped by the China factor.

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