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立場 1967年的暴動是香港有史以來最大規模的暴動,事後,港英政府為了緩和人民的不滿聲音,掀起了大規模的改革運動,使1967年後的政治及社會方面出現了許多的轉變,在大程度上是轉捩點。 // 架構以下,將印證政府對民意的重視態度、法定公營機構及反貪運動、社會福利措施等方面是轉捩點。

主旨句 政治方面,1967年暴動令政府對民意的重視態度由輕視改變為重視,為一轉捩點。 // 核心點前 1967年暴動前,雖然政府在施政時會諮詢本地華人社團的意見,例如鄉議局(1926年)就是政府與新界鄉民溝通的橋樑,但政府對民意的重視程度不高,在制訂政策時較少徵收民意,同時也缺乏吸納民意的政府機構,令港人意願往往受到忽視。 // 核心點的影響及核心點後的情況然而,1967年的暴動為港英政府的統治敲響警號。六七暴動歷時近8個月,是香港開阜以來最大規模的暴動。事後,港英政府希望透過增加官民溝通的渠道以緩和人民的不滿聲音,避免暴動再次出現。例如,政府於1968年開展「民政主任計劃」,把香港與九龍劃分為10個區域,在各區設立民政處以收集民意。及後,於1982年更進行首次區議會選舉,允許港人以投票方式積極參與該區的事務,加強人民對政治的參與。 // 對比(~20%) 相比之下,就政府對民意的重視程度,1967年暴動前港英政府輕視民意,但六七暴動卻使港英政府產生統治危機,使其於1967年後廣設諮詢機構,更允許港人參與地區政治,對民意的重視程度大大提高,因此是一轉捩點。







To what extent were the 1967 riots a turning point in Hong Kong’s history? Explain your answer with reference to the history of Hong Kong in the 20th century.

The 1967 riots were the largest scale turmoil ever in Hong Kong’s recorded history. In the aftermath of that, the British Hong Kong government introduced sweeping reforms in an effort to remedy the people’s grievances, leading to many political and social changes after 1967 that made the year a turning point to a large extent. This essay is going to prove this with reference to the government’s attitude towards public opinion, statutory public bodies and anti-corruption campaigns, and social welfare policies.

In political aspect, the 1967 riots prompted the government to change its attitude towards public opinion from disregarding to listening, serving as a turning point. Before the 1967 riots, the government did consult local Chinese associations about its governance, including the Heung Yee Kuk鄉議局(1926) as a channel of communication between the government and New Territories villagers, but it did not put much emphasis on the popular view and rarely considered that when formulating policies. Also, there was a lack of government departments to collect public opinion and the will of Hong Kong people was often ignored. However, the 1967 riots served as a wake-up call to the British Hong Kong government for its governance. Spanned nearly eight months, the riots were the largest in Hong Kong in terms of scale since its founding. After this incident, the government wanted to alleviate the people’s discontent and prevent the recurrence of a similar riot by creating more channels of communication with them. For example, the government launched the City District Officer Scheme民政主任計劃 in 1968 to divide Hong Kong Island and Kowloon into ten districts and set up a City District Office民政處 in each district to collect public opinion. Afterwards, it held the first District Council election區議會選舉 in 1982 and allowed Hong Kong people to get involved in affairs within the district they belonged to, promoting their political participation. Comparatively speaking, regarding the extent of British Hong Kong government concerning public opinion, the British Hong Kong government before the riots ignored public opinion, but the 1967 riots gave rise to a crisis of governance that prompted the government to establish many advisory bodies and allow its people to take part in regional political affairs after 1967. Therefore, the year was a turning point with regard to the increasing emphasis on public opinion.

Politically speaking, the 1967 riots were the turning point leading to the advent of statutory public bodies and anti-corruption campaigns. Before 1967, due to its scant attention paid to people’s livelihood, the British Hong Kong hardly set up any statutory public body aimed at improving people’s lives. Meanwhile, despite the serious corruption problem before 1967, there was not enough pressure from society on the government forcing it to combat corruption by ways like setting up organizations dedicated to investigation of corruption cases. However, the 1967 riots made the government realize that it was necessary to improve people’s standard of living in order to stem their discontent. On the other hand, it also reflected the discontent of the citizens over the corruption of the government officials. Different types of statutory public bodies therefore burgeoned, including the Hong Kong Housing Society香港房屋協會(1973), Consumer Council消費者委員會(1974) and Mass Transit Railway Corporation Limited地下鐵路公司(1975), to provide all kinds of services to the people as a way to dispel their grievances. Moreover, one of the reasons for the riots was people’s disaffection with how corrupted government officials were. Hence, regarding anti-corruption activities, in an attempt to regain reputation and popular support, the government established the ICAC廉政公署 in 1974, which was committed to eliminate corruption and promote education against corruption, to start anti-corruption campaigns after the riots. Comparatively speaking, regarding statutory public bodies and anti-corruption activities, there were not many statutory public bodies and corruption was serious before 1967, but these organizations mushroomed and anti-corruption campaigns were in full swing after the 1967 riots. Reversing the situation completely, the riots were clearly a turning point.

In social aspect, the 1967 riots changed the government’s attitude towards social welfare from passive to active. Before 1967, it was true that the government restructured the Social Welfare Office into the Social Welfare Department社會福利署 in 1958, and introduced the ‘low-cost housing scheme’ in 1961 to provide social welfare for those in need. However, the government’s social welfare policies were more passive before 1967, characterized by smaller scale and more restrictions. For example, the ‘low-cost housing scheme廉租屋計劃’ had income limits and the lower class was excluded from the coverage. However, the 1967 riots demonstrated the extreme dissatisfaction of the people towards their lives, and the government, with a view to pacify its citizens, introduced a wave of social policies after 1967. Afterwards, regarding the relieve of poverty, a public assistance scheme公共援助計劃 was introduced in 1973 to provide financial aid for those living in difficult circumstances. In terms of housing, the Ten-year Housing Programme十年建屋計劃 was introduced in 1972 to provide 1.8 million Hong Kong citizens with self-contained public housing flats. In terms of education, compulsory education of six years was enforced in 1971 and extended to nine years in 1978. These show that the government had taken an active role in providing social welfare. Comparatively speaking, regarding social welfare reform, the government took a passive attitude towards social welfare before 1967, but the 1967 riots reversed this situation and the government showed a positive attitude by implementing extensive social welfare policies covering different scopes and benefiting many. The year was therefore clearly a turning point.

However, in some aspects, the 1967 riots gave rise to continuities rather than act as a turning point.

Politically speaking, the 1967 riots only marked a continuity of the Chinese elite’s involvement in government affairs. Before 1967, the British Hong Kong government had already been absorbing the Chinese elite into its structure for better governance. As for administrative officer, Paul Tsui Ka-cheung徐家祥 became the first Chinese AO in 1948. As for the Executive and Legislative Councils, there were three and five Chinese members in these two councils respectively in 1962. It was clear that the government had already included the Chinese elite in Hong Kong’s governance before the riots. Until the 1967 riots, the incident shows the citizen’s dissatisfaction towards the government. After the 1967 riots, to relieve the dissatisfaction, the government further brought more Chinese into the government in order to comfort its people. For example, the number of Chinese administrative officers increased from 12 in 1962 to 23 in 1968, and eventually reached 91 in 1978. For the two councils, the number of Chinese members also increased from 11 to 19 (ExCo) and from 10 to 23 (LegCo) in the period 1966-74. These show an increasing number of the Chinese elite holding key positions in the government and getting involved in the governance of Hong Kong. Comparatively speaking, in terms of the Chinese participation in the government, the government started introducing the Chinese elite into its structure by appointment before 1967, and the riots only sped up this process and allowed more Chinese people to be promoted to senior government positions. In this regard, the 1967 riots represented continuity instead of a turning point.

Economically speaking, the 1967 riots were not the turning point that changed the industries driving Hong Kong’s economy. Since 1959, Hong Kong’s total exports had outweighed the total re-exports. This indicated the successful economic transition of Hong Kong from entrepot to industrial city with manufacturing as its core industry. Rapid development could be seen in different light industries, including textile, clothing and plastic industries in the 1950s as well as the production of electronics, watches, clocks and toys in the 1960s. It was clear that manufacturing was already the major industry of Hong Kong before the riots. After the 1967 riots, the disturbances impaired investors’ confidence in Hong Kong. As a result, their investment in the city only took up less than 20% of its GDP in the late 1960s, showing a sharp decline. But this created only short-term impact and did not cause any fundamental change in Hong Kong’s economic structure. Afterwards, the city’s economy was still based on industry and the manufacturing industry demonstrated its importance to the economy by contributing the most to employment and the GDP of Hong Kong in the 1970s. Comparatively speaking, in terms of the economic development in Hong Kong, Hong Kong’s economy was driven by industrial development before and after the 1967 riots, and although steady economic diversification was seen starting from the late 1970s, it was a result of China’s reform and opening up policy instead of the riots. Therefore, the 1967 riots were not a turning point that changed the industries driving Hong Kong’s economy and they led to continuity only.

In conclusion, although the 1967 riots brought only continuities of the inclusion of the Chinese elite and industries driving Hong Kong’s economy, they caused fundamental changes in areas like the government’s attitude towards public opinion, statutory public bodies and anti-corruption campaigns, and social welfare policies. These changes greatly influenced the overall situation of Hong Kong and the riots were therefore a turning point to a large extent.

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