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(a) 漫畫想帶出甚麼主要信息(3分)




(b) 一般人對一次大戰影響婦女地位的一項誤解是甚麼(3分)




(c) 第一次世界大戰是否令歐洲變得更加好[S+K](7分)













(a) What is the major message of the cartoon (3 marks)

The main message was the satire on France that was dishonest and cared only about its own interests and considerations.

From the Source, when there was a war, France said that it was ‘our affair’ and welcomed soldiers from ‘England’, ‘Italy’ and ‘USA’ in the war to help. But as soon as it ended, the peace became ‘my affair’ for France and it ignored all ‘suggestions’, ‘ideas’ and ‘hints’ of other countries. The cartoonist should think that France had a capricious attitude and only did things that would benefit it.

The title of the source ‘Then and Now’ was a satire on France that extended welcome when needing other countries’ help but ignored their opinions when not needing it anymore. Its act of use and dump showed its selfish attitude and dishonesty.

(b) What is the one misunderstanding that the public held towards the impact of the First World War to the women status (3 marks)

A general misunderstanding was that women’s status was greatly enhanced and there was already universal suffrage.

The author stated that it was a general understanding that people valued the wartime contribution made by women and for this reason female ‘had been given the vote in most of Europe’. This was the popular view about the enhancement of women’s status after the world war and most people thought that universal suffrage was already granted to women.

However, ‘France extended the franchise to women only in 1944’ and it was even later for countries such as Italy and Romania. It was not true that universal suffrage for women was made possible by WW1 given that many countries had it only until the 1940s, and this was just their misunderstanding.

(c) Does the First World War improve Europe[S+K](7 marks)

I agree to a small extent.

It was true that as Source F shows, feminist movements were not popular in Eastern and Southern Europe before WW1 but the world war led to ‘breakthroughs’ in many countries and hence ‘women had been given the vote in most of Europe’. This helped raise women’s status and promote gender equality, giving good impact.

Also, from my own knowledge, there were frequent racial conflicts in Europe before WW1, including the Sarajevo Incident (1914). But after WW1, the powers proposed the principle of ‘national self-determination’ and established small nation states such as Poland. This facilitated national unity and created a better Europe.

Moreover, there was no international peacekeeping organization before WW1, but the powers established the League of Nations after WW1 to settle disputes, including the Italian bombardment of Corfu Island that was stopped in 1923. It helped resolving conflicts and created a better Europe.

Furthermore, the arms race was severe before WW1 but had abated after the war due to strict arms control on defeated countries. For example, Germany was required to limit its army to 100000 men, and the Fourteen Points also included the suggestion of arms reduction. These alleviated the problem of arms race and helped create a better Europe.

However, the First World War did not make Europe a better place to a large extent.

From Source E, France saw it as ‘our affair’ when there was war back ‘then’ but it claimed the peace to be ‘my affair’ when there was no war ‘now’ in 1923 and ignored all ‘suggestions’, ‘ideas’ and ‘hints’ of other countries. In other words, although there was no war in 1923, the power became increasingly uncooperative and Europe did not become better.

From Source F, in terms of women’s suffrage, many European countries did not grant their female citizens right to vote after the First World War. For example, ‘France extended the franchise to women only in 1944’, and Italy and Romania were also being late. Therefore, the positive impact of the First World War on women’s status was limited and should not be overestimated.

From Source F, there was no big improvement in gender inequality before and after the world war since ‘society was still completely male-dominated’ and women ‘remained largely discriminated against’. Be it in Britain or in France, women still could not enjoy equal status with men. The positive impact of the First World War should thus not be overestimated.

From my own knowledge, there was a balance of power in Europe between Britain, France, Russia, Germany and Austria-Hungary, but the First World War led to the collapse of the Russian, German and Austro-Hungarian Empires, and establishment of many small nation states. This gave rise to the power vacuum in Eastern and Southern Europe and made it easier for future aggressors to start a war. It paved the way for another world war and did not create a better Europe.

In addition, totalitarianism was not popular in Europe before WW1, but the world war led to the collapse of Russia and establishment of the communist Soviet Union. Also, the post-war arrangements upset Germany and Italy, being an important cause of Mussolini’s accession to power in Italy in 1922 and Hitler’s early rise. It was clear that WW1 did not create a better Europe but brought about a plague of totalitarianism there and caused much harm.

Although the First World War had good impact in some ways, but it was not to be overestimated. In fact, the unfavourable situation caused by WW1 not only made European countries more distant but also gave rise to totalitarianism that was harmful to the continent’s development. Therefore, the world war created a better Europe to a small extent only.







【DSE-樣本試卷-Essay-07 】追溯並解釋德國和法國在20世紀期間的關係發展。



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