(a) 歸納兩種維持和平的努力(4分)
(a) 漫畫家對和平的前景持什麼看法?(3分)
(b) 你認為1900-14年間,維持和平的趨勢是否較軍事對抗的趨勢更強?(8分)
(a) Conclude two types of peacekeeping efforts. (4 marks)
The first type was to promote disarmament. From the Source, the Nobel Peace Prize was to be awarded to people who worked for ‘the abolition or reduction of standing armies’, including Louis Renault who won the prize in 1907 as ‘a significant contributor to the two Hague Conferences’, and Auguste Beernaert who got the prize in 1909 as an ‘active peace promoter at the two Hague Conferences’. It was clear that before the First World War, the international community made active efforts to promote disarmament in an attempt to slow down the arms race and create peace.
The second type was to establish peacekeeping organizations. From the Source, many Nobel Peace Prize winners were either founders or key members of peacekeeping organizations, including Frederic Passy who was the President of the French Peace Society and a founder of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, and William Cremer who served as Secretary of International Arbitration League. It was clear that many peacekeeping organizations were established among the international community to promote friendliness among nations and resolve conflicts with the ultimate goal of maintaining peace.
The third type was to facilitate negotiations. From the Source, US President Roosevelt earned himself the Nobel Peace Prize for ‘negotiating peace in the Russo-Japanese War in 1904-05’. It was clear that members of the international community would attempt at negotiating and mediating conflicts in order to establish peace.
The fourth type was to hold peace conferences. From the Source, the Nobel Peace Prize was to be awarded to those who worked for ‘the holding and promotion of peace congresses’, including Louis Renault who won the prize in 1907 as ‘a significant contributor to the two Hague Conferences’, and Auguste Beernaert who got the prize in 1909 as an ‘active peace promoter at the two Hague Conferences’. It was clear that before the First World War, the international community made active efforts to hold peace conferences in order to create a peaceful climate.
(The same clue is used for promoting disarmament and holding peace conferences. Students are advised to choose either of the two arguments.)
(b) What was the cartoonist’s view towards the prospect of peace? (3 marks)
The cartoonist thought that peace could be easily achieved and he was optimistic about the prospect.
When depicting the Balkan Crisis, the cartoonist portrayed the British Prime Minister as Prince Charming of the fairy tale ‘Sleeping Beauty’ who came to the princess’ rescue to ‘liberate her from the evil spell by kissing her’. Apparently, the cartoonist considered it as easy as the prince saving the princess in the fairy tale for Britain to resolve the Balkan Crisis and bring about peace.
The caption of the cartoon indicated that ‘Sir Edward Grey’ told Peace in ‘the language of diplomacy’ to wake up if she pleased. Clearly,the cartoonist thought that peace was something that could be easily achieved as long as Britain was willing to make mediation efforts.
The Source was a ‘cartoon published in a British magazine’ and Britain was portrayed as Prince Charming saving the princess with a pigeon flying around them, all of which displayed a very positive image of Britain. Apparently, the cartoonist magnified the importance of Britain in resolving the Balkan Crisis and thought Britain could bring about peace easily, being very optimistic about the prospect of peace.
(c) Do you agree that the trend of peacekeeping was stronger than that of military rivalry in the period 1900-14? (8 marks)
I do not agree.
It was true that there were continued peacekeeping efforts among the international community.
From Source G, the international community demonstrated its untiring commitment to promoting peace by establishing many peacekeeping organizations such as the Inter-Parliamentary Union, Permanent International Peace Bureau and International Arbitration League, and facilitating the Two Hague Conferences. In the 1910s, the Permanent International Peace Bureau also ‘coordinated and directed peace movements of different countries’. Clearly, the international community became increasingly involved in and went all out for peacekeeping, contributing to a strong trend of peacekeeping.
From Source H, the cartoonist portrayed the British Prime Minister as Prince Charming of the fairy tale ‘Sleeping Beauty’ who came to the princess’ rescue to ‘liberate her from the evil spell by kissing her’. Apparently, the cartoonist thought that Britain stepped forward to resolve conflicts during the Balkan Crisis and brought about peace in Europe. Its proactive involvement in the crisis showed that Britain wanted peace and tried to avoid military confrontation.
From my own knowledge, the powers also used colonial ententes as a way to maintain peace. After the success of the Franco-Italian entente in 1900 that put an end to the signatories’ colonial disputes, it became increasingly common for nations to resolve their conflicts through ententes, as exemplified by the Entente Cordiale between Britain and France in 1904 and the Anglo-Russian Entente in 1907. It was clear that colonial ententes became a common way for the powers to resolve their colonial disputes and the settlement of such conflicts did contribute to peace.
The powers also held peace conferences and signed peace treaties to maintain peace. For example, during the First Moroccan Crisis, the Algeciras Conference was held in 1906 to settle the disputes between Germany and France. As for the Second Moroccan Crisis, the two countries also signed the Treaty of Fes to resolve conflicts. It was clear that conferences and treaties were ways continuously adopted by the powers to resolve conflicts and prevent wars.
However, the trend of military rivalry was still stronger.
From Source H, the introduction to the Source suggested that ‘the Balkan Crisis was still ongoing’ in 1912. It was clear that nations in the period concerned opted for violence instead of peaceful settlement at the time of confrontation and this contributed to more crises and wars.
From my own knowledge, Germany had increasingly fierce military rivalry with France and Russia. Germany formulated the Schlieffen Plan against France and Russia in 1905, while France and Russia also made the Plan 17 (1913) and Plan 19 (1912) respectively that marked their coalition against Germany. It was clear that there was military confrontation between the two sides and it was intensified by the war plans they made.
There was also intensifying military rivalry between Germany and the coalition of France and Britain. Since the beginning of the 20th century, there had been a fierce navy arms race between Britain and Germany. Britain maintained a cruiser superiority of 2:1 over Germany in response to the latter’s naval build-up. In addition, in order to guard itself against German naval threats, Britain signed with France in 1912 the Anglo-Franco Naval Agreement, under which Britain shall focus on matching Germany in the English Channel while France shall focus its efforts on the Mediterranean Sea. It was clear that Germany had escalating military confrontation with France and Britain, which even formed a coalition that underlined the rivalry between the two sides.
Germany and Austria-Hungary also had heightening military rivalry with Russia and Serbia. During Austria-Hungary’s annexation of Bosnia-Herzegovina in 1908, Germany supported Austria-Hungary against Russia and Serbia and their tension was so great that a world war could happen at any moment. After the assassination of the heir presumptive to the throne of Austria-Hungary by a Serbian extreme nationalist in 1914, Germany even offered a blank cheque to show its support for Austria-Hungary while Russia became the first country to declare general mobilization in support of Serbia. It was clear that military actions of both sides escalated steadily and their rivalry even turned the Sarajevo Incident into a world war.
Upon comparison, in terms of the Balkan Wars, it was true that Britain and other nations made mediation efforts that forced Bulgaria and Serbia into signing the Treaty of London; however, both sides were discontented with the treaty and the Second Balkan War broke out shortly afterwards. The preference of Balkan countries for military rivalry over peace treaty eventually led to a succession of wars.
Upon comparison, in terms of the First World War, during the Sarajevo Incident, both sides made no peacekeeping attempts and were instead eager for military actions. For example, Austria-Hungary insisted on starting a war despite the fact that Serbia accepted most terms of the ultimatum; Germany implemented the Schlieffen Plan swiftly; and the President and Prime Minister of France visited Russia to show their support against Germany and Austria-Hungary. It was clear that many nations adopted a hard-line military approach rather than a peaceful one and the trend of their military rivalry was apparently stronger than that of peacekeeping.