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冷戰 - 歷史事件簿(下)


26. 《不擴散核武器條約》Non-Proliferation Treaty(NPT) (1968年)

A. 《不擴散核武器條約》的簽署背景及原因:


B. 《不擴散核武器條約》的宗旨:

Ø 防止核武擴張;

Ø 推動核裁軍;

Ø 促進和平使用核能源的國際合作。

C. 《不擴散核武器條約》的意義:

Ø 美、蘇合作制定限制核武的條約,反映美、蘇關係有所緩和,亦有助推動日後的裁軍會議及協定。

26. Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)《不擴散核武器條約》(1968)

A. Background and Reasons for signing NPT:

UN raised the framework for discussing prohibition of nuclear weapons in 1950s. France and China tested nuclear installations in 1960 and 1964 respectively. US and USSR feared that their military advantage would be harmed as more nations developed nuclear technology. In addition to this, the two nations were almost into war due to Cuban Missile Crisis. Thus, US and USSR began their secret conferences in 1966, and established NPT with 59 nations' signature of it in July 1968.

B. Objectives of NPT:

Ø Prevent expansion of nuclear weapons;

Ø Advocate disarmament of nuclear weapons;

Ø Pursue international cooperation in peaceful use of nuclear energy.

C. Significance of NPT:

Ø Cooperation between US and USSR in setting limitations on nuclear weapons reflected mitigation of US-USSR intense relationship, favouring future disarmament conferences.


27. 第一期限制戰略武器會議(SALT I)(1969-72年)

A. 第一期限制戰略武器會議的出現背景及原因:

隨著1968年《不擴散核武器條約》的簽訂,加上軍備競賽帶來了沉重經濟負擔,美、蘇開展了一系列的限制武器會議,而第一期的限制戰略武器會議由1969年11月開始,歷時2年半。結果,美國總統尼克遜和蘇聯總書記布里茲尼夫於1972年5月簽訂了《第一階段限制戰略武器條約》Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty I(SALT I),限制了兩國長程導彈的數目。

B. 第一期限制戰略武器會議的意義:

Ø 美、蘇為緩和冷戰的對峙關係和軍備競賽的其中一個嘗試。

27. Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty I (SALT I)第一期限制戰略武器條約(1969-72)

A. Background and Reasons for signing SALT I:

US and USSR initiated a series of disarmament conferences as armaments race brought great economic burden and large number of nations signed NPT (1968). Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty Conference Phase I started in November 1969 abd lasted for 2.5 years. President of United States Nixon and leader of Soviet Union Brezhnev signed SALT I《第一階段限制戰略武器條約》 in May 1972, limiting both nations' number of missiles.

B. Significance of SALT I:

Ø It served to be an attempt between US and USSR in mitigating Cold War’s intense relationship and armaments race.


28. 第二期限制戰略武器會議(SALT II)(1972-79年)

A. 第二期限制戰略武器會議的出現背景及原因:

第一期限制戰略武器會議完成後,美、蘇隨即開始了第二期限制戰略武器會議。會談始於1972年11月,談判持續了7年多之久,曾舉行了約300次會談,最終於1979年6月,美國總統卡特與蘇聯總書記布里茲尼夫簽訂了《第二階段限制戰略武器條約》Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty II(SALT II)

B. 第二期限制戰略武器會議的意義:

Ø 美、蘇為緩和冷戰的對峙關係和軍備競賽的其中一個嘗試。

Ø 事實上,會議成效甚微,因隨著蘇聯於1979年12月入侵阿富汗,美、蘇關係再度緊張,美國國會擱置了條約的通過。

28. Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty II (SALT II)第二期限制戰略武器條約(1972-79)

A. Background and Reasons for signing SALT II:

SALT II conferences continued after the signature of SALT I in November 1972. SALT Il《第二階段限制戰略武器條約》 was signed between United States President Carter and leader of Soviet Union Brezhnev in June 1979 after conducting 300 meetings in 7 years.

B. Significance of SALT II:

Ø It served to be an attempt between US and USSR in mitigating Cold War’s intense relationship and armaments race.

Ø Yet, SALT II was of low effectiveness as Soviet Union’s occupation in Afghanistan in December 1979 again intensified US-USSR relationship, leading to the delayed passing of SALT II in United States.


29. 美、蘇領導人的互訪(1972-73年)

A. 美、蘇領導人互訪的背景及原因:


B. 美、蘇領導人互訪的意義:

Ø 官式的訪問顯示兩國關係有所改善,是1970年代冷戰緩和的代表例子之一。

29. Exchanged visits of leaders of US and USSR (1972-73)

A. Background and Reasons for exchanged visits of leaders of US and USSR:

President of United States Nixon尼克遜 had visited Soviet Union in 1959 as the Vice-President. President Nixon officially visited Soviet Union in May 1972, making him the first president making official visit to Soviet Union. Leader of Soviet Union Brezhnev布里茲尼夫 also officially visited United States in 1973.

B. Significance of exchanged visits of leaders of US and USSR:

Ø Exchanged visits of US and USSR reflected that US-USSR relationship improved, which could be used to illustrate the mitigation of Cold War in 1970s.


30. 《赫爾辛基協定》Helsinki Agreement (1975年)

A. 《赫爾辛基協定》的簽訂背景及原因:


B. 《赫爾辛基協定》的內容:

Ø 互相尊重各國的主權、出現衝突時避免使用武力、不可侵犯各國的邊界和不干涉別國內政;

Ø 促進締約國的貿易和減少貿易屏障;

Ø 促進各國互相接觸,包括文化交流及被邊界隔離的家人團聚等;

Ø 締約國遵從上述協議,並繼續進行多邊談判。

C. 《赫爾辛基協定》的意義:

Ø 兩大陣營共同出席會議,並簽訂互相尊重的條約,是1970年代冷戰緩和的重要例子。

30. Helsinki Agreement《赫爾辛基協定》(1975)

A. Background and Reasons for signature of Helsinki Agreement:

Foreign Minister of Soviet Union Molotov莫洛托夫 had once proposed calling for European Conference in discussing European collective security in 1954. Yet, Molotov's idea was banned as most Western nations assumed that Soviet Union wished to extend its national strength. Soviet Union called for the Conference for several times yet it failed. As disarmament conferences were held in 1960s, as well as US-USSR relationship became milder, Helsinki Conference was successfully called in 1972 and held in July 1973. NATO member nations, Warsaw Treaty Organization member nations and neutral European nations participated and signed the Helsinki Agreement in August 1975.

B. Content of Helsinki Agreement:

Ø Mutual respect of each nation's sovereignty, prevention of using military force in solving conflicts, prohibition of violating other nations' boundaries and other nations' political intervention;

Ø Promotion of trading amongst signed nations and reduction of trade barriers;

Ø Promotion of multi-national exchanges, including cultural exchanges and family reunion;

Ø Continuation of multilateral discussions with signatories complying with the aforementioned agreemtn.

C. Significance of Helsinki Agreement:

Ø A conference with participation of both camps and signature of agreement with mutual respect, which illustrated the mitigation of Cold War in 1970s.


31. 美蘇聯合太空任務Joint Space Project between the US and Soviet Union (1975年)

A. 美蘇聯合太空任務的出現背景及原因:

隨著1970年代的美、蘇關係緩和,兩國於太空上出現首次的合作。由於事前美國和蘇聯已共同研發靠站設備,故於1975年7月,美國阿波羅太空船Apollo spacecraft與蘇聯的聯合號Soyuz對接,兩國太空人分別到對方太空船上進行拜訪,並實現美、蘇間的首次太空握手。

B. 美蘇聯合太空任務的意義:

Ø 歷史上首次兩個國家合作的載人太空任務,反映美、蘇關係有所緩和。

31. Joint Space Project between US and Soviet Union美蘇聯合太空任務(1975)

A. Background and Reasons for Joint Space Project between US & USSR:

US and USSR started their first space cooperation after mitigation in relationship in 1970s. As US and USSR started bilateral cooperation in docking station development, docking of Apollo spacecraft阿波羅太空船 and Soyuz聯合號 occurred in July 1975, with each nation visiting another's spacecraft and conducted space handshaking.

B. Significance of Joint Space Project between US & USSR:

Ø First manned joint space project between US and Soviet Union, which reflected mitigation of US-USSR relationship.


32. 蘇聯入侵阿富汗Afghanistan (1979年)

A. 蘇聯入侵阿富汗的背景及原因:


B. 蘇聯入侵阿富汗的意義:

Ø 蘇聯入侵阿富汗結束了1970年代的緩和氣氛,使美、蘇關係再次惡化,如美國率領西方國家於1980年杯葛莫斯科奧運會Moscow Olympics,蘇聯也於同樣聯同華沙公約成員國杯葛1984年的洛杉磯奧運會Los Angeles Olympics

Ø 直至1985年戈巴卓夫Gorbachev上台後,並於1988年開始撤離於阿富汗的軍隊,美、蘇關係才得以正常化。

32. Soviet Union invading Afghanistan阿富汗(1979)

A. Background and Reasons for Soviet Union invading Afghanistan:

Soviet Union had longed for its expansion to Afghanistan which shows geographical proximity to USSR due to its rich oil and coal resources. Soviet Union initiated 3 political coups in Afghanistan during 1973-79 in establishing puppet regime. Yet, Afghanistan's government in 1979 after 3rd political coup cleared supporters of USSR in its political party to consolidate its rule. Hence, Soviet Union suffered from great political intervention in controlling Afghanistan. Leader of Soviet Union Brezhnev布里茲尼夫 decided to conduct military intervention in Afghanistan and sent its troops to Afghanistan in December 1979.

B. Significance of Soviet Union invading Afghanistan:

Ø US-USSR relationship was again aggravated and international atmosphere became less peaceful. Moscow Olympics莫斯科奧運會(1980) was boycotted by most Western countries led by US, while Los Angeles Olympics洛杉磯奧運會(1984) was boycotted by Soviet Union and member states of Warsaw Treaty Organization.

Ø After Gorbachev戈巴卓夫 took rule in 1985, he decided to conduct retreat of army in 1988 that improved US-USSR relationship.


33. 「星戰計劃」(SDI) (1983年)(或稱「戰略防禦計劃」)

A. 「星戰計劃」的產生背景及原因:


B. 「星戰計劃」的內容:

1983年3月,美國總統列根Reagan於電視節目發表有關於「戰略防禦計劃」Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)的演說,打算利用太空的人造衛星及地面的地對空導彈進行多層次的攔截,以保衛美國及其盟國。因此,美國邀請了許多盟國作出不同程度的參與,如英國、意大利、以色列及日本等。

C. 「星戰計劃」的結果:


D. 「星戰計劃」的意義:

Ø 「星戰計劃」的提出令蘇聯大為緊張,掀起了新一輪的軍備競賽,更將競賽場地由地球移至太空,短期內惡化了大國的關係。

Ø 蘇聯也提出了其太空的戰略佈署計劃,但由於費用高昂,沉重的軍費開支成為蘇聯解體的遠因之一。

33. Strategic Defensive Initiative (SDI)星戰計劃/戰略防禦計劃(1983)

A. Background and Reasons for initiating SDI:

United States shared almost equal number of nuclear weapons with Soviet Union in 1980s. United States was only having the advantage of having more nuclear warheads, yet less number of flying devices and weaker effective capacities than USSR. US knew that its advantage of possessing nuclear weapons was diminishing, thus wished to intercept Soviet Union's missiles in Space to reduce Soviet Union's threat. In addition, United States would like to initiate space armaments race to destruct Soviet Union's economy with its own strong economy.

B. Content of Strategic Defensive Initiative:

President of United States Reagan列根 expressed his wish to use artificial satellite in space and ground-to-air missiles to conduct multi-layer missile interception in protection of United States and its allies in a speech related to Strategic Defensive Initiative (SDI)戰略防禦計劃 given in a TV programme March 1983 - Britain, Italy, Israel and Japan were also invited to participate in certain aspects.

C. Results of Strategic Defensive Initiative:

SDI was planned to launch in 1994. Yet, Soviet Union dissolved in 1991, together with SDI's expensive cost and high technological requirement, SDI was called off in 1993.

D. Significance of Strategic Defensive Initiative:

Ø Soviet Union was greatly anxious about SDI, thus opened a new era for armaments race, expanding the battlefield to the space and worsened relationship in a short period of time.

Ø Soviet Union also raised its space plan for defensive purposes, yet the cost was too high and contributed to the dissolution of Soviet Union.


34. 戈巴卓夫Gorbachev的上台(1985年)

A. 戈巴卓夫的上台背景及原因:


B. 戈巴卓夫上台的意義:

Ø 戈巴卓夫較為年輕、開化,嘗試為推動蘇聯民主化的進程,並且試圖重建經濟。

Ø 戈巴卓夫主動與西方打好關係,如1985年上台後隨即與美國總統列根及英國首相戴卓爾夫人會面,對於緩和及結束冷戰極具重要性。

34. Gorbachev戈巴卓夫Rising to Power (1985)

A. Background and Reasons for Gorbachev rising to power:

Gorbachev was elected as the General Secretary of Soviet Communist Party and became the leader of Soviet Union in March 1985.

B. Significance of Gorbachev rising to power:

Ø Gorbachev was of younger age and more open to new ideas, thus he attempted in democratizing Soviet Union and reconstructing Soviet Union's economy.

Ø Gorbachev took initiative in building friendly relationship with Western nations, such as meeting President Reagan and Margaret Thatcher immediately when he took rule in 1985, which marked his great importance in ending Cold War.


35. 《中程導彈裁撤條約》(INF)(1987年)

A. 《中程導彈裁撤條約》的簽署背景及原因:

自戈巴卓夫上台後,其友善的態度贏得了西方國家的好感。於1986年起,戈巴卓夫與美國總統列根先後舉行了4次首腦會談和會晤。至1987年,兩國就中程導彈的裁減達成共識,於12月簽訂了《中程導彈裁撤條約》Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF)

B. 《中程導彈裁撤條約》的意義:

Ø 反映美、蘇關係和軍備競賽有所緩和的例子之一。

35. Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF)《中程導彈裁撤條約》(1988)

A. Background and Reasons for signing INF:

Gorbachev won the applauses from Western nations due to its friendly attitude. Gorbachev conducted 4 discussions with President of United States Reagan since 1986. United States and Soviet Union came up with agreement in reducing intermediate-range missiles, thus signed Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) 《中程導彈裁撤條約》 in December 1988.

B. Significance of Intermediate-Range Forces Treaty:

Ø It reflected the mitigation of US-USSR relationship and armaments race.


36. 美、蘇舉行馬爾他首腦會議Malta Summit (1989年)

A. 美、蘇舉行馬爾他首腦會議的背景及原因:

冷戰的局勢已經逐步瓦解,美、蘇兩國領導人喬治布殊George Bush(老布殊)和戈巴卓夫Gorbachev於地中海Mediterranean的馬耳他Malta進行會晤。會議上,美國表示支持蘇聯推行改革,而蘇聯也承諾不會干預東歐國家的內政。

B. 美、蘇舉行馬爾他首腦會議的意義:

Ø 戈巴卓夫與美國總統喬治布殊宣布冷戰結束,指「將冷戰丟進地中海」buried the Cold War at the bottom of the Mediterranean,是冷戰結束的其中一個代表例子。

36. US and USSR holding Malta Summit馬爾他首腦會議(1989)

A. Background and Reasons for US and USSR holding Malta Summit:

Leaders of United States and Soviet Union George Bush喬治布殊 and Gorbachev戈巴卓夫 met in Malta馬耳他 in Mediterranean Sea地中海 as Cold War began to diminish. United States supported Soviet Union's reforms and Soviet Union promised not to intervere Eastern European nations' governance.

B. Significance of US and USSR holding Malta Summit:

Ø President of United States George Bush and Gorbachev announced the end of Cold War and claimed that “buried the Cold War at the bottom of the Mediterranean” 將冷戰丟進地中海 which served as an example of the end of Cold War.


37. 東歐變天Democratic movements in Eastern Europe (1989-91年)

A. 東歐變天的背景及原因:


C. 東歐變天的意義:

Ø 蘇聯放棄了過往對東歐國家的嚴厲控制政策,使東歐國家脫離蘇聯統治而獲得自治,也是標誌冷戰結束的例子之一。

Ø 在東歐變天一事上,戈巴卓夫的放任態度使國內的傳統派不滿,導致日後「八一九事變」的出現。

37. Democratic Movements in Eastern Europe東歐變天(1989-91)

A. Background and Reasons of Democratic Movements in Eastern Europe:

Eastern European people requested for political reforms and introduction of democracy and freedom after Gorbachev announced its non-interfering attitude. After the large-scale strike and protest in Poland in 1988, many Eastern European states conducted protests and demonstrations. In the end, Eastern European communist governments surrendered and fell off as free elections started to emerge

C. Significance of Democratic Movements in Eastern Europe:

Ø Soviet Union abandoned its harsh manipulating rule on Eastern European nations, enabling these countries to gain independence which could illustrate the end of Cold War.

Ø Gorbachev’s passive attitude infuriated the Conventionalists in Soviet Union, leading to “August Coup”八一九事變.


38. 《歐洲常規裁軍條約》(CFE)的簽訂(1990年)

A. 《歐洲常規裁軍條約》的背景及過程:

早於1980年代中期起,蘇聯與美國已積極為裁軍問題進行談判。至1989年,裁軍議題由美、蘇兩國擴至北大西洋組織及華沙公約組織。經過7輪的談判後,北大西洋組織和華沙公約組織共22個國家的首腦於巴黎簽訂了《歐洲常規裁軍條約》Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty (CFE),作出了較全面的裁軍規定。

B. 《歐洲常規裁軍條約》的意義:

Ø 《歐洲常規裁軍條約》被視為是冷戰結束的標誌之一,因北大西洋組織和華沙公約組織放棄軍事的對立,共同裁軍以緩和氣氛。

38. Signature of Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty (CFE)《歐洲常規裁軍條約》(1990)

A. Background and Reasons for signing CFE:

Soviet Union and United States actively discussed on disarmament in mid-1980s. Disarmament discussion extended from US and USSR to NATO and Warsaw Treaty Organization in 1989. After 7 rounds of discussions, 22 national leaders from NATO and Warsaw Treaty Organization signed Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty (CFE) 《歐洲常規裁軍條約》, making more all-round disarmament requirements.

B. Significance of Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty:

Ø It served to be a symbol of the end of Cold War as NATO and Warsaw Treaty Organization abandoned their military confrontation and disarmed together in mitigating the atmosphere.


39. 華沙公約組織Warsaw Treaty Organization瓦解(1991年)

A. 華沙公約組織瓦解的背景及原因:


B. 華沙公約組織瓦解的意義:

Ø 結束了過往北大西洋組織與華沙公約組織的長期對峙局面,有助緩和國際氣氛。

Ø 華沙公約的瓦解使傳統派不滿,導致日後「八一九事變」August Coup的出現。

39. Dissolution of Warsaw Treaty Organization華沙公約組織(1991)

A. Background and Reasons for dissolution of Warsaw Treaty Organization:

With the diminishing Communist regimes in Eastern Europe, the taking-over regimes were no longer prone to Soviet Union’s manipulation. Thus, the new governments of Eastern Europe did not support Warsaw Treaty. Under such circumstance, Soviet Union announced the end of military purposes served by Warsaw Treaty in March 1991. Up to that time, the effectiveness of Warsaw Treaty was eradicated. The dissolution of Warsaw Treaty Organization took place in July 1991.

B. Significance of dissolution of Warsaw Treaty Organization:

Ø It ended the long confrontation between NATO and Warsaw Treaty Organization and alleviated the international atmosphere.

Ø It made the Conventionalists of Soviet Union dissatisfied, leading to the emergence of August Coup八一九事變.


40. 「八一九事變」August Coup (1991年)(或稱「八月政變」)

A. 「八一九事變」的發生背景及原因:


B. 「八一九事變」的過程:

Ø 8月19日,傳統派發動政變,解除戈巴卓夫的職務,並將戈巴卓夫軟禁於克里米亞Crimea。同時,宣佈國家進入緊急狀態,並派軍隊進入莫斯科。但激進派分子葉利欽Yeltsin譴責政變,並號召人民和軍隊反擊。

Ø 8月21日,政變失敗告終。雖然戈巴卓夫恢復職務,但勢力大減,反而葉利欽成為民族英雄。

C. 「八一九事變」的意義:

Ø 由於戈巴卓夫於「八一九事變」後勢力大減,激進派的葉利欽要求戈巴卓夫推行更全面的民主政治改革,廢除共產黨對於蘇聯的控制,最終成為蘇聯瓦解的要因。

40. August Coup八一九事變(August Putsch) (1991)

A. Background and Reasons for the occurrence of August Coup:

Conventionalists of Soviet Union were greatly infuriated by Gorbachev’s reforms, democratic movements in Eastern Europe and dissolution of Warsaw Treaty Organization. This led to the initial satellite states to deviate from Soviet Union’s control. Gorbachev even planned to lay down full autonomy in governance to Soviet Socialist Republics in August 1991. Thus, the Conventionalists planned to regain its sovereignty through political coup.

B. Process of August Coup:

Ø Conventionalists initiated the political coup on 19th August with the dismissal of Gorbachev’s job position. He was house arrested on 19th August in Crimea克里米亞. Moreover, Soviet Union entered the State of Emergency and sent troops to enter Moscow. However, activist Yeltsin葉利欽 condemned the coup and called for civil and military revenge.

Ø The political coup failed on 21st August. Though Gorbachev resumed his position as the leader of Soviet Union, his influence reduced greatly while Yeltsin was considered as hero amongst citizens.

C. Significance of August Coup:

Ø Gorbachev’s influence greatly reduced after August Coup. Activist Yeltsin requested Gorbachev for more all-round democratic and political reforms to abolish Communist rule over Soviet Union and served to be the main reason for the dissolution of Soviet Union.


41. 蘇聯瓦解Dissolution of the Soviet Union (1991年)

A. 蘇聯瓦解的背景及原因:


及後,蘇聯原本的加盟共和國紛紛宣佈獨立,並於12月成立了獨立國家聯合體(簡稱「獨聯體」) Commonwealth of Independent States(CIS),蘇聯正式瓦解。

B. 蘇聯瓦解的意義:

Ø 隨著蘇聯的瓦解,結束了長達40多年美、蘇對峙的冷戰局面,標誌了冷戰的真正完結。

41. Dissolution of Soviet Union蘇聯瓦解 (1991)

A. Background and Reasons for the dissolution of Soviet Union:

Soviet Union became a loose republic after Eastern Europe’s democratic movements and autonomy granted on Soviet Socialist Republics. In addition, as the influence of Yeltsin grew after August Putsch, a more all-round political reform was requested. Thus, Gorbachev resigned from General Secretary of Soviet Communist Party in December 1991 and proposed dissolution of Soviet Communist Party. After such, Soviet Socialist Republics announced independence and formed Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) 獨立國家聯合體(簡稱「獨聯體」) in December. Soviet Union officially dissolved.

B. Significance of dissolution of Soviet Union:

Ø 40-year confrontation between Soviet Union and United States officially ended which symbolized the end of Cold War.

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【DSE-樣本試卷-Essay-07 】追溯並解釋德國和法國在20世紀期間的關係發展。



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